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kingkeld的日记, 2014年01月29日

Good morning!

So, today is a shocker. Literally. :)

Today is the day I am going to the hospital for my 2nd shock to the heart.

I'm not dreading it the same way as I did last time, when I was scared out of my mind, but I can't help but be very anxious about it. Of course. I think that's a natural reaction to having something like this done.

It's gonna be all day in the hospital. I'm due there at 8:30 am, will probably have the shock at around 11, if it's anything like last time, and then have to stay for some hours for observation, to ensure that everything is fine.


I'm curious to ask them about stress levels and the hear procedure.

I'm stressing bad, and yesterday was hell. It was really bad.

I just want all this crap done and over with.


Because of the stress, all food plans went down the drain yesterday. Again. I was WAY over any acceptable amount of calories, and I honestly didn't care at all. I ate what I wanted at the moment, and it was a lot of junk.

I spent a little time this morning tracing back my intake, and registering it all to the best of my abilities, to keep me accountable for the mishaps, to learn from it, and for it to adjust my numbers onwards.

There's nothing I can do about it now, so I'm not gonna worry about it. The "penalty" has been calculated, and it doesn't make all that big a dent in my calorie allowance. Phew.


Today's allowance is 3000 calories. I will probably go lower for three reasons. First of all, I feel horrible about yesterday. It was nothing but dumb moves, and I feel that I should show myself that I can do better. It might not be the smartest time for it, but I do want to try. Second, since I will be at the hospital, mostly sitting all day, my calorie burn will be LOW. I will probably be at around 2000-2500 calories, if I'm lucky. So any intake higher than that will make me work against my goals. Third, being at the hospital and away from all foods, today would be a great day to do a "hunger resetting" fast day. Maybe it's time for me to get in touch of when I'm hungry and when I'm not.


I have purposefully NOT packed any food. I have packed a couple of low calorie protein shakes.

Hopefully they'll help me survive.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Hospitals and free health care.
- Wife
- Morning coffee, and probably MANY cups during the day.

Have a great day, people! Life is good!

Just wanted everyone to know that the procedure is done and everything is okay. Heart rate is normal.
87.1 公斤 最近减少: 67.9 公斤.    还有: 2.1 公斤.    饮食准则: 低.
一星期增加11.2 公斤

hey sparky....wishing you all the best for today :) And don't worry about the food regimen as soon as you feel better in the health and stress department you will kick any minor gains. Just focus on getting better man. 
2014年01月28日 会员:: Kingstephen
all the best . I am sure everything will fall in place. take good care of yourself.  
2014年01月28日 会员:: namramn1
Fingers crossed for you KK... Hope it all goes well and more importantly LASTS xxx 
2014年01月29日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Will keep you in my thoughts today that the shock is brief, painless, and you get it all over with so you can move on and concentrate on the things that bring you joy. 
2014年01月29日 会员:: FullaBella
Take care. Be kind to yourself! 
2014年01月29日 会员:: madaboutmoose
I was reading this at 9am east coast time and thought... he's done. Glad it went well and I hope you got your questions answered.  
2014年01月29日 会员:: ClassicRocker
Glad to hear that it is all over with and seems to have worked - hopefully it stays fixed this time!  
2014年01月29日 会员:: clairebuxton
Glad to hear it has gone well! Thanks for keeping us updated - we all worry for you. Just hope that it lasts for your this time - fingers crossed. Have a good rest of your day! Cheers! 
2014年01月29日 会员:: Lynn1958
I think stress affects your weight more than anything! I am awful staying on track when I am under stress and then it adds up really quickly. Hope this time the shock works and it stays in the correct rhythm.  
2014年01月29日 会员:: kmunson
I hope you feel better. In Europe the health care is probably better. In my opinion it is better in military hospitals too for the most part rather than civilian hospitals in the USA.  
2014年01月29日 会员:: GlennM
Thinkin' 'bout ya, man! Hope all is well for you this morning! You still got the beat? 
2014年01月29日 会员:: zebdavison
Trust that everything is going to be all right! Stress is bad for your health and especially for your weight loss. Try doing some breathing exercises or some meditation. 
2014年01月30日 会员:: Carmenjo





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