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体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
94.8 公斤 0 公斤 20.0 公斤 不选择


Realizing that, for me, it's not just that I need to eat healthy food, because I do make healthy choices mostly. It's that I need to PUT THE FORK DOWN. Even healthy choices put on weight if you eat too much of them! And also for me there is no such thing as "a couple of chips" or "a small scoop of potatoes". I will eat until the food is gone even if I'm not hungry. It has nothing to do with hunger, actually, and I am realizing that and trying to address why I do it and stop the cycle of mindless eating. I joke that I have no "hunger shut-off" but it's really not funny, it's out of control and I want my control back!

I saw a picture of myself at Thanksgiving. Always I have deluded myself about how I look by saying, well, I don't look like that person, I'm a little big but strong too so it's not so bad, I don't look like I weigh 200 pounds...but seeing this picture made me realize, I really do. I can't get the image out of my brain. I look like a dieting supplement's "before" picture.I am ready to be an "after."

Also, another motivator for me...the lovely state of NC is setting rules for the state employees' health insurance setting a limit of BMI and if you are over the limit (which I am, of course) your insurance premiums will spike. So, not only do I have emotional and health reasons to lose weight, there's a financial component as well. And I am cheap, so maybe this is the final push I need to get on track. Wish me luck. I am so tired of this cycle and I want out of it.


I have been off track over the spring and summer. I injured my ankle and that became a reason to not work out for several weeks. Then it became just routine to not exercise. So here I am back to where I started. BUT I have a long term goal of hiking the entire Appalachian Trail (Florida to Maine) in a few years, and I am breaking that up into many mini-goals along the way. My first is to walk/jog/elliptic a total of 300 miles between today and Christmas (exactly 4 months). I also want to run my first 5k soon. I actually count yesterday as my start date (Aug. 25) as it was the first day of school for my son and I am going to see how much progress/change I can make in my life in one school year. Each day I am doing at least one thing to move me closer to my mini-goal and therefore my big goal. Here I go again, but I am doing it differently this time, for different reasons. Rather than hating myself and beating myself up as in the past, this time I am doing it as part of a huge life goal and that's exciting! Much better than running myself down and failing yet again...so here I am on day 2 and looking forward to working out later today! Wish me luck!




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