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DairyKing的日记, 2014年02月14日

Woooo Hoooo! 9 pounds down, and didn't even know my water broke! :D I know I always have a dramatic weight drop when I start back up, but can't remember ever having one like this. Got off the scale, let it zero out and got back on: Yep, 245 lbs. A couple weeks before I started back up on my diet and exercise regime, I was 248, and over the next couple weeks I spiked up to 254, looking like a potato with feet, and reaching that momentous point of disgust with my eating habits, and bringing me back to reality. So, I look at this realistically as a 3 lb. drop from the 248 I was, and seeing this as a good starting point. I maintained at 239.0 for years, so once I get back to there, any weight loss will feel like more of an accomplishment. However, that being said, I am doing the HAPPY DANCE!

DW and I are going out to the Flatop Grill tonight, hoping it won't be packed because of Valentines Day. I don't know if this is a franchise or not, but it's a place where you go along a single buffet line of eats and fill your bowl with noodles or rice, veggies, and chopped up chicken, pork, or beef, or a combination thereof, add your choice(s) of sauces, and then the chef stir fries it all, and the waitress brings it to your table. It's one of our favorite places. I'll be providing the entertainment - looking like Rocky Balboa, talking like Elmer Fudd and eating with chopsticks. LOL! Actually, I do pretty good with chopsticks, and I wish I looked like Rocky Balboa.

Since it's a little under an hour back home from work, and a little less than an hour back to the big city where the restaurant is, and same to back home, DW is just going to meet me there, since it's about the same distance to the restaurant for both of us, and then I'll just follow her home when we leave the big city. I'll give her the necklace at the restaurant. I'm sure she'll like it, she doesn't get all that excited and surprised when she gets gifts anymore; guess she's gotten too many of them over the years. I ought to go without giving her any for a year. Nope, don't think that would work. I wouldn't feel safe going to sleep after the first missed holiday. So, I guess giving her a gift is like giving me a gift - safety.

Anyway, life is good, with some pain, grief, and tribulations thrown in to build character. Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day. And, if you're feeling down because you're not sharing this day with anyone this year, just remember that there are just hords of people out here on FS that will empathise, sympathise, encourage and entertain you. Toodles!

查看饮食日历, 2014年02月14日:
1853 千卡 脂肪: 80.57克 | 蛋白质: 97.87克 | 碳水物: 173.76克.   早餐: Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Ocean Spray Light Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, Honey, Instant Oatmeal, Dairy Fresh Non Dairy Creamer. 午餐: Coca-Cola Diet Coke (Can), Banquet Turkey Meal. 晚餐: Arby's Diet Pepsi (22 oz), Cream Cheese Clouds, Custard Pie (Individual Size or Tart), Pepper Steak, Panda Express Broccoli Chicken, Texas Roadhouse Steak Fries. 小食/其他: Apples, Radish, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Dairy Fresh Non Dairy Creamer. 更多的......
3069 千卡 运动: 步行(锻炼型) - 5.5公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 健美操(重型的,例如俯卧撑) - 12 分钟, 休息 - 18 小时 和 18 分钟, 睡眠 - 5 小时. 更多的......

Yummm ... sounds like a great dinner choice ... We went to a place like that a while ago when we were on a trip , but sadly there arent any of those around us. I wish there was. I am sure she will love the necklace. And good luck with your bells palsy , hope the meds give you a good jump on healing. I know that is a hard thing to deal with , my boyfriend has had it twice , once on each side of his face. which the dr said is rare to have it reoccur esp on the opposite side. Luckily the first time didnt leave any lasting effect. When he got it the second time on the other side of his face it was so bad that he had trouble eating or drinking. He was really depressed because people would stare and make comments.He truly looked like he had a stroke, couldnt move his face on that side at all. It took a few months but he is fine now. He had it in the summer both times , I am sure it is much harder to deal with in the winter with the wind and cold temps. Wishing you the best : )  
2014年02月14日 会员:: chryssm
Wow. Dayum! As we say in my part of the woods. Very proud of you DK. You are my inspiration. Enjoy your date night with your DW tonight. And happy valentine's day! 
2014年02月14日 会员:: Helewis
That restaurant sounds WONDERFUL! I'm not crazy about going out to eat; the crowds and wait time for one thing, and then when that bill comes, it ruins the whole thing for me. But I hope you and your bride enjoy a lovely dinner out. A Necklace ... how sweet is that!!! It's been so long since I've gotten jewelry from my other half. Which is fine; strawberries and a card are thoughtful too ♡ And before I forget .. CONGRATS ON YOUR WEIGH-IN! ☼ 
2014年02月14日 会员:: Babe53
Chryssm, very similar to my experience, except mine recurred on the same side of my face. Total and relativey speedy recovery the first time. This time, not so much. Yes, the cold wind in the eye is the worst, without being able to blink, but at my age the looks don't bother me as much. Had to delay my trip to the Brad Pitt Look-alike Convention. Thanks for your ecouragement. 
2014年02月14日 会员:: DairyKing
Yep, jewelry on Valentines day is like wearing a safety belt driving - you're not sure you really need it but it can't hurt just in case. Congrats on the loss. Have a wonderful dinner and a great day. 
2014年02月14日 会员:: FullaBella
9 pounds! Wow! Good work. Sounds like a mongolian BBQ place we have around here - LOVE it and hubby is not a fan so we almost never go (its annoying to drive there). I like it because there's a lot of variety but you can definitely load up on veggies! Enjoy. Wife will love the necklace, saw the picture and its beautiful! 
2014年02月14日 会员:: Bkeller1023
WOwzers 9 pounds down ---fantastic :0) and Happy Valentines Day DK, hope your feeling fine and your DW likes her prezzie :)Thanks for the entertaining journal - as always makes me smile :) 
2014年02月14日 会员:: newmooney
LOL DKing..about your water breaking...I'm sure your DW will love the necklace...its beautiful....My DH is soo lucky as I can't wear jewelry and roses makes me wheeze and we just don't buy chocolate...any more...Have fun at the restaurant...:O) 
2014年02月14日 会员:: BHA
Congrats on the first 9 pounds. Even though the next 9 will be harder, at least you have some incentive. Have fun tonight!  
2014年02月14日 会员:: BuffyBear
Next 9 won't be harder; just take longer. You have to put the right perspective on things. At 1 1/2 pounds per week, in two years, I will not exist. How easy is that? 
2014年02月14日 会员:: DairyKing
Way to go! Keep up the great work! 
2014年02月14日 会员:: mrsmole
FANTASTIC JOB on the 9 lbs. yes we are calling it 9."Potato with feet" thank you for that wonderful image.HAPPY DANCE!!! Dinner sounds great! I don't find Sylvester handsome at all.I think its romantic to give DW the necklace at dinner.I kinda got tired of my DH giving me presents all the time because I got pickier.HAPPY VALENTINES DAY my dear friend you make me SMILE! 
2014年02月14日 会员:: rockytu
YAY!!! Always inspiring to get a nice start back. Personally I love to see what FS says ... silly things like you'll reach your goal in 2 months!! Oh don't I wish?! Enjoy your evening out. Safe travels. 
2014年02月14日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Dinner sounds delish! We have a place called Mongolian Buffet that has the same thing. I always like mine extra saucy! :) Have a nice Valentines Day DK! 
2014年02月14日 会员:: tglenna





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