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SuccessThisTime58的日记, 2015年11月3日

I could blame Halloween...(BAH HUMBUG on Halloween and Halloween Candy)...but truth is ...I can only "blame"/accept responsiblilty for my "love" (for candy...and sweets in general.)...I am so sick of this weight loss merry-go-round....OR Ferris WHeel...up and down....around and around...and losing the SAME pounds over and over....NO MORE!!!! I am now ready to "buckle down" and eat sensibly...today...tomorrow...the rest of 2015....but today, and the next hour, and truly the next minute are ALL I need to focus on ...NOT tomorrow...Not tonight, NOT this afternoon....but focus on this next minute...and then the NEXT one....Today is going to be a GOOD day because ....God is with me....and with HIS help, I WILL eat healthy....Autumn Blessings on ALL who read this and esp. to ALL of my very supportive buddies....WE make a good TEAM (Together Everyone Accomplishes More!!!)
149.7 公斤 最近减少: 20.0 公斤.    还有: 40.8 公斤.    饮食准则: 低.
一星期增加1.8 公斤

23支持者    支持   

Looks like where in the same place and mindset today. Let's do this! 
2015年11月3日 会员:: jmb3450
Moving FORWARD. You've got this! 
2015年11月3日 会员:: Jones Jennifer
You've got the right mindset...the JUST DO IT ATTITUDE...I'm with you all the way!  
2015年11月3日 会员:: mysize10
Baby steps!! And if you fall pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and take more baby steps! 
2015年11月3日 会员:: rhontique
Complete each minute as it happens. Not some fancy thing you may see in a counseling office, but seriously focus on each minute as it happens. Be 'IN THE MOMENT'. Don't think about what you're going to do later; focus on what you are accomplishing right now. You are not 'snacking' or eating off plan right now? You are accomplishing your goals. Any small goals add up over time; they had up to pounds off. One of my most favorite proverbs is 'No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood.' It's the little wins and accomplishments that add up over time to the massive wins and life changing rewards. We're here with ya! 
2015年11月3日 会员:: Frosty Heimdall
It really starts in the kitchen -- you have to purge it of all the carbs (this means sugar, cookies/cakes, crackers, potatoes, rice, pasta). If it is not easy to get to, you are less likely to binge. Maybe enlist the wife or a neighbor to help you box it all up and take it to the nearest soup kitchen. Based on your current weight, I'd skip "baby steps" and just overhaul your life to remove temptations. 
2015年11月3日 会员:: soonsoonsoon
I had the same problem. Found out it was low magnesium causing be to crave chocolate. I make my High Fat low carb candy and I don't even LIKE regular chocolate anymore!  
2015年11月3日 会员:: SheaDlady
We only have right now, so that is what we have to focus on. Make a plan for the future but focus on right now. 
2015年11月3日 会员:: skwhite
STT58.thank you for your post.I am struggling as you are, for quite some time.Gaining and losing the same pounds.I am to blame because I have been succumbing to my cravings.I will join you and just take it moment by moment.We will climb the mountain. 
2015年11月3日 会员:: UmmBilal
Thanks to ALL of you for caring AND sharing...y'all are a special BLESSING!!!!! 
2015年11月4日 会员:: SuccessThisTime58
@Frosty said it best -- I don't think I've run across a single FSer yet that hasn't struggled or suffered a brief 'setback' on their journey . . . it's part of the process and knowing you can respond in a more successful fashion 'this time' as your moniker replies is part of it! 
2015年11月7日 会员:: losinit1655





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