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kingkeld的日记, 2011年11月15日

Yesterday, I brought the shocking news of my plan to hit the gym.

I know. You were all in shock! The king does NOT go to the gym, we all know that. LOL. Well, guess what, he didn't.

I actually packed all my clothes and I was ready, had it all set up with Wife and we went, but it was frickin' closed! The gym (and this is probably one of the reasons it's the cheap one) is a public gym at the local convention center, and there was something going on there yesterday, so we couldn't get to the changing rooms and there was a billion people around. So I decided to skip and go home and hit the exercise bike.

Had I stayed, I would have walked for 45-60 minutes. I ended up bicycling, with 80% weight on my bike for 70 minutes to compensate. I think that's pretty good. I feel really good doing this, and I still try to get it done.

Man, I suck at exercise, I never feel like doing it, but once I do I feel good about it. I feel accomplished and I feel that I am doing something for my weight loss project.

I was gonna give it another spin this morning, but my legs are simply too tired (I assume from yesterday - isn't there something about that you have to give them a day's rest?), so I am gonna wait. I'm gonna get some extra exercise today anyways, as today is my music teaching day, and this means walking to the school (about 25 minutes each way) and then standing up with a 5 kg guitar and moving around constantly for 3 hours. I know that burns quite a bit of calories, at least compared to the days where I just sit at home.

I will definitely try again on getting to the gym, though. I really want to do this and I really want to get that gym set up as a habit in my mind. I know it's good, I know it's good for me, and I know I will be needing it even more after I have my surgery. So building a few habits around it is probably not a bad idea.

So how did I do weight wise? Well, I am down 400 grams since yesterday. This is of course still me working on losing the added weight (which was a whopping 3 kgs) from Saturday's Indulgence Day. I am today at 87.2 kgs - 2.2 from my next goal. I have a feeling that I might be able to reach it this week. This is what I want and what I work for this week. I'm determined to reach it, even if I have to EXERCISE! LOL!

I'm kind of at a point where I really want to reach my 77 kgs, and start maintenance. It's been SO LONG that I have been going low calories and I feel that I need a chance. 13 months is a long time. Sure, I've seen great results from it and I am super thankful for that (I hope this doesn't come off as too whiny), but I really miss having a little extra flexibility in my food budget. The food budget will always be there. I don't mind the calculating and the measuring. I just wish there was room for a little more of things now and then. So I want to reach my 77, get into maintenance mode and start my new life style even more. My plan is to get to the 77 kgs, then start adding 100 calories per day every week, still weighing in as always, and keeping an eye on the changes I get from it. I think it's gonna be essential that I try to get as close to my RDI as possible every day, to get a correct "measurement" of the consequences of adding calories daily. I can't adjust my RDI to something higher if I didn't reach my RDI through the week, right? That would make no sense.
So my plan is for the first week (when I reach 77 kgs) to go up 100 calories per day to 1700, and keep the Indulgence Day. Then, if I haven't gained weight by the end of that week, I will go to 1800, keep the Indulgence day and go another week, and so on. Once I am high enough that I believe I no longer need an Indulgence day, I will skip it and see where that takes me. And so on, and so on.

I'm counting on having to calculate pretty much for life. Of course, it's a lot easier now than it was a year ago. Now it's just second nature and something I just do on the side. But it's something that - even if I eventually will know how to do this by heart - I will want to keep doing to keep myself in check. I don't ever want to end back where I started. I have seen the changes, I have seen how horrible shape I was in. You don't necessarily see it when you're there, but you see it when you're away from it. Those old pictures of me (from 13+ months ago!) I don't even recognize myself in them. Honestly, I don't. It's the single most freaky thing. I have a whole hard drive full of photos of this fat guy whom I don't know any longer.

I know, this sounds shallow to some extend. But it's true. I feel that I did so bad in my past, and now I have seen what it is that I need to be doing, this old guy just kinda faded out. I had a good life before, but my life now is AMAZING! I'm just loving the way I am doing things now, and the ease of which I'm doing it. It's all about attitude.

I'm really looking forward to jamming with the kids today. I love doing this - it's very inspirational to see the fun they're having doing this. They're still playing Smoke On The Water, but I think they're ready for us to add another song to the "set list". I just wonder which one it should be. It would be cool to introduce some AC/DC or something. I'm thinking "Highway To Hell" is an awesome song - it's SOOOOO rock'n'roll! It's gotta be something rocking that they (and other people) know at least a little bit. They have a spot on a little concert bill in April, and it would be cool to be able to do three songs, all famous, to get people going. I hope we can take it that far.

I was gonna wrap today's journal up, but I just made a fun observance. As I am sitting here typing all this, my kitty cat jumped up on my lab to be petted. She does this all the time, but I just realized that she has a LOT more room here on my lab between my belly and my desk where I have my laptop. She used to not really fit there and be really uncomfortable, and now she is just sprawled out all over the place, plenty of room. How cool is that!?

Everyone have a great day! It's Tuesday, and hump day is tomorrow! Life is good!

87.2 公斤 最近减少: 67.8 公斤.    还有: 2.2 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年11月15日:
1559 千卡 脂肪: 41.88克 | 蛋白质: 102.58克 | 碳水物: 200.12克.   早餐: Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: mixed vegetables, White Rice (Long-Grain, Cooked), Mole Poblano Sauce, Chicken Breast (Skin Not Eaten). 晚餐: mixed vegetables, chicken breast. 小食/其他: hard candy, Carrots, swiss cheese, french bread. 更多的......
3130 千卡 运动: 坐着 - 3 小时 和 45 分钟, 站立 - 1 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 45 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 7 小时 和 30 分钟, 玩乐器 - 3 小时. 更多的......
一个星期减少2.8 公斤

Ha ha ha ha ha big belly laugh - sorry - shouldn't laugh about your "gym" experience, but you had psyched yourself, and us, up so much for this event. Seriously.... Well done for "getting on your bike" to compensate :-) 
2011年11月15日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Yeah, sometimes you just don't get a chance. I will try again Wednesday. Let's see if the Gym Gods are with me then. :) 
2011年11月15日 会员:: kingkeld
Great job doing SOMEthing... that's all it takes! As for Smoke on the Water... omg, there's a flash back! TNT is also a great AC/DC song, or Thunderstruck... Great pool of rock to choose from. I LOVE your kitty story... I miss my pretty little orangy girl, Leia. But now we have a cute pup named Gigi. I will have a kitty in my house again... just don't know when. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! 
2011年11月15日 会员:: ZippyDani
Would you like a little cheese with that whine?? LOL!!! Just kidding!!! Of course you are ready for the next phase. 13 months is a long time. Patience grasshopper ... you will be there when you are there and not a moment sooner!! I find that once I get in the exercise "habit" it is hard for me to kick!!! I'm not really much of a fitness freak either ... but the exercise (when I am doing it) really makes me feel better. Have a wonderful day!!! 
2011年11月15日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Any exercise is good exercise!! Remember that! If all you have is 20 minutes, 20 minutes on the bike is better than 20 minutes bumming on the couch. And yes, you do need rest days!! (#1 rule for a runner). The days after you push yourself hard you NEED time for recovery. If you try to work those same muscles hard again the next day, that's when you start to risk injury. It is very important to give those muscles time to recouperate and heal. It's the same reason that weight lifters don't work the same body parts 2 days in a row. If you're sore from using the bike, maybe try to do some arm workouts instead. This way, you get into a circuit and can exercise every day (or almost... or at least try...) without overworking one particular body part. Good luck!! Keep your motivation up :) 
2011年11月15日 会员:: peppymint
You have done an amazing over the last 13 months....and yes, I agree with "Tarol", you are ready for the next phase. I read your bio, and this is the first journal entry I have read, but I have to say that the last paragraph is my favorite...it says so much in so few words, about you, your journey, and where you are! Have a great day! 
2011年11月15日 会员:: ctlss
King, you're simply my inspiration! I've been where you were, then became a "new" me and UNFORTUNATELY went right back to the "old" me - something I know YOU WILL NOT DO! You seem to know exactly what it takes to be able to stay the "new" you. With you as a "role model" I think I'll make it as well this time around! Thank you for sharing your journal entries ;) 
2011年11月15日 会员:: SoLosingIt
Oh I love it when my "old" buddies become buddies with my "new" buddies ... (Stef aka ctlss) and the last paragraph is definitely very "cool"!!!  
2011年11月15日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Hey, "Tarol"!!  
2011年11月15日 会员:: ctlss
@Ctlss, thanks for reading. :) @SoLosingIt, you better keep it off this time. Let's count on you being so much wiser and aware of the danger of slipping back. I hope that I will be able to keep it off - I think I have all the theory down on it, but of course I have never acutally done it. I just imagine that it has to be more of the same, only different numbers. I will fight HARD to keep the weight off me. :) @Moose - it IS cool when we all meet and gather 'round the camp fire.  
2011年11月16日 会员:: kingkeld





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