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Got my tonsils out last tuesday. I've been eating lots of fruit juice gelatine, smoothies, and life savers. I started eating realy foods about 2 days ago. I'm still not able to eat very much. Yesterday I went to Red Robin - had chicken sandwich with fries. Couldn't eat my whole meal and it was pretty much the only solid food I ate yesterday besides some oatmeal. Not sure oatmeal totally counts as solid food.

I'm getting pretty sick of eating this way. I think I've lost a few pounds -- well, the few pounds I put on the weeks before my surgery. I freaked out and started eating like it was going out of style. I was 158 the day of my surgery.

I still have one more week until I can exercise, so I'm going to take it very easy this week with the calories. Going to track and stuff. Still tracking my food on the WW site.


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
69.8 公斤 11.0 公斤 0 公斤 100%
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.4 公斤


OK, my month-long experiment in not tracking during maintenance is going well. I'm up a bit this morning on the scale and now I'm flipped out because I've got my WW monthly weigh-in this weekend. ONO!

I don't think it's because of actual weight gain, I think it's due to eating a higher sodium diet than usual -- and not drinking enough water. This is what I get for being lazy this weekend and not going grocery shopping. I'm eating "convenience" foods (healthy convenience foods) but still higher in sodium than if I made myself a big pot of soup. And my soup is much better than anything I can buy. I've got some mad soup-making skills. Must make soup this weekend...

One month in maintenance and my size sixes still fit -- really well in fact. :-)

I think I'm ready to get these last few pounds off. My initial personal goal was to get to 2 pounds under my goal weight and I'm ready to track my food for another month to get it done. I know that I can maintain my weight. This last month has shown me that -- especially since this has been one hell of a stressful month:

Easter day poisoning
My birthday
My son's birthday
My husband totalled his car

All of that happened in the last two weeks of the month and I survived. I didn't stress eat, even if I didn't exercise as much as I wantted to. I'm still struggling to get back to my pre-poisoning exercise routine.

And finally, I really want to get my weight down a few more pounds because I'm getting my tonsils out at the end of the month and I won't be able to exercise for two weeks afterwards. I don't think I've gone that long in years. OK, I'm ready to do it. I can do it! BREAK!


Did great on my second ever 5K race!!! My goal was to do the race in less than 30:00 because I ran my first race at 30:18. My unofficial time on today's race was 25:52!!! I can't believe it. I just found someone to run behind who was doing a pace I thought I could do. The pace was a bit challenging and at one point I was lamenting that I thought this race was way harder than my first one. I didn't know I was running that fast. At one point, I thought of walking and I did a bit of a half-step and I then cussed myself out for even trying to walk. I thought that there was no way I was even close to breaking the 30:00. That's why I kept pushing myself.

My unofficial race stats:
Race time: 25:52
MPH: 7.2
Pace: 8:19

The only problem with today's run is that it was a sunny beautiful spring morning -- and afterwards my allergies kicked in big time. I've been sneezing, sniffing and coughing all day. I've finally had enough and took some benadryl. I'm going to fall asleep very soon and I'm going to sleep all night.


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
70.5 公斤 10.3 公斤 0.2 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一星期增加0.2 公斤


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