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Did You Know?

Here is something that will get you thinking more about what you eat. After this post you are going to want to research a LOT of things! Hold on to your seats because here it comes!

Google it, this is true, you just can't make this stuff up!

Imitation vanilla. People use it because it's a lot cheaper than the real deal. But have you ever thought of where it comes from? Well, thanks to a little help from google I am going to answer that question for you.

Imitation vanilla is derived from the anal glands of a beaver!

Yes, you read that correctly. Anal glands of a beaver. So the next time you see imitation vanilla on a label, just know you are going to be tasting beaver butt! But here is the real kicker. This shows how my mind works. I want to know whose job it was to lick rodents anus's to see what they tasted like! I can just see it now...Lick...Butterscotch...lick...strawberry...lick...vanilla! I sure hope those taste testers get paid a "butt" load of money!!

So now you have some great stage material for any gathering you will be participating in this weekend.

You're welcome!


A Hidden Agenda?

By now most people know that the whole cholesterol madness was a farce. If you don't, here is some information to ponder. In the 1950's a scientist named Ancel Keys did a study on the effects of saturated fat in the diet. He got information from around the world and crunched the numbers. What came out of that was called the seven nation studies. His report showed a direct correlation to high cholesterol and heart disease as the consumption of fat increased. The problem? He did not include all of the nations studied. Any data that did not fit his hypotheses was tossed out of the study, thereby insuring his hypotheses was correct. What was actually shown was that the data was all over the board and showed no direct correlation.

Fast forward to the 1970's and you have a battle raging over dietary guidelines for the USA. The panel was headed by George McGovern. Some scientists on the panel wanted to do some more research into nutrition before releasing the new guidelines to the American people. McGovern basically told the researchers he didn't have the luxury of time to allow them to do their work. He released what is probably the most damaging recommendation of nutrition to ever be published. But how did it happen? Why was the food pyramid set up the way it was?

Well, here is where policy meets conviction. Most of the researchers and "experts" on this panel aligned with vegetarianism. Additionally, some of the organizations that provided data and recommendations were also vegetarian leaning. The food pyramid was also biased towards our agricultural system and helped prop up corn and wheat crops. The nutritional guidelines were written by politicians and journalists, not scientists.

If you look at a chart of obesity, diabetes and heart disease you will see a direct correlation between the drop in saturated fat consumption and the rise of these ailments. People fail to understand how powerful the food industry is, especially the crop side of it. The food lobby is second only to the medical lobby in it's power and influence. We the American people, and to a large extent the rest of the world have been lied to and misdirected into believing something that is completely false and politically motivated.

So the next time you see or read about some new government study on nutrition, take it with a grain of salt. The studies are still heavily subsidized and influenced by the food industry. Until there is unbiased and independently funded research we will never be told the truth. Your health and that of your children resides in YOU doing the research. There are a lot of biased studies out there that can cause a lot of harm if followed for an extended amount of time. Make sure you choose wisely!



Your Truly Are What You Eat!

I had the privilege of working with a Canadian a couple weeks ago. His first day we went to Subway to get lunch. He was amazed at how cheap our subway was. In Canada, a 6' sandwich is $12. Now of course that is Canadian dollars, but still around $10US where here they are $5. We ended up spending much of lunch discussing why it was so cheap.

In the US we subsidize crops. Most notably corn. It is in everything we eat. The advent of high fructose corn syrup, it became the sweetener of choice for the processed food industry. But it doesn't stop with HFCS. There is corn starch, corn sugar, splenda, equal and the list goes on. It's in our bread, pies, cakes, beverages and even juices! The amount of corn consumed inadvertently in this country amazes me.

So now lets focus on the hidden side of corn, the areas where you never think of corn being present. Our meat. Yep, grain fed cows, pigs, chickens and even farm raised fish and shrimp. Every cattle farmer knows you feed cattle corn to fatten them up. Cows cannot properly digest corn and as a result it gets stored as fat. In commercial cattle pens, some of the cows even have holes in their stomachs so they can reach in and take out samples to ensure there is no bad bacteria in there. I don't know about you, but I don't think cows were intended to be used in such a manner.

So, back to the topic at hand. Let's take an average family hitting the local fast food joint on a Friday night. Order the hamburger, fries and a soda. Not the healthiest thing to eat, but most people never really think about it. It's cheap and filling and the kids feel like they have a treat. But let's take a look under the hood of this meal. Bun - High fructose corn syrup, corn starch. Burger - From cows fed a diet of corn. Fries - cooked in corn oil. Catsup - High fructose corn syrup. Soda - High fructose corn syrup. See the pattern yet?

In our example above, that family of four just ate a meal of flavored corn. If the same rules apply to us as it does most other mammals, we get fat because of the amount of corn we eat. We are essentially a carbon based life form made up of corn molecules! This is how we can sell food so cheap. If corn were not subsidized, we would not be able to afford to buy it.

So the next time you buy food, make sure to check the labels for hidden sources of corn. In addition to it being in just about everything, the amount of GMO corn is almost as high. We have no idea what the high consumption of GMO corn is doing to our bodies, but I suspect some of the issues we face as a society on the health front are directly related to this. It's the one single food that has increased in consumption exponentially since it's introduction into our food supply just over 20 years ago.

Are you an ear of corn?


Crack Cocaine Of Food?

People who have never had excess weight or eating disorders do not understand the power of processed foods. There are scientists who only job is to figure out how to design food so you crave more of it. The science has even gone as far as knowing what colors/designs the packaging needs to have to make it more appealing. the working on the wrappers, the calories labeled on the front in bold, these are all factors that trick you into eating more. So what is the biggest offender in creating this craving for food? I'm glad you asked.

Sugar and salt. Those are the two biggest triggers for processed foods. Sugar is unlike any other ingredient. In fact, it is the one thing our bodies absolutely do not need to function. Our bodies are efficient machines and know how to produce glucose on demand. We don't have to add it into our diets. But sugar is also different in the respect that it triggers dopamine receptors in our brains in the exact same fashion as cocaine does. MRI scans have revealed that our dopamine receptors behave exactly the same way on cocaine as it does on sugar. As we consume sugar, we get addicted to the responses in our brain. To continue to get those responses, we have to consume more and more sugar. It's a vicious cycle that we get trapped in.

But what about salt? Ever wonder why you crave chips and crackers? Our adrenal glands need sodium to function. Our minds have learned over time that these salty foods contain sodium so we crave them. When we eat foods high in sodium, we retain water. So how do these two work in conjunction to derail our eating habits? Enter the star pupil of combinations.

Soda. beverages such as Coke, Pepsi and every other sugary beverage have a one two punch for our bodies. These beverages contain huge amounts of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup. But corn syrup by itself is sickeningly sweet and we could not handle the taste by itself. Enter salt. Salt is a great equalizer in taming the syrup. But it is also a deadly combination. When we consume too much sugar, we become dehydrated. The high amounts of sugar cause your kidneys to expel water to get rid of the sugar. When you lose water, you crave salt to store more water. By having a beverage that has both, you will drink more. And don't forget the caffeine added in as an extra measure to ensure your thirst is never satisfied.

So as we drink soda, we consume large amounts of sugar, we consume large amounts of salt and caffeine. Our bodies develop a tolerance for the sugar so we have to drink more to get that "high" signal to our dopamine receptors. We dehydrate so we drink more and the vicious circle continues to go round. Is it any wonder we have such a huge problem with diabetes?


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