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Day 33

Wow! I am over a month on my weight loss journey. Like I have said before, I have never lasted this long.
Clearly when the GP told me that I was morbidly obese she really hit a nerve. I only went to see them over a month ago because of the pill. I had put on 1lb so they refused to give me the pill I was on. I had to change to another which does not help with my PCOS. My aim is to be able to go back next month and say ‘suck it’.

Obviously that’s not my only aim. I will have a bikini body when I go to Florida in August.
So to get to that stage I tried a new class tonight. I went to Les Mills Core and I felt like I was dying. Honestly wanted to come home and pass out but instead I had some teriyaki chicken and rice.

Breakfast - 2 slices of toast with peanut butter
Lunch - hoisin duck wrap and skips
Snack - fridge raiders
Dinner - teriyaki chicken and rice

So I am sitting on a good deficit daily which is good as the foods, snacks that I am eating are keeping me fuller for longer.
What I do need though is some good quick, easy recipe ideas. My food is becoming very repetitive.

They have to be Gluten free, fish free and dairy free. Pretty please.


Day 32 of my Mrs blobby fat loss journey,

Today has been a good day. I managed to finish work early so I got in an impromptu gym session. Just a little cardio but worked my arse of and must of sweated at least a stone off 🤣 here’s to hoping.

Breakfast - honey and pecan granola with skyr yoghurt
Snack - cadburys mini roll and chipsticks
Lunch - tomato soup and seeded granary bread
Snack - snack a jack
Dinner - piri piri chicken breast, jacket potato, carrots, broccoli

I’m getting a little nervous for my weigh in on Saturday and my measurement tracking. My measurements I only do once a month so I could see the difference. I know I don’t lose a massive amount of weight but doing weights as well means I will gain muscle.
Of course, we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Maybe my body is just muscle covered in a small layer of wobbly fat 🤔 and not the opposite way round. We can only hope hey!


Day 31 of my fat loss journey

I feel like I am in such a routine now.
FS is keeping me going, healthy eating is becoming easier although I do crave the odd packet of crisps or chocolate bar here and there. But it’s fine, as I am seeing results and it’s making me happier.
The gym is now not a chore but I am enjoying going. It’s like something in my brain has flicked and I’ve never felt so great.

I have more energy, less fatigued and less stressed.

Plan for today was as follows

Breakfast - honey and pecan granola, skyr strawberry yoghurt
Snack - banana
Lunch - roast turkey on multi seeded bread
Snack - salt and vinegar snack a jacks
Dinner - sweet chilli chicken, rice, carrots and broccoli
Snack - grapes, apple and yoghurt

Still have a few calories left so may treat myself to another snack a jack.

Went to the gym tonight and did I class. I am not a class person. But I loved loved loved body balance. I felt so good after and cannot wait to go again.

Thanks for all of your support and keeping me going.


Day 30 whoop whoop

I might stop counting the days, maybe, eventually. Nah.
Today is my last day of annual leave 🥺 I love my work but this week has gone so quick and I am sad that I’m back tomorrow.
It means I won’t be able to go to the gym whenever I want. Im gonna have to start planning my training sessions in again. Oh well, another hurdle to jump.

So question, why is it all gyms seem to do classes in the mornings? Do they not understand that people work full time and aren’t able to go. I really want to do boxfit but the only session is on a Tuesday at 10am. No evening sessions. Sad times.

Plan for today is as follows
Breakfast - maple and pecan granola with skyr strawberry high protein yoghurt
Lunch - tomato soup and seeded granary bread
Snack - fruit salad (orange, grapes, apple)
Dinner - Teriyaki Chicken
Snack - Salt and vinegar Chipsticks

I made my daughter look after my son this morning so I could go to the gym for an hour. Absolutely smashed it on the crosstrainer doing an Endure session which helped me burn 328kcal.
It was friggin awesome and I honestly looked like a sweaty biatch after. Back on it tomorrow. Cannot wait


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
94.5 公斤 2.5 公斤 14.5 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.7 公斤


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