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kingkeld的日记, 2011年11月29日

Wow. Yesterday threw me off COMPLETELY!

It started off as a great day, and I ended up being stressed out (or not really anything other than little things) and having a bad time!

I woke up, did the Extreme Makeover workout (and liked it so much that I did it again this morning!), wrote my journal while having breakfast, and then played through the 1st set of my band's songs. Then off to work.

At work, I realize that I had left ALL the papers I need to actually catch up - at home! Sigh. No catching up. Fortunately, we have an all-afternoon meeting that is mandatory (and sounds very interesting) from 11.30. So I work on my stuff until then, and off we go. Well that being said, the morning work was a ton of curve balls and they came at me from all sides.

So, getting to the course/meeting, I realize that I didn't bring my lunch. It's sitting at my work place in the fridge, 30 kilometers away. Not to worry. There is being served sandwiches for lunch. Nice ones, too. Full of fat meat, poor quality bread and drenched in dressings. We're out on the country side with no alternatives, and I am hungry. So I have one, with the will to compensate on dinner.

Well, dinner was leftover meat balls (which is one of my favories), and they're high on calories. We do, however, also have little bit of leftover (dry) ham. So I get the ham, La Familia gets all the goodies and I am stuck with dry ham, whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce. Way too boring when I had my mind set on something else.

The good news is that even if I was fussy and grumpy all evening (which was short - I went to bed early as I felt hungry and not satisfied - probably just a mental thing as I had enough to eat for dinner to be full) I managed to stay within my RDI. I did good. And today I am damn proud of it. I was so tempted to just say "screw it" and have my meat balls, but I stayed away from it.

I think what happens is REALLY this:

These days I stress over work. There is a LOT to do, and not enough time to really do it. I have appointments with people which HAS to be done on time, or I break the law. The paper work is essentially secondary, but needs to be done of course. So what I can do when it's really busy is to do and register the meetings, then catch up later. However, that pile gets bigger and bigger and it stresses me. I don't like it.

So I cling to the things I AM good at - my weight loss. When it goes well, I am happy. I plan my meals, and I stick to that plan. So when my plan gets screwed up, I get very irritated. I get bitchy and whiny, probably more because of I have to regroup than the actual change.

Then, on top of that, my weight hasn't budged for days. I know I am still losing weight. My fat percentage is today registering as 10.4% - an all time (and almost scary) new low.

Normally this number goes down in two cases:

1. Right after Indulgence Day. It makes sense. I eat a lot on Indulgence Day, so my total weight is high. If the weight of fat in my body is the same, the percentage will go down. Simple math.

2. When I am losing fat weight, but the weight won't budge. This is really the same thing happening, but opposite #1. In this case, weight stays the same, but the weight of fat in my body goes down, and so will the percentage. Again, simple math.

So, when I see that I consistently weigh the same and I get a new low fat percentage, I know that things are happening "behind the scenes". This helps me stay (reasonably) sane during times like this. If you don't have a smart scale, I highly recommend getting one. I love mine!

However, this stress thing is something I want to work on. I don't want to be irritated by the little things. I want to be happy while doing this - as I know it helps me. Stress can factor in on MANY things, and one in particular is our weight. I don't want to fall into this trap.

For me, I think it's primarily about my mindset. I need to be a little better to focus on work when it's quite time there. Quiet time is good for catching up, and I need to do a little better on that.

Also, I need to be happier at home. Now, it sounds like I'm this all-grumpy ogre just nagging and complaining. That's not the case. I just get quiet and can tell that I get irritated when things don't go as expected. I need to be better at stopping up and asking myself "is it okay that this happened? Will I survive it? Will it wipe out the entire human race, now that this happened?". The answer is of course that it is NOT that important, and yes - we will survive.

So I think that the bottom line on these thoughts will be this:

1. Don't sweat the small stuff.
2. It's ALL small stuff.

Today, I'm going teaching the rockin' kids after work. We're gonna work on Highway To Hell and Smoke On The Water - hopefully we'll get a little further. The kids showed great progress last time - I hope they'll do as well today.

Life is good!
85.4 公斤 最近减少: 69.6 公斤.    还有: 0.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年11月29日:
1254 千卡 脂肪: 46.55克 | 蛋白质: 106.91克 | 碳水物: 110.72克.   早餐: ham, Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Egg. 午餐: sliced ham, green peas, brocolli. 晚餐: Broccoli, Sliced Ham (Regular, Approx. 11% Fat). 小食/其他: extra lean ham, Free Laekkerbar, carrot. 更多的......
3158 千卡 运动: 站立 - 2 小时, 健美操(轻型的,例如居家运动) - 15 分钟, 坐着 - 3 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 45 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 玩乐器 - 3 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 6 小时 和 30 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少0.7 公斤

Wow, Keld. Sorry about the 'off' day. I guess we all have them every now and again. Hopefully the kids will put it all right with their rocking'. 
2011年11月29日 会员:: Helewis
What a day... Well done you for not having a "food frenzy". So pleased that you are enjoying your exercise DVD - what a switch round :-) 
2011年11月29日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Popped in to see you right after writing or perhaps better said "not writing" a journal this morning. Thanks for sharing your process. Those days do happen ... I'm proud you stayed within your RDI and are thinking through the whole thing!!! Hope today goes smoother!!! 
2011年11月29日 会员:: madaboutmoose
@moose - thanks! I hope yours will be a good one too. I know you're struggling a little with this right now. I really hope it'll sort itself out.  
2011年11月29日 会员:: kingkeld
After reading your whole journal entry, the thing that stuck out the most was that you ENJOYED your exercise video! That's definitely a plus that outweighed all the negatives of the day. Use it to take your mind off of all the annoying frivelous 'small' things when you're feeling overwhelemed. You'll come back to them with a new perspective! 
2011年11月29日 会员:: peppymint
King- we are hanging out in the same limbo on the scale...I feel ya. I even have started to go to the gym 3x a week, not just 2...and no real movement...let's be patient the pot says to the kettle 
2011年11月29日 会员:: JenKatja
Thanks Keld ... it will sort itself out. I'm just being incredibly impatient!! I appreciate your support. I know this approach has been incredibly successful for you and there is no reason in the world for it not to work for me as well. I have to remind myself over and over and over again that there is no hurry. LOL!! I'll probably never be done with reminding myself about that!!  
2011年11月29日 会员:: madaboutmoose
You handled this really well! It is so important to recognise when we are stressed and how it can affect our bodies if we don't do anything about it. I used to stuff my face when I was stressed. If I hadn't changed I would probably be near 200 lb now. It is amazing to read peoples' stories and how much they have learned on here! You will never go back to your old ways! 
2011年11月29日 会员:: LaraStar
Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate your supporting comments. You know, there is NOTHING like having written a heart felt journal, and coming back at the end of the days seeing 8 comments - and knowing that there are probably more that actually read it. It's nice to know that we have this support system, and that people care. And yes, I hope I handled it well. I hope and think I have learned to change my ways around to NOT go on a binge - but it's still HARD TO DO! I am slowly getting better, and trying to not give in to eat the bad stuff. Most of the time I succeed, not because I am strong, but because I can be really hard headed about things. Just ask Wife. :) 
2011年11月29日 会员:: kingkeld
LOL!!! See!!! Being hard-headed is a good thing!!! 
2011年11月29日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Sorry you had a rough day sir. I understand the work stress – I have a fair bit of it myself. Any time I have had a few bad days I simply look at my ‘complete history’ chart and it helps put things in perspective – you should do the same! 
2011年11月29日 会员:: bflegg
Thanks, bflegg. That's what I usually do. I know that I'm doing great, but we all get oh so addicted to the rush of getting on that scale and seeing a new low number, don't we? These days, there is no bigger success than that.  
2011年11月29日 会员:: kingkeld





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