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kingkeld的日记, 2014年03月21日

Good morning!

Wow. It's a completely different head space I am in this morning, compared to the last several months. MONTHS.

I didn't sleep much last night, if any. Fitbit says I slept less than three hours, but I don't mind. It was a different kind of "being awake". I spent the most of the night smiling. :)


Before I start telling about it all, I'd like to send this little greeting to my old boss:

The meeting about my departure from my day job was yesterday. I was there with a representative from the union, and the representative that takes care of my interests from work.

We mutually agreed that I did NOT need to be in the meeting, as those things tend to get ugly and there will be a lot of mud slinging, that I don't need to be a part of.

But we did have a pre-meeting, to get the last details right, and for me and the negotiator to get to know each other a little better.

Damn. He is FIERCE, and he knows his stuff.

So, they go to the meeting, and it takes a LONG time. A LOOOONG time. We're talking 2½ hours! I can't help but be more and more nervous, as time goes by. It's a good thing that there is no candy store in that office building because I would have completely raided it! :)

Anyways, they finally come back, and sit down with me.

They tell me, that the meeting was intense. There were no less than three leaders and a lawyer there to bring me down. What a joke.

My fault in all of this was that I was trying to get back to work after sick leave, and was harrassed by my leader to the point where I broke down, gave up and went out sick. This was in January, and technically I've been on sick leave since.

They were telling me that there was a LOT of heated discussion, and that it was clear that they wanted me out. This was given already, as I have already been notified that I am fired. Thankfully, I have four months notice.

What WE needed was to get all the details settled. HOW do I leave, and by which rules? Oh, and what about the harrassment?

I was told after the meeting that the seat got REALLY hot under my boss. His face was red like a tomato and he did NOT enjoy the spotlight that he was in.

This was basically a feud between him and I, and with me not showing up at the meeting, there is only one person to be in the hot seat. Him. :)

While he was explaining himself and how he was things, trying to justify his actions, he suddenly stopped mid sentence. "My people" told me that they could actually pinpoint the moment where he realized that his story wasn't water proof. He just stopped talking mid sentence, and left it at that.

He had made so many clerical errors, so many errors that were just bad manners, but also a few ones actually breaking the law. That was our claim.

Human Resources claim was that they had done nothing of the sort.

Anyways, long story short:

I am still fired, and I am happy with it. I will get FULL PAY for another three months, where I can do what I want. I am not supposed to show up at work nor do I have ANY commitment with them.

And here is the kicker:
They claim that they did nothing wrong. They claim that they followed ALL (repeat: ALL) procedures and that there was nothing else.

Yet, they still decided to pay out an extra month and a half to me for tort. We're talking about 8,000 US dollars here.

If that is not admitting that they WERE in the wrong, I don't know what is.


Bottom line: I am MORE than satisfied.

This job would eventually have become too much for me. There are new laws coming that makes the job a LOT harder to perform.

It will be way more rules. It will be cruel to the people I have to work with. It will be way less time to do more work.

Had this not happened now, I am sure a much heavier breakdown would have been coming within the next year.

This was a blessing in disguise.


So, what now?

Well, today I start my new business! I am free as a bird, and I am flying!

My plan is to have EVERYTHING ready within the next week or two, depending when my money compensation is in. I am ready to fire on all cannons.

I really want my weight loss business up and running. I really want to, and I really need to.


What is it I do again?

Well, there are gonna be three parts to it. One is already implemented, one has just started and one is in the works.

I'm gonna build my weight loss classes bigger. I'm gonna have more of them, in several locations. That one is obvious. I see reasonable results from pretty much everyone participating. The ones that don't get results are the ones that don't follow my system.

Along with this, I am working on a "spoken word show". I can't think of the word for it in English. Basically, come to gatherings and tell my story, share some experiences, and line out what needs to be done to efficiently lose weight.

And the third, and probably most interesting one:
Individual weight loss coaching and support.

I'm gonna take in as many clients as I can and need, and do individual weight loss journeys. I will get them started, and see them to the end, or as far as they feel that they need me.

I can do this face to face for people in the local area, but I can also do it using Skype.

I love the fact that I can use Skype. I am no longer restricted to Denmark. I can basically take clients world wide. As you probably know by now, my English is impeccable, and I would have absolutely no problems coaching in English.

So, here we go. Obviously, if you're reading this and you know someone, or you yourself would be interested in hearing more about the programs, then let me know in my inbox. I take clients starting today. :)

Today, we're COMPLETELY turning the page.


It's amazing how different I feel today. I just can't believe it. So much load and so many monkeys are off my back.

I had no trouble keeping to my food plan for yesterday. I will have no trouble today. I feel energized, even with no sleep, and I am ready for this.

I have my food plan set for the day. All macros are met. It's perfect.

This is one of the things that I want to teach people. How to make proper plans for their food intake, to remain in control all day.


I'm gonna go workout here at my local gym today. I'm also gonna go put up flyers for my classes and services.

Then, I'm gonna get on the next bus to go to the OTHER gym, and hang out with the boss down there. We need to work out details on starting more classes. Go go go!


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Work situation resolved to MY advantage. Take that, b**tches!
- Morning coffee after a sleepless night.
- Wife, for being such a support.

Have a great Friday - and weekend! I'm not sure how much I'm gonna be here to write or read - so have a good one!

Life is good, and today is better than most days!
91.5 公斤 最近减少: 63.5 公斤.    还有: 6.5 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少11.2 公斤

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A little off the subject but how do you like Fitbit? I was thinking of getting one but I don't know if its worth it 
2014年03月20日 会员:: Elvirka666
Hey Elvirka - the fitbit is GREAT! I really like the flex one that I have. There are other versions of it, some with more features, some with fewer, but I really like this one. I like that it is water resistant. I can wear it all the time, also in the shower - though you probably shouldn't wear it swimming. It's a great gadget, and it's an essential everyday too for me. I highly recommend it. Mind you, there are also other similar gadgets out there. Make sure to check out the market before you buy. Technology keeps pushing the envelope. I'm very curious about the AIRO, that is currently in development. Check it out at www-getairo-com (replace the "-" with "."). 
2014年03月20日 会员:: kingkeld
I want one - may make my tracking easier...thanks for the description!  
2014年03月21日 会员:: LittleMama18
all the best for your new life . you have been inspiring to us and will be inspiring to your clients as well . We are proud of you. 
2014年03月21日 会员:: namramn1
It is my wish that you find work/interest that ignites a passion that makes you smile and enjoy every day. Here's to a happy heart and easy mind. Your posts have been inspiring to me and others. J 
2014年03月21日 会员:: JovialJ
Wow.... Fantastic, brilliant, amazing news. I am so, so pleased for you. A new chapter in your life is just starting - oh hell - it's an entirely new book! I hope the meeting at the new gym goes well xxxxx 
2014年03月21日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
if you need any help, just let me know ;) 
2014年03月21日 会员:: puhpine
I know that you will be successful in your new endeavors. You have helped so many people here just by your words of advice and encouragement. With your personal involvement, many people will benefit from your experience and research. Best of luck as you start this new journey. 
2014年03月21日 会员:: jwill77nc2
Gonna be seeing you on T.V here one day Keld! Keep it up you are amazing! 
2014年03月21日 会员:: iamachristianjesusfreak
Wow, Keld this was really good fro you then! Glad to read that it worked out well; and it is good that you focus on the positive side. At the end health is priority and if you would have stayed, then it would have been more difficult to cope with it in some months. You were not happy anymore, and now you are :) and will do something that you are passionate about. So congrats! I'll be sending you a message soon :) 
2014年03月21日 会员:: Chickturu
Wow Keld - gives me shivers (good shivers)! Fantastic! What can I say - a blessing in disguise. I just knew it and I KNOW you will do a fantastic job with your clients. Look what you've done with yourself. You have such a great mind and love for this work - this is your calling, I feel it. And now with the great technology we have to get the message out and for you to deal with clients worldwide - the world is your oyster! Go for it and I send you my warmest wishes for every success - you've earned it! 
2014年03月21日 会员:: Lynn1958
Happy to hear that things resolved in a way that you're happy with and it sounds like it may open some doors for new opportunities in the end. Glad you've reached the point where you can look forward and we're all looking forward to see what the future has in store. :-) 
2014年03月21日 会员:: gnat824
Thanks so much for the help! I'm definitely going to take a look at fitbit and some other similar gadgets  
2014年03月21日 会员:: Elvirka666
That is amazing that you do not have to go into your last job...but you still get paid for months. That will give you the time to build up your clients and get rolling in the money you are going to make with your weight loss coaching. I just hope you don't forget about us on here! You are going to be so busy... 
2014年03月21日 会员:: kmunson
WOHO!! Fab news to hear, and all the very best of luck with your business venture. I am quite sure that you and your style, as well as your example will help a good many people. The motivational speaking (I think this is the phrase you're after..) is a brilliant approach. 
2014年03月21日 会员:: clairebuxton
2014年03月21日 会员:: Cthulhu
This is how dreams are made. Destiny, fate, call it what you will. But it was meant to happen and I'm glad you've grabbed this opportunity by the proverbial horns and will take off. The best to you. To imagine this all began as a result of you losing and getting health. Another piece of your life cycle.  
2014年03月23日 会员:: ClassicRocker





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