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kingkeld的日记, 2012年02月7日

I am back below 80 kgs!

This morning, I weigh in at 79.9 kgs - and even though I've been here many times before in the past couple of weeks, I'm happy to be back. I really like when my weigh-in number starts with a "7". It's so much prettier than "8", don'tcha think? :)

First off, I'd like to thank you all for your input on my question about exercise yesterday. I posted it in the community forum as well, and got a LOT of great responses, links to articles and thoughts on different approaches to this.

I am not sure I really got any wiser - there is seemingly no clear yes or no answer to this.

I posted this answer to the whole thing:

Yup - it's very easy to be confused. So many different approaches, different options, different theories. I'm not sure whether I am any closer to an answer! :)

I have been pondering on this throughout the day (and night), and I think what I am concluding right now is this:

I think generally being active, lowers intensity, will be the way for me. I used to HATE exercise, and have shifted to being generally okay with it, realizing that I need to do it. I do not see myself as working super hard at the gym, but I do see myself walking, bicycling and other "low intensity" workout things. So these are the ones I can do consistently. I do them for a LONG time when I do them. I see no point in hitting the gym and then go home after burning another 100 calories. Then I'd rather just skip a slice of bread and save the time.

So, a long time at the gym when I do go will be what I will keep doing.

Now, about the calorie intake - I think I will simply count it as a bonus deficit, but maybe take it a little easier in general, once I can see that my extra burn is consistent. This will be when I am in full maintenance mode.

I have never felt hungry or in need of anything after a workout. That being said, when I am done working out I usually go home and eat dinner, as it's that time of day. Maybe that just solves the problem?

So, to summarise:

I will keep doing long time, (relatively) low impact exercise. I will keep within my normal RDI, but be a little less worried about an extra 100 on top now and then, if I know I've done good. I will pay attention to whether fatigue or tiredness hits me after workouts.

I really appreciate all the help from you guys. As always, it's a blast to read through all your thoughts and debates, and I am certain that I am not the only one learning from these discussions. :)

So, this morning is nice and quiet, and a long morning for me. I go to work an hour late, as we have a class today. It's boring law stuff, but it's stuff that I really need, so I am looking forward to going. I have packed lunch and dinner to go, as I will go teaching afterwards. It's LONG rock and roll Tuesday. It's gonna be a good, fun day.

Now, I am so curious (and slightly worried as always) about what they are planning at the class when it comes to lunch and breakfast and snacks. This is why I have decided to bring my own. I just gotta make sure to find a microwave oven along the way, and I'm good. If nothing else, my normal work place is next door, and I'll simply slip in there to heat my food. I'll make it work. Also, I will bring a couple of pears for snacks.

The good news is that I will be super low on calories from my lunch and dinner today - I should have PLENTY of room for whatever they toss at me throughout the day. I don't think I'll have any trouble.

Today I am thankful for
- All you guys and the rest of FatSecret giving me input on yesterday's question.
- Class today - expanding my knowledge is always cool!
- Long morning, less work day. :)
- Rockin' out with the kids today.
- Watching great live music on the big screen this morning. Such a great way to start the day.

Have an awesome day, friends! Life is good!
79.9 公斤 最近减少: 75.1 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2012年02月7日:
1807 千卡 脂肪: 68.28克 | 蛋白质: 63.50克 | 碳水物: 237.74克.   早餐: Jell-O Sugar-Free Gelatin, Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Egg, Psyllium Husks, Prunes Svesker uden sten. 午餐: Chicken Soup. 晚餐: Chicken Soup. 小食/其他: beef stew, Milk Chocolate Candies, Hard Candy, Bananas, Bell Peppers, Jell-O Sugar Free Low Calorie Gelatin Snacks - Orange/Lemon-Lime, sugar free chewing gum. 更多的......
2864 千卡 运动: 自行车(悠闲) - <16公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 坐着 - 11 小时 和 45 分钟, 站立 - 1 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 45 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 玩乐器 - 2 小时. 更多的......
一个星期减少3.5 公斤

Life is good, Thank you for reminding me of that today, will need it every day over the next few weeks so will keep checking in with you to be told just that.  
2012年02月7日 会员:: sunshine_girl
Awsome planning all round Keld. I think of maitenance like retirement, we all long for it....but if you don't plan for it you are in trouble. It is suggested that if you fail to plan for what you are going to do when you retire, you end up popping your cloggs before you know it. For me maitenance has to be planned for in advance, yes fine tune when you get there....if you don't you will be popping your buttons off as you expand and undo all the hard work. Watching you eagerly for the best ideas for my 'retirement' from weight loss. THANKS Keld XX 
2012年02月7日 会员:: Di Happy
7 is sexier than 8! Congrats on getting back down. Have fun rocking out, and good luck with your meetings. Hopefully there are not trays of cookies and danishes.  
2012年02月7日 会员:: posterchild66
i'm wondering when my first weigh in is with a 7...hopefully i don't have to wait too long! :) well done, keld, i told you that you're going to be under 80 by today :) 
2012年02月7日 会员:: joelae
It was such an interesting post.... So many theories and advice... Like you, I am non the wiser, and like you, I just keep within my normal RDI, but don't sweat if I go a bit over. Have a great day... You certainly have a lot on today. :-) 
2012年02月7日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I like your ideas about low-intensity exercise. With exercise, you have to do what you'll stick with, not have some overly-ambitious plan that you dread. I like some good, intense cardio once in a while, but my favorite exercise is walking our dog - watching her have so much fun and be enthusiastic about everything we encounter (trees, fire hydrants, ducks, etc) and enjoying the fresh air are the best. Have a great day! 
2012年02月7日 会员:: Sheryl10
Oh goodness, someone else who loves pears for snacks. I'm right with you Keld. 7 is definitely nicer than 8. Congrats on that. And thanks for the post.  
2012年02月7日 会员:: Helewis
I know when I did WW they told us that we could use our exercise as positive points...with which we could use to eat more...or we could just use them to loose faster. So WW agrees that both work. One just takes longer. I think you have made a good decision to continue on with your consistent exercise. A lot of times I will make it my mission to go to the gym and really "do some damage." But that mentality doesn't last me long before I wear myself out. Soooo....I think focusing on daily healthy eating and an active lifestyle (maybe combined with a challenging activity once in a while) is the way to go. On a side note: I love reading your journal. It makes me realize that I am not alone and that this is a long term commitment and not a goal I can obtain and just move on. Thanks!! 
2012年02月7日 会员:: calannapy
Just a quick howdy Kingkeld!!! Congrats on seeing that 7 today!! 
2012年02月7日 会员:: madaboutmoose
I love the way you plan out your meals in advance. That is the best way to know exactly how many calories you truly consume in a day. As for the workouts, keep doing whatever works for you. No one can say what your doing isn't bringing great success, so keep it up. Your body will let you know when you need to change things up again.  
2012年02月7日 会员:: M.Trublu
Glad that you saw that 7 today. I agree with the low intensity exercise. I try to get in 10,000 steps everyday (notice I said try), and a kettle bell workout 4 or 5 times a week. I tried the "Slim in 6" routine summer before last, and truthfully, not only did I not lose any weight, I didn't like it! I would much rather walk. LOL Have fun today, and great job being prepared!  
2012年02月7日 会员:: ctlss
7 is totally more sexy than 8. 8 is far hotter than 9. =) 
2012年02月7日 会员:: ferlengheti
With all the information out there on dieting...its hard to decide which is correct. I remember when a friend told me about lower my carbs. I was so utterly confused and had no idea what in the world she was talking about. Well finally it clicked. And now I'm doing it! So my advice to you would be to read and not get too overwhelmed by others approaches. Take what you think will work for you! Also, call yourself a human science project and try out a form of dieting and then see how your body reacts. If you gain weight..don't do it. If you lose...keep it up!! Love your approach and positive thoughts! Have a great one!!!  
2012年02月7日 会员:: alohaneen
Yay for 7! What a lucky number. :) lol. Hope your day was as amazing as expected.  
2012年02月7日 会员:: just.keep.swimming





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