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kingkeld的日记, 2012年01月12日

Wooohoo! I have a new, lowest weight-in to record today. I am today 81.2 kgs - 4.1 kgs from my goal.

Yesterday, I did a few little indulges. Nothing too wild, but I had the calories for it and thought "why not".

Bosslady brought creme puffs (or rather, a Danish variation called "flødeboller") because our statistics looked better than they have in ages. I decided that I wanted one, had it, loved it and moved on. There were several more to be had should I have wanted to, but it was satisfactory with just one.

This week is somewhat experimental for me, as I have upped my RDI to 1800 from 1500. I want to know what it does to me, and to really know I need to be very close to the top number. What's the point to setting it to 1800 if my daily average is still around 1500, right? So I am trying to get up there.

I have bought my usual low cal ice cream (which I LOVE), but I have also brough a little dark chocolate sprinkle. I use this to add to my "last meal of the day" in the evenings, if I am much too low. At least that's what I figured. I can control having chocolate in the cupboard, I'm not too concerned about it. It's won't just "magically disappear".

So, yesterday I started listening to the Mindfulness course. It's actually very interesting. As a matter of fact, it's so interesting for me that I wanted to take a sneak preview on my five minute walk to work. Well, it ended up with me being 30 minutes late, because I decided to walk to the beach and back while listening to the first lecture. I think I'll do it again today if it's not raining. I haven't looked out the window yet. :)

It talks about how our lives are cluttered with thoughts that really don't matter, and how they disturb us. If we can willfully clean up our thought patterns, and live more in the moment, then we will essentially be happier and more content. For some of us, including me, this is very true. We all have so many thoughts about everything, and it doesn't help us focusing at the task at hand.

The speaker compares it with watching a DVD, but that it's stuck on the director's commentary track. For those of you who've tried watching these, you know that it's maybe an interesting and insightful way of watching a movie you really like, but you don't get to really watch the movie. Instead, you hear all these comments about it.

We do the same thing.

He uses a lecture as another example. We go to the lecture to learn. But before long we see some lady sitting there, we start thinking about her hair. We think about that's other guy's tie. We think about what's for dinner tonight, what's happening in that show that we follow on TV and a million other things. Instead, we should enjoy the lecture and learn from it. We're not REALLY there. Mindfulness helps us optimize this.

He really summarized it for me when he said "I would really hate to come home from a long day full of events and then realize that I wasn't really there". I want to be there.

I'm pretty sure I will listen to this course repeatedly, and try to learn as much as I can.

Tonight, I think I'll invite Wife out for dinner. We have a great little Chinese buffet here in town. Emphasis on "little". However, the food is affordable and tasty, and they have a corner with Mongolian BBQ. I love this stuff. You pick your raw veggies and meats, the sauces (many of which are just water with spices) and they stir-fry it for you. It's so EASY to eat healthy and count your calories this way. No problem.

We need a night out. I miss her. We've been so busy doing things that we haven't had a change to really be together. Now that we're doing the exercise DVDs, we don't even get to talk in the mornings. Actually, I skipped my exercises today, just to be with her. It's a good trade. My timed schedule for today kinda got messed up, so I won't get to do the exercises, but that's okay. I'd much rather talk to the girl I love.

I will take a good look at how I can do both in the future. I want to be getting ready fairly efficient in the mornings, but I do want to spend half an hour getting ready WITH her, instead of me doing my exercises while she is prepping for work, and then not seeing her until in the evening when she's half asleep.

So tonight, it's Chinese, we'll call it a date night, just the two of us. I think we're both tired of having live-in guests. Nothing personal. We agreed to her staying until Christmas, and adding almost an extra month to it really gets to feel like us losing our privacy. I don't only do this for so long. Again, nothing personal against Lodger. She's all right. It's more the situation. This is her last week here, so things will soon be back to normal.

Today is a long day at work (by Danish standards). I'll be out at five, meeting wife and going straight for date night. I'm so looking forward to it!

Today I am thankful for:
- setting Tabby up to connect to my stereo or online radio! :) Yes, I know. Geeky.
- Pecan coffee (Salute, BHA!)
- A great talk with Wife this morning, though it meant skipping the exercise DVD. I'm curious if I will feel different through the day.

Have a great day, buddies! Oh, and also I'd like to welcome all the new buddies who have requested to "get to know me". I'm glad to see you all on board!

Life is good!

81.2 公斤 最近减少: 73.8 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2012年01月12日:
1751 千卡 脂肪: 65.69克 | 蛋白质: 69.06克 | 碳水物: 224.70克.   早餐: salami, Rye Bread, Egg. 午餐: cabbage soup. 晚餐: Sweet or Dark Chocolate, Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Chicken Breast (Skin Not Eaten), Egg Drop Soup, vegetable oil, soy sauce. 小食/其他: Werther's Original Sugar Free Hard Candy, chewing gum, kakaois, apple. 更多的......
2770 千卡 运动: 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 7 小时 和 30 分钟, 坐着 - 5 小时 和 40 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 站立 - 2 小时 和 30 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少3.5 公斤

Wish there was a "like" button for your journal entry!!! Really interesting and great motivation!!! Keep on keeping on!!! P.S. I'm from South Africa but lived in Denmark for 6 months while I was at school!!! Love your country!!! 
2012年01月11日 会员:: Jvjonathan
congrats to your new low !!! and i once had one of these flodeboller as i was for two days in kopenhagen..so i know why you love these :) wish you a good day and especially a good date night :) 
2012年01月12日 会员:: joelae
Congrats on your new low Kingkeld! I enjoy your take on your wife, I have many of the same struggles here, finding time to be together with two teens, and also finding a healthy way to eat outside of the home. They have Mongolian BBQ at work on Thursdays, I like to load it up with veggies and chicken. Sometimes they mix up the plates though, and I get someone else s mix. Also, would love to check out that mindfulness course you speak about.  
2012年01月12日 会员:: posterchild66
CONGRATULATIONS on the new low, Keld. You know, your Mindfulness course has got me thinking that, in addition to the book we're all awaiting, you would probably be a most excellent motivational speaker. Look, I've got all your time allotted for like the next five years. Seriously, I think it's a brilliant idea. 
2012年01月12日 会员:: Helewis
CONGRATS for the new low... Fingers crossed upping your RDI is working :-). Your Mindfulness course sounds good ... Something that I have fallen into sometimes, and hear others do and say it too, is .... It will be better when I have 'x' then I can do 'x', I will do 'x', tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. A quote I like (there are lots of similar ones) "We are always getting ready to live but never living". Being aware and enjoying "the moment" is so important, we never know what is around the corner - tomorrow may never come! I think that s s lovely, that you are taking the time to be with your wife. We are all guilty sometimes, for not taking "time out" to be with the ones we love.... Have a great dinner :-) 
2012年01月12日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
YAY for a new low!!! I'm reading about you upping your RDI and I am painfully aware of how low my calories are between indulgence days. Makes me wonder if I need to be eating more. I do this to myself a lot. I forget to simply feed my body when it needs fuels. Not necessarily disregarding the RDI but instead respecting that my body needs different things on different days. Yesterday and this morning I work up famished!! Not usual for me. I'll figure it out!!! Enjoy your date night with wife. I'm sure it will be lovely!!! Take care of yourself!! 
2012年01月12日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Congrats on the new Low...I made some changes post holidays and it seems to be working too. Good luck and see you at your goal.  
2012年01月12日 会员:: pmaz1603
I have to say, my favorite part about your journals is reading about the support you and your wife give each other. It really is inspiring :) and CONGRATS on your new low!! Keep it up! I hope the new RDI helps a bit too 
2012年01月12日 会员:: peppymint
keld - you the man! enjoy the heck out of date night!! You both deserve quality time w/ each other!!! 
2012年01月12日 会员:: jsfantome
Awwwwww Keld!!! I almost got tears in my eyes reading the way you talk/think about your wife. Just so you know, it's the way most women hope our men talk/think about us.. Pick up some flowers for her on your way if you can!! :) And also, congrats on the new low! 
2012年01月12日 会员:: erika2633
Keld are you guys like Newlyweds or something...if so Congrats...if not, please stop setting the bar so high for the rest of your male brethren out here. You are giving me tears in my eyes for a whole different reason:) 
2012年01月12日 会员:: Rpalmst
You are so close, surely you can all but taste it! Thanks for the reminder to be more mindful. I think we all tend to be (or should be)more mindful of what we eat and more mindful during the act of eating, then forget about the rest of our lives. Enjoy your date night XX 
2012年01月12日 会员:: Di Happy
What a lovely entry! Weightloss success, good work stats, self-exploration, and spending more time with your wife... you're one in a million, Keld. =) Have a wonderful Date Night. 
2012年01月12日 会员:: ferlengheti





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