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Today I am currently monitoring all of what I take in...yesterday was a bust and I am letting it go...sooooo today is a work in progress. I am not hungry, nor am I craving food, so why am I going to the refrigerator so much. I think it is habit. We put a new pool liner in our above ground pool and since it is soooooo *bleeping* hot here... that is the only way I am going to exercise. 96 degrees with 100% humidity, to much, but the pool makes it workable. Staying positive is what I am going to do, checked my weight at the doctors office and it was down more.. I will record it later when my scale matches theirs. I really took a long hard look at why I am emotionally eating and I have been digging into my childhood for emotional barriers...wrote my girlfriend the longest letter I have ever written her...she is my sounding board. Anyway...I feel emotionally cleansed today. I tell her stuff that I would never dare to speak aloud....so it is very helpful to me. Part of the Biggest Looser plan is to get your emotions and feelings out in the open so you can deal with the ghosts of the past that are keeping me feeling worthless and changing it to feeling worthy.

Talk later.




Well today has been a challange..... because I have figured out a way to eat sweets without all of the fats and carbs.... sooooo I have been eating away....well.... not good because I have been holding at the same weight now for the past five days... not happy with that. ;(

I think that I am going to have to go back to the way I was eating before I went on holiday.... how do I lose and eat what I want!!

I have read so many contraversal articals....eat this way and you will lose ... eat that way and you will lose.... I am only getting confused. I wish I had the trainers from the biggest loser to help me with this horible problem. I know that I am an emotional eater... it is proven up here more than down in Florida... but I need help!!! I miss beinig able to chart my food every day from the web.. we do not have access from where we are staying... so I am unsure how I am doing.

well this entry is finished for now.. more later.



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