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体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
89.8 公斤 5.0 公斤 15.0 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.2 公斤



体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
91.2 公斤 3.6 公斤 16.3 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少1.8 公斤


All right, after not being around for a year or more, I am back. Over the summer my weight spiked to 209!! I have dropped that back down to about 198 but today when I officially re-started my diet I did record the 209, so I can track how far I've actually already come, as the past couple of months I have been working on it while not recording it here. Plus I want to celebrate every shed pound so I want to see it on here when I look at my little charts and all (yes, I am a nerd!).

So in the past year there have been some hugely crazy transitions, good and bad, around my house. I started homeschooling my son, got laid off and transitioned to a new job (which I LOVE), my husband and son both needed surgeries (not emergency surgeries or anything but still definitely stressful), our house needed major repairs, and my father was killed overseas while on vacation. Is it any wonder I reacted by putting the weight back on, and then some? I am, and always have been, an emotional eater. I refuse to feel shame for gaining the weight back, that doesn't accomplish anything; however, I am trying to break the cycle and move forward. Obviously I am having some success already, shedding the additional weight I put on over the summer; however, I think the accountability of this community as well as with my IRL friends and family will help tremendously.

My new job, incidentally, is at our local YMCA! What a great place for me to work, where I get to talk to and encourage people all day long, where health is not something to force ourselves into but actually a lifestyle to embrace and celebrate. As a result, I have been motivated to get back into working out. I try to be realistic, between homeschooling and working, not to mention maintaining my house and serving in church, I am simply not going to make it to the gym to work out every single day. However, I am doing 2-3 long workouts a week, varying greatly from the elliptical machines (love 'em!), the indoor walking track, some Zumba and Hip Hop Fitness, weight training, and running outdoors. AND I have registered for my first 5k! March 5...I am doing it, finally! I have run several 5ks in the past several weeks as part of my workout, but never been bold enough to actually commit to running one with other people. I may have the worst time of the whole group, but who cares? I am doing it and I will finish it and be happy!

Hope to actually keep us with all this and stick around and stick to the lifestyle this time!


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
94.8 公斤 0 公斤 20.0 公斤 不选择


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