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kingkeld的日记, 2012年01月13日

I had a visit from the weight-gain fairy last night. And she was extremely generous too. Could someone please point her to someone else's house next time? :/

I gained 1.7 kgs(!) (that's more than 3 lbs to you Americans) overnight! I'm not even sure how that's possible. I am, however sure how it happened. Only one meal can really have done it, as it's out of the ordinary.

Wife and I had a little date night yesterday evening. Nothing big and fancy, but we did end up eating at the local Chinese restaurant. She had a few Chinese dishes, and I went for the Mongolian BBQ. It's pretty cool for me, as it's basically a salad (I choose to not add meat) that you mix, and then they stir-fry in a little bit of oil. They know of my weight loss journey and put a lot of effort into NOT drenching it in oil. I really appreciate them for that. I didn't eat a lot, about 5 cups of salad (after frying, probably around 2 1/2 cup), so that's not really ANY calories (food log says 55 cals) and then a little oil and soy sauce. And here is the kicker. The soy, which is relatively low calorie, was SUPER SALTY. I didn't realize until I was a good chunk into the food, and it didn't really bother me. But it's the only thing I can see really could make a difference like this.

Sure, I had my ice cream. I always do. It doesn't affect like this. I also had chocolate. It's calculated. I went for my 1800 calories and I did just fine. Soy sauce is the culprit, I think. Even if I have miscalculated something, it would never equal the weight gain. To miscalculate and have a 1.7 kg fat gain I would have to miscalculate around 10,000 calories. Not very likely.

I'm perfectly fine with the gain, other than of course the fact that it's highly annoying. It'll be gone in a few days. That's the bother - I was hoping to record a new low again for Saturday morning, but it's not very likely to happen now. Then comes Indulgence Day through Saturday and I can start over, and hopefully reach a new low NEXT Saturday. I'll just have to suffer the consequences and wait another week for a low. I'll survive it, I'm sure.

The main thing to focus on here is that it's NOT a fat gain.

So, today I changed my morning schedule around. It's not as comfortable as what I normally do, but it works.

I have changed it to spend more time with Wife in the mornings. I have missed our little talks and laughs as we get ready, since we started doing our morning exercises. She needs to do hers first, so she can shower and get ready. Normally, I'd do mine right after and get ready, and I would finish about the same time as she leaves to go to work. This took away our talk in the mornings. Oh, how I missed it.

Yesterday I simply skipped my exercises to get to spend time with her, but this is of course not a good long-term option. So instead, I get ready with her, as much as I can. I cook breakfast for us, and shave, go to the restroom, weigh in and everything pre-workout that I can do. Then, when she leaves, I will do the workout, shower and get ready for work.

This of course means that my journals we be coming a little bit later than what you guys are used to. Sorry about that. I know that some of you actually stay up and wait for it. I can't say how proud you guys make me. It's so weird to know that there are actually people WAITING to read what I write. It, of course, keeps me super dedicated to my journey, but it also puts a lot of pressure on me. What should I write today? What would be interesting? What if I can't come up with anything? What if nothing really happened yesterday that triggers my thoughts? I hope I don't disappoint you guys too often.

Today is a BUSY day.

I got some extra tasks at work that I need to do today, along with my usual interviews. I am off at 1:30 PM today (as I do every Friday) and then I have a few off-duty meetings that I need to do this afternoon. After that, I'm gonna hit the gym. I haven't been there since Monday, as I went for a nice, sunny walk on Wednesday instead, but I want to make sure to do a session today to not get out of the habit of going. I'll be there around 3:30 PM, and done at 5. Then home, eat, and be picked up to go rehearse with The Black Peanut at 5:40. Damn, that's gonna be a long, intensive day. It BETTER burn some calories!

Maybe this will also make me drop some of the water that I seem to be holding on to. I hope so. I want it gone ASAP.

Today I am thankful for
- Not getting a chance to get bored today. :)
- Meeting new, exciting people at my afternoon meeting.
- Morning chat with wife as in the "good old days". How I missed it!
- NOT getting a visit from the Weight Gain Fairy tonight. She better stay the heck away!

So, let's all cheer and root for me losing 1.7 kgs of water AND some fat by tomorrow morning! :)

Life is good!
82.9 公斤 最近减少: 72.1 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2012年01月13日:
1801 千卡 脂肪: 56.03克 | 蛋白质: 105.52克 | 碳水物: 214.62克.   早餐: Dry or Hard Salami, Rye Bread, Egg. 午餐: Cucumber (with Peel), Frikadelle, Rye Bread. 晚餐: Spanish Rice, Chicken Breast (Skin Not Eaten). 小食/其他: Sweet or Dark Chocolate, werther, isis, Cream Cheese, French or Vienna Bread (Includes Sourdough). 更多的......
3699 千卡 运动: 步行(轻快的) - 6.5公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 跑步(慢跑) - 8公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 健美操(轻型的,例如居家运动) - 30 分钟, 坐着 - 3 小时 和 30 分钟, 站立 - 5 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 1 小时, 玩乐器 - 4 小时, 睡眠 - 8 小时. 更多的......
一星期增加11.9 公斤

Hi Keld, water retention is terrible. It happened to me a few months ago, for the first time in my life and that scared the hell out of me. It was then when I decided that I need to change my ways... I cut down a lot on my salt intake since then too. 
2012年01月13日 会员:: Ryan75
I wouldn't worry about the weight...probably water weight from the salt/soya sauce...chances are you will lose it in a day...stick to your exercise plan and drink lots of water... Thanks for commenting on my journal each day...kind of a kick to know someone is reading it...even though it is mostly for my own records...keep up the great work and have a wonderful day, buddy!! Later. 
2012年01月13日 会员:: madjak30
Here's to you losing that pesky water-retention weight! Great thoughts again today, glad you have a busy day to keep yourself out of trouble!! :) well, the clock has struck midnight, so I'm off to sleep - can you start posting a few hours earlier so I can get to sleep sooner?? Haha just kidding.. Good night!! 
2012年01月13日 会员:: erika2633
Well... water retention could be it... or also remember muscle weighs more than fat and it looks leaner. So maybe you did a few more exercises are that is catching up with you and trimming the fat and adding the muscle... that is a much more pleasant thought. Good luck to you it sounds like you are on the right path  
2012年01月13日 会员:: Crazy Karen
Its amazing what a mental boost putting family first can give you. Good call on making the time available to spend with your woman. That's the stuff great happiness derives from. Enjoy every second with her you get. Hope after you chug your water it flushes out the salt and you see a big whoosh in the next couple of days. 
2012年01月13日 会员:: Dani_Suave
i'm pretty sure you will lose all that water and fat till tomorrow. i cross my fingers for you, keld! :) and i LOVE the mongolian BBQ...we have here just around the corner a mongolian BBQ restaurant where "all you can eat" is everyday dinnertime. :) 
2012年01月13日 会员:: joelae
Oh No... The weight loss fairy came to visit me last night. :) This morning I had a 3 lb loss. I'll make sure to point her in your direction if she drops by tonight again! LOL! I'm so excited, I haven't had a big loss like that in months (I started Zumba this week.). You do such a terrific job in taking care of yourself. I'm sure you will be down again tomorrow. Your wife is very blessed to have you! Good Night! 
2012年01月13日 会员:: moondove
Hang in there Kingkeld! I was just speaking the virtues of stir fry in my journal, although we use low sodium soy sauce. It is so key to asian cooking though. I am sure you will roll with the punches and overcome this glitch. Was there any beers involved? Drink lots of water! And enjoy your time with your wife, that's a good thing to do. Be grateful your not married to Paula Dean.  
2012年01月13日 会员:: posterchild66
@Posterchild - No beers involved at all! Just water! 
2012年01月13日 会员:: kingkeld
You'll lose it - like you said, it's not fat. And are your scales working properly now? 
2012年01月13日 会员:: Earthlady
What a pain....I know that you know, it is not fat - merely water retention - never the less it is annoying. I am having Chinese tomorrow - (90th birthday bash) FIL request. I love it, but wish it wasn't so salty, I am sure it would be just as good with low sodium soy sauce. Have a good night jamming :-) 
2012年01月13日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Dang water retention..Please send that weight gain fairy to outer space the aliens need it more than we do...All the ones I have seen on TV are way too skinny..LOL... 
2012年01月13日 会员:: BHA
I don't actually wait up for your journal entry King!!! LOL!!! It is just that I am up late sometimes and it tickles me when I can read about your tomorrow when I am still in my today!!! Dang water retention indeed!!! It could happen Keld. You could still have another new low this week. And if memory serves me correctly you have already recorded one new low this week? Have a great day ... enjoy your new routine with the love of your life. We'll survive. Tee hee!!! 
2012年01月13日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Good morning, Keld! I have been catching up on your journals this morning. I feel like I have been to a thought-provoking lecture. Very cool! I just looked up soy sauce. Did you just 1 tablespoon has 1006 milligrams of sodium? Hee Hee! Drink lots of water... need to flush that nasty stuff out. Also, some of the Chinese-type restaurants (here in the USA) use MSG in their foods to preserve it on the buffet table. I bloat up if I consume that stuff. Makes me feel awful. I ask before I eat there if they use MSG. So, not to worry about the weight gain... that fairy has been to my house too... the ol' biddy. I drank some vino last night... so it was that, or the salted, roasted almonds I had with it. :o) 
2012年01月13日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
Think positive: water weight will come off quickly. Hope your Friday is as fun and fast as you're expecting it to be. :) I hope your new schedule in the mornings works out- spending time with your wife is worth it.  
2012年01月13日 会员:: just.keep.swimming
weight-gain fairy. That's funny, Keld. I knew when you said soy sauce, it was water gain. Regular sodium (i use wheat-free tamari) is like 900g sodium per tbsp, and that's against your 1500g per day recommendation. The water will come off quickly. Hope you get a chance to catch up with your wife later today. 
2012年01月13日 会员:: Helewis
Ok.. I may come off as a little bit of a creeper here but I swear I was just curious.. I went back in your journal to January 13, 2011, and this is part of what I found: "I lost a measly 100 grams today, bringing my weight down to 129.4 kgs. I am still 200 grams from my lowest, two days ago. I will probably be there tomorrow or Saturday. We'll see." Well, I had to go and do some converting, and I saw that 129.4 kilograms = 285.3 pounds.. So since last year on this date, you've lost 102.5 pounds! Wow! 
2012年01月13日 会员:: erika2633
That's perspective, Erika! Love it.  
2012年01月13日 会员:: Helewis
Thanks, Erika. It's nice to have this pointed out. Sometimes, we get frustrated when we don't reach the next immediate step, and forget the big picture. I'm of course aware that I lost a lot (I can't help noticing it from time to time LOL!), but I get very focused on getting that next step in there, and forget a little more what I have already done. I'm sure we all do that now and then. I keep reminding Wife about this, when she is frustrated learning Danish (which is NO easy feat). Thanks for reminding me. I truly appreciate that. 
2012年01月14日 会员:: kingkeld





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