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kingkeld的日记, 2012年04月26日

Yesterday was a day full of deliscious snacks, but not in a bad way at all!

I had the class/meeting at work in the morning, and Wife had treated us all with a lot of fruit. Nice! Yup, Wife is now in charge of all that too - along with the ever so important Thursday cake. She's about to go mad in stress today, as there will be 70 people attending afternoon gathering, and they've all heard of the cakes! :) So she's got plenty on her plate to say. Pun intended.

Anyways, I felt like I was snacking all day. Fruits, more fruits, a few little (minute) snacks, and a smoothie at night. I was sure I'd have gained weight today (or at least not lost anything) simply because I felt so full. I was surprised and happy to see that I was wrong.

So, as I was hinting a little in my comment in my journal from yesterday, I have the date for my surgery! I'm super excited about this, and also a little freaked out. I think it's only natural to feel like that.

I'll be admitted to the hospital Friday the 15th of June, where I will meet surgeons and anesthetics and all that. Then I will have the actual surgery on Monday the 18th of June. That's right around the corner from now.

I'm happy that I'm getting there fast - I want this done and over with. The only downside is that I see that I'll be ridiculously busy at work prepping cases so that they can be dormant for up to a month. I still haven't fully heard how long recovery time is expected afterwards. We'll see. I have to read more on that.

In general, I want a little more information from the hospital before I get admitted. I'd like a name of the surgeon, so I can check him out online and know what kind of history he has. I'd like to know more about recovery afterwards. I think knowing this just when I get there is a little late. They've been more than friendly on the communication though, so I'm sure there's no issue getting more information.

Today, I had my usual eggs/rye bread/ham breakfast, and will have an awesome leftover lunch with a chicken drumstick, Mexican rice and veggies. It's soooo good, low cal and just perfect for a day like today.

I'm not sure about dinner just yet - we didn't get to talk about that this morning. Too bad, I like to know what calories I have to spare for it. This means that there will be no snacks or treats (or Wife's cake this afternoon at the meeting) unless I know what I've got to work with. I'm not chancing it, risking to not be full after dinner. That's a rule, and I'm sticking to it. Planning is everything, and I see that this works every day. Plan your meals so you know as much as possible, and you'll know what you have for the rest of the day. It's a good habit.

Yesterday, our blu-ray player died. We bought it only one year ago. I gotta say, it's been nothing but trouble. If any of you out there are considering buying a Samsung blu-ray player, I can only say avoid at all costs. It's been mooooooore than tedious.

The sad thing is, that the new players do not have the video out (component) that I need for our video projector. This means that I essentially have to retire it. No more blu-ray on it, unless I want to watch in significantly lower resolution (which I don't). :( Boo, Samsung. Boo! I just hope that our tablets don't show weaknesses like that after a year.

I've been reading all evening yesterday to find solutions to fix the player. I consistently read that there is no fix and that Samsung will repair at a cost that exquals much more than buying a new one. Smart move, Samsung. There goes the respect.

Wife and I have a few times talked about going all out, getting a HUGE tv with everything, 3D and all, and we were consistently talking Samsung. We're talking a $3,000 dollar purchase. Reading this info about the Samsung repair politics and general lack of customer service has shifted us straight to looking at Sony and Panasonic instead. This is not for now, though. It's for further down the road. It'd be awesome to do. we only have a fairly small tv, and it's really not large enough for the living room and the sitting distance. That's where the projector comes in. Trouble with that is that it takes a reasonably dark room for us to enjoy movies. Wife likes to knit, and that means no knitting and movie watching at the same time. Oh, the problems we have, huh? :) Makes me sound like a spoiled brat. Hmmmm... maybe I am?

Anyways, the plan is that we'll go get a new blu-ray player, get one that is 3D ready and all, so it won't need to be replaced once it's time to get a TV. We'll go see what we can find this coming Saturday in one of the larger towns. Also, this is Indulgence Day, so we'll go have a little fun.

I'm gonna ween off the Indulgence Days though. I think Sk1nnyfuture and others are right when they theorize that they might not be needed during maintenance, but that I simply need to be reasonable in my eating habits. I agree with that. I can go higher than my "low" days, but there is no need to reach an upper calorie number. I just gotta do pretty good, consider what I eat, and enjoy. Just like any other day. I can do that. :)

I'll be heading to work soon - got a ton of work to do today, and I want to get started. So I better get moving.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife being awesome deciding to go with me to go get a substitute player Saturday. We'd go tomorrow, but The Black Peanut will be performing live, and I will of course not be available to go out.
- Morning coffee. I went to bed too late, and got up too early. :)

I've promised to post some more of our music for you guys. I know some haven't really heard anything, and others have asked for more.

Here's a little new sample - it's our first attempt to play reggae. I hope you guys like it. Comments are more than welcome.

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F44325206&show_artwork=true"></iframe>

You probably need to be on either a PC, Mac or a flash compatible tablet/phone to hear it.

Have an awesome day, my friends. Before we know it it'll be weekend! Life is good!

79.5 公斤 最近减少: 75.5 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2012年04月26日:
2035 千卡 脂肪: 82.40克 | 蛋白质: 74.79克 | 碳水物: 235.48克.   早餐: Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Rye Bread, Egg. 午餐: mixed vegetables, Spanish Rice, Chicken Drumstick. 晚餐: Pizza. 小食/其他: Chocolate Cake (with Chocolate Frosting), licorice, apple, whole milk, mixed fruit, dark chocolate, cookie. 更多的......
2916 千卡 运动: 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 5 小时, 坐着 - 3 小时 和 40 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 站立 - 7 小时. 更多的......
一个星期减少4.9 公斤

Fantastic news on the surgery, KK, you have come so far and continue to be an inspiration to everyone here. And the music is awesome :) Nice start to the day, thanks. 
2012年04月25日 会员:: Earthlady
Wow, that is pretty wild you go in 3 days before the surgery. It is good I suppose to meet and greet, plus they can control your food before being knocked out. I am sorry you had problems with Samsung. I stand by their TV's, although mine and my friends both had power problems, we were able to repair them with Capacitors, we are such nerds. I have an LG Blue Ray player that is network ready, and it does a good job of showing TV shows, and playing material over USB. The English used in the menu's is a little rough, but it works great.  
2012年04月26日 会员:: posterchild66
WOAH, man, SWEET cover! You're on bass, right? You vox, too? You guys have gotten the vox down pretty tight, too.... it's hard to find a balance between your own voice and that of the singer you're covering. Everything's so CLEAN!!! So stoked I finally got to hear ya! =) 
2012年04月26日 会员:: ferlengheti
ALSO, all I have online is a couple of tracks from the band I was in about 10 years ago, but here ya go!! http:// soundcloud.com /sophie-odoom/ e-up-whats-the-golden-rule Oh, and all the chick vox are me, and the end is stupid because my collaborator was a dick. *grin* 
2012年04月26日 会员:: ferlengheti
WOW, WOW, WOW KingKeld.... A date for your surgery AWESOME. I am so pleased for you.... It's so close... My DH is a 'gadget nut' so we have very large tv's, computers, tablets - you name it, we have it!!! If anything new comes out - he wants it... Gets kinda of expensive. We have discussed 3D but at the moment have 60 inch Panasonic tv on the wall - it is about 3 years old..... Before that we had a Panasonic plasma which was 50 something inches - I must say.... We have always been pleased with Panasonic - that being said we do have a pretty large Sony tv in our bedroom and that is great too. He does loads of research on-line, looking at feedback, spec etc, before buying - can't beat it. Hope today go well.... Sounds like you will be busy :-) 
2012年04月26日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
ferlengheti - I will check out your link at home tonight! Thanks for the kind words. Awesome bass is yours truly. Awesome vox is not. I have people to do that kind of thing. :) He does a good job on this one.  
2012年04月26日 会员:: kingkeld
Just listened to your clip.... Great...love the guitar playing :-) 
2012年04月26日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Congrats about the date! ;-) 
2012年04月26日 会员:: jessabridge4444
Love the song!! I want to come to your concerts!! :) I'm so excited that you have a date set for surgery - the countdown begins, very cool!! I think it's a great idea to ween yourself off the indulgence days.. good luck with that, I know how much you love them! ;) Hope you can somehow find a fix for your blue-ray player, what a bummer.. 
2012年04月26日 会员:: erika2633
Wow Keld ... that date is super soon!!! YAY!!! You'll do well I'm sure. Congrats!! I think an indulgence day every now and again is still doable in maintenance but perhaps not every week. More like for special occasions, holidays and the like. Good luck with your surgery research. 
2012年04月26日 会员:: madaboutmoose
love the music 
2012年04月26日 会员:: rockytu
Exciting news - it will be here before you know it! 
2012年04月26日 会员:: mlb98
WAY COOL, Thanks for the music!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!! I also agree, the indulgence days looked like they were throwing you off, but I didn't want to say anything since you are way more experienced at this than I am!!! And everyone knows their own body best. Maybe try cutting them down to once a month. You are in a habit of them, that habit might mentally be hard on you, since you have had a tendency to over eat in the past and your weight was fluctuating quite a bit during the week and it looked like it would be frustruating. I wonder if when you maintain, by eliminating the indulgence, if your bowls will be more regular?? Not sure, just a thought. I am still jamming to your No Woman No Cry!!! Rock on!!  
2012年04月26日 会员:: Lizzygracemusic





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