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Need to vent a bit! A co-worker who has been here for 8 years had told me late last year she was going to ask for 3 weeks vacation because she felt she deserved it. I told her that wouldn't be fair at all because I and another co-worker did not get our 3 weeks until we had been here 10 years. I found out today she has 3 weeks vacation. I and my other over 10 veteran (I've been here 17 and she 16) are not happy at all, but there really isn't anything we can do about it. It isn't a written policy. It just erks me because this person is so negative, not a team player at all, doesn't do anything extra, and doesn't help anyone unless it would benefit her, yet she was given this benefit! And the partners even comment on her poor attitude. Just sucks! I'm ready to leave now! Glad she can use her days from her extra week to be off 2 weeks at Christmas so we won't have to see her!


Feel a bit bloated today, but it could be my pants are a little snug in the waist.
This weekend I was telling (complaining, whining, however you want to say it, lol) my hubby that I wasn't going to be able to weigh in this week for our hospital challenge and was getting down on myself. He asked why I was doing this, why go to the hospital, why be on the team when I obviously am not putting forth much effort. He then said if you want to do get healthier, do it for yourself, not because you're on a team or think someone thinks you should, but just do it for yourself. I've thought about that a lot since he said it. I need to quit worrying what anyone else thinks or says, stop being so hard on myself and get healthy for me. It's so much easier said than done though.
I did get up early and do some strength/stretching exercises. I'm happy about that. Felt good to get some exercise in.


We have a pecan tree and the past few weekends we've been picking them up and saying oh that has to be the last of them! (Hubby has picked up tons during the week too) This weekend surely has to be the last of them!!! Saturday we picked up for about an hour and a half and filled 1/2 a 5 gallon bucket. After the storms blew through yesterday we pickup up for a little over 2 hours and filled an entire 5 gallon bucket and a whole large flower pot! My legs and butt are telling my I did a ton of bending and squatting this weekend. The nuts are delicious, we've given a lot away to family and friends for their holiday baking, but I'm thinking with still having so many, I might need to come up with a couple dishes to make myself! Does anyone have any ideas to make shelling them easier? We shelled some for grandmas who have a hard time doing it and I boiled them first which made them a bit easier, but it took about an hour to get one cup of "meat" out of the shell!


The new format is taking me a bit to get used to!

Last week my sister and I started emailing each other our food and exercise for the day. Since then I have found that I have been eating terribly! It seems like when I am keeping track and writing down what I am eating I make horrible food choices, then worry about it, then eat something else crappy! I'm not sure why this is and it really makes no sense to me, but I need to stop focusing on it. I have stressed myself out because I have gained weight (again). I just keep losing and gaining the same 4 pounds! I have squeezed a couple short walks in which were nice, but I'd like to get into a more set exercise routine. I was hoping to do that this week in the evenings, but every night we've had something come up that we've had to do. Tonight is a bday party, tomorrow family coming into town, so hopefully Saturday I'll have a little time to get a workout in. I feel like if I just get started I'd stick with it, but who knows! I know I will feel better if I exercise. I'm struggling with why I want to lose weight. I know I need to eat better and exercise to be more healthy and feel better. If I could get that into my head I think this might be easier, but right now I have in my head "why can't I just accept myself the way I look?" I don't feel like I look terrible. . .sometimes, other times I hate the way I look and feel. Losing weight is not going to make me a better mother, wife, employee, friend, etc, but feeling better would me make better at all these things. Wish I wouldn't have used all my vacation days, I could use a mental health, me time day. Maybe next year, lol.

Wish it was Friday!!


I've had problems in my right eye for quite some time and was told it was chronic dry eye and to use drops several times a day. The problems kept persisting, pain, dryness, then seeing floaters so I went to get a 2nd opinion. Turns out I have Uveitis, which is inflammation in my eye. I was given steroid drops and a bunch of tests were run to see the cause. Today was my follow up appointment. The inflammation has gone down, but she wants me to continue to use the drops and see her in a month. All the tests she did were negative (tested for autoimmune or infectious diseases that cause this), so she is chaulking it up to the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis I had even though my RA factor is good/normal. This has been my frustration for years. I have joint pain and swelling, see my rheumatologists, my RA factor is good, but here take these RA meds because its probably from your childhood ailment. I never take them (the side effects are horrific) and if that isn't what I have why are you treating me like it is. So today I've been researching anti-inflammatory diets, not like a lose weight diet, but a different way of eating that can help reduce inflammation. I know that I do not eat well and maybe that is my whole problem. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I ate right and felt good, no joint pain, no swelling? I have to make this commitment and stick with it longer than a week to see results. (I usually give up after a week because I don't really feel too different). I'm tired of feeling 90 when I'm only 36! I can do this!! I can change!


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