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Hello Journal !

Pacing myself more cleverly this week, training wise : I overdid it last week, jamming all my running miles in 4 consecutive days…bad bad bad. So exhausted by Wednesday night! I had to stay away from running a few days, because I was so feeling the strain in my thighs muscles Wed night. The hot bikram yoga session on Friday night was great to get what I call my personal deep tissue massage, then I rested Sat and Sunday.

Monday I had a day off work, and we went to Amsterdam for the day with a friend (1h30 train trip): we hit 2 of the fresh local food markets we like (super early), then a bit of shopping in town, art exhibition and late afternoon concert; a great day! We fell asleep on the train back, after walking that much!!

This week, it’s a different ball game: I jogged 6kms last night at easy pace to flush out and get back in the routine (I hadn’t run since Wednesday last week); tonight I intend to do the spinning class, preceded by a short 4 kms jog (20-25 mins); tomorrow night I’ll have a longer run, at faster pace (8 to 9 kms max); then a last run outdoors this week either Sat morning or Sunday morning (another 5-6 kms). My mistake was to steer away from my plan of ONE LONG RUN EVERY 2 WEEKS, and do it 2 consecutive weeks! Body not ready for that! ) Back to the plan!!!!

Weight wise I think I am down a bit more, but I decided not to get on the scales nor record anything until after my last run this weekend. Yep.

Diet wise : stocked plenty of super-foods these past 3 weeks, so I am doing great! I see that I have naturally upped my fats intake and reduced the carbs intake these past 2 weeks; is it the cold? Is it the evolving exercising regime? Not sure, but what I am sure of is I am not putting on weight.

Bye for now!




Good morning Journal !

The move is going well. No TV yet in the house, and I think I'll keep it that way for a while: I am clearing up so much stuff from the boxes without the TV distraction! Re-discovering many of my music CDs I hadn't listened to in a while, listening to news on the radio and good music programs, catching up on admin (finally, ha ha!!), calling those friends and relatives I always say I need to call and never get around to doing it, reading again my book before going to bed. And quality TALK; talk with BF; TALK with neighbours.

Good session too at the gym after work yesterday: cross-trainer to kick start the CV before spinning; great spinning sessions with some girls at the gym, highly motivating with that bunch; then I did some new exercises for my BUTT!! I have been doing them for about a week now: losing weight is great, but I have almost no rear left; getting a backside as flat as a pancake! So, remediation needed asap.

Tonight I am doing my long run, nothing else. Did almost 13kms last week. I will try to do 13.5kms tonight, 14 kms if my body agrees.

Bye for now!



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