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kingkeld的日记, 2014年01月12日

Good morning!

So... it took less than 24 hours for my heart to settle back into the old "bad" rhythm. :(

I was sitting at by my laptop when I suddenly realized that I could "feel" my heart again. This is what is the main difference to me. When the heart "skips", it makes me aware of it, and snaps me out of my focus. It can be draining mentally sometimes.

The doctors say that there is nothing dangerous in my condition. It's more a matter of whether I want to live with it or not.

Feeling how relaxed I was during the time where the heart was in the right sinus rhythm, I really do want to try to get it back into that groove again. But it seems like my heart really likes to be where it is again.

Maybe simply because it has been there for years?

I'm gonna call the doctor Monday and take steps to have the procedure repeated. I'm allowed to do this, and I think it's worth a 2nd try. I was warned that this could happen.

I'm STILL allowed to workout. Nothing's changed. I'm gonna do my first workout today. :)


Yesterday was a good day, no challenges food wise at all. I pretty much met my protein goal (short 8g), and I ended up 1000 calories under RDI. That's pretty neat. It gives me a little save-up for the next month.

I would like to have a little stack of calories put aside for the days where I feel like breaking the rules. My spreadsheet helps me calculate all this, so I know what I'm doing. If I save up long enough, I can completely justify pretty much anything. It's nice. I love my new system.


My weigh-in today is perfectly fine. All numbers are pretty much identical to yesterday's numbers, except I'm back down to 83 kilos, from 83.6 yesterday. I gained weight from having sushi, I'm pretty sure, and it's leaving now.


Today's gonna have to be a short journal. I slept late, had a GREAT night's sleep, and I am being picked up to go play with the band in about 20 minutes. I better get ready.

Just wanted to check in.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Doing my first workout this afternoon! I can't wait!
- Morning coffee!
- A good night's sleep.
- Wife!
- NOT my heart. It's being a stubborn little b**ch! :/

Have a great Sunday! Life is good!
83 公斤 最近减少: 72 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少4.2 公斤

Crum! Sorry to hear that, Keld! That really blows. But I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the heart-rhythm when it was behaving... still wanted to know if it bumped your bass-playing up a notch. Oh well... keep us apprised on when you're going to do it again. 
2014年01月12日 会员:: Rob.c.weiss
:-( to hear about your heart going back to its old ways - it's a bit like our eating habits; hard to get on the right track. Fingers crossed for next time - I bet you just like being in hospital with all those nurses LOL. 
2014年01月12日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Bummer...Hope the next time works for you...:O) 
2014年01月12日 会员:: BHA
Crap Keld... please make sure you can do your workout before attempting it.  
2014年01月12日 会员:: ClassicRocker
Old habits are hard to break I guess. Hopefully, it sticks next time. Hang in there!  
2014年01月12日 会员:: youngsturgeon
Shucks - that's a bit of a drag. Hoping it holds next time. Atleast this time you can try it with less anxiety having been through it once already. Fingers crossed... 
2014年01月12日 会员:: Lynn1958
Lynn, I won't be nervous doing it another time. It was really nothing. I just hope it can stay in the right groove. It was very nice while it lasted.  
2014年01月12日 会员:: kingkeld
ClassicRocker, I made sure to ask the doctors at the hospital. They were actually very surprised when I told them that my doctor asked me to NOT work out while I was waiting. They say "Go all you want". Best advice I've ever heard.  
2014年01月12日 会员:: kingkeld
Bummer about the rhythm change... good luck on the workout! 
2014年01月12日 会员:: zebdavison
You did read that right, Draglist. :) 
2014年01月12日 会员:: kingkeld
Sure hope your heart goes back into rhythm again. Are you on an anticoagulant for it? I know this may sound crazy, but did they tell you to avoid any foods that could cause the problem? Be careful with your workout. The good thing is that it seems you know your body. You know when you're going in and out of rhythm. It can physically wear you out, I can only imagine what it mentally does.  
2014年01月12日 会员:: Jillzee00
My brother in law has a-fib issues and has been shocked back into rhythm multiple times. When it is racing it tires him out too much. He also used to be heavy and is now too slender. Perhaps that is what is causing the issue? 
2014年01月12日 会员:: kmunson
So if I'm reading you right it's nothing serious. I hope not anyway. You appear to be so healthy. I wish the best for you. Next month I'm going to try to get one of those scales like you use, only a slightly cheaper version. I want to know all that stuff about myself. Glad you're feeling better. Please be careful when you start back exercising. We care about you.  
2014年01月12日 会员:: debi334
Thanks for checking in, love your journals;-)  
2014年01月15日 会员:: bluecreme





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