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One of my first posts on FS was in a 50+ group. Thought I would re-post here.

Let me back up. 2009...christmas...I weighed in at 239 pounds. I was out of breath just going to the bathroom! I was a smoker (35 years) and our family was caught in the typical "no time to cook" dilemma. I started walking. At first I just walked in the morning. then I added lunch time and finally after dinner. My wife and I started trying to cook real dinners again at home, cutting back on eating out. It started to work and I lost about 25 pounds. I was feeling good. Then I got called to travel for work. Over the next 6 months I was on the road half of each month. Needless to say I regained most of what I had lost.

Now, once that nightmare ended I decided it was time to really understand weight loss. I spent the next 7 years reading, watching webinars and any documentaries on weight loss. So many contradictions, so many religions that claim to be the end all be all. My head was constantly swirling. Which one really was the right one? I tried low fat, I tried weight watchers, I tried just about everything and yet I could not break the 25 pound barrier. Well, I had not tried the obvious yet, and in the spring of 2015 I finally did.

I had heard of Atkins, but didn't really know much about it. I didn't realize it was the first LCHF diet to ever be written about. What I finally did that got me looking down this rabbit hole, was looking at what my grandparents ate. My grandfather died at home at age 91. My grandmother still lives at home at the age of 99. What was it these people ate that allowed them to live such a long life? My grandmother only takes a couple of medications. No diabetes, no cancer, no heart disease, nothing. Her medications are for normal old age issues like eyes and things like that. So what did they eat?

My grandparents had a small farm. They raised most of what they ate. I remember my grandmother either cooking something or doing laundry every single day. Breakfast was a big meal. Eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, fried potatoes, fried apples. You did not walk away hungry! Of course this was before the 1980's and the evil fat revolution! Lunch was usually soup or maybe a sandwich (home made bread)! Dinner was stew, fried chicken or maybe pork chops. Yep, everything we are told is bad for us!

So if they ate all the food that we are told is going to make us fat and kill us, how did/are they living so long? Something is rotten in Denmark! I decided to follow their path. I adopted their diet. I make my bread from scratch. I make my own sauces from scratch. I make bone broth soup from scratch. I use lard, tallow, olive oil in my cooking. Full fat butter, heavy cream and raw milk. So basically I should be a walking heart attack!

Guess what? My doctor noticed at my physical last year that I was down 40 pounds, my borderline high blood pressure was at 120/83. My cholesterol was under 200. She was amazed and asked what I had done differently. I told her exactly what I was doing and she was shocked! She could not believe my health had actually improved eating the foods she was taught were bad for us!

Now is this diet for everyone? I don't know, I'm not a scientist. I'm just a normal guy who followed my family's eating habits. I don't go to the gym, I don't lift weights. I walk and occasionally jog (only because I sit at a computer all day). My improved health and weight loss was a direct result of what I ate.

So, if you want to lose weight, start with common sense. If mother nature provided it, eat it. If a lab made it, toss it. It really is that simple. The way I eat is how humans have eaten since we first stood upright. Up until the 20th century, it had remained pretty much the same. Our industrial revolution did more than just industrialize products. It industrialized our food. We eat things in our food that are used in cleaning supplies, paint, plastics just to name a few. How on earth could it be good for us to eat it? It's no wonder we have an epidemic of food allergies. Our bodies have not adapted to the franken foods we have started consuming. You have a choice to make. Eat to live now or pay to live later. The choice is yours.


I think a lot of people get really confused by what others eat to lose weight, especially when it contradicts their own dietary beliefs. I think there is some answers on this that are really fairly simple. It comes down to genetics.

There are a lot of people who are allergic to diary and don't even know it. For most people it is mild, for others more pronounced. The general rule of thumb is if your ancestors drank milk, then your genes have adapted to it and are probably not allergic. But others whose ancestors did not may be more susceptible to it. Some symptoms are frequent gas and bloating, acne, can't lose weight, you get sick often. These are just a few of the issues that could indicate a dairy intolerance.

So based on that knowledge, I firmly believe others are wheat/grain intolerant and some are not. This explains how some people can eat carbs and lose weight while others cannot. For me, I have a grain intolerance issue. I actually found it quite by accident. When I first started LCHF I had always had issues with gas and bloating. But I noticed that when I cut out the grains, it went away. Living with something like that for most of your life and not knowing why is a real pain. Now I know why and I try to keep my grain consumption as minimal as possible.

I'm sure there are other foods like this that we may not realize we have an intolerance for. The easiest way to find out is rto stop consuming a food you think is the culprit for about a week and see if there are any improvements. If there are, then you know that food is responsible. If not, count your blessings and move to the next one. It's not hard to find issues that are hidden and derail you from weight loss. You just have to be willing to look for them.


Today I am going to depart from my normal fact finding entries and go a little more into motivational.

While I have been overweight for the past 17 years, it has not been a huge gain. I was a junk food junkie and my body just couldn't keep up after I started sitting at a desk and got older. At my heaviest I was 239 just 1 1/2 years ago. Now mind you I am 6 feet tall, so I wore it fairly well. Had the sympathy belly going on. I started having issues tying my shoes and getting winded just going to the bathroom. It was at that point I decided to do something.

On June 15, 2015 I started. I began walking every day. I started with 1 mile and worked up to 3 miles per day, 5 days a week weather permitting. I also cut out carbs as much as I could and started eating more protein and fats. My family wasn't real keen on this since they are all carb lovers. Bread and pasta are their weakness. But I stuck to my guns and began to lose weight.

Over the next 6 months I dropped 45 pounds. It wasn't easy with everyone around me eating these refined carbs I loved so well, but I stuck with it. Sure, I had my moments of weakness, but I got right back on the horse and continued my journey. I had an injury last spring that derailed my progress. I did fairly well up until this past holiday season. I had only gained back 7 pounds up until Thanksgiving and then everything went downhill. I got on the scale just before new years and saw I was up 17 pounds. I knew I had to correct the ship before I ran aground.

Now I am back on track. For once I have found a site that has an active community that isn't overwhelmingly busy and actually has the foods I eat in the database. This is much easier for me as I don't like entering my food almost daily to a food database. Seeing the progress of so many people losing weight after years of being obese is just inspirational. I see so many people who have changed their lives. I also see people who get on themselves for having a misstep. Don't do that to yourself.

You have to realize we are human. We are genetically wired to seek out calorie dense foods. It takes a great deal of drive and motivation to constantly stave off this drive. Those who maintain longevity in this game have figured out how to balance this drive with moderation. And that really is the key. Moderation. You can't deprive yourself of pleasurable food and expect to never get derailed. It's going to happen, and those who are the most strict are usually the ones who go on junk food binges.

Like anything else in life, reward yourself once in a while. Have a cookie or a small bowl of ice cream. Just make sure to allot for it in your daily calorie count. Keep it to a single serving and don't belittle yourself for having some pleasure. It's ok to have a treat once in a while. By doing so you may be able to ward off the binge monster and be better equipped to stay the course.


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
93.3 公斤 1.4 公斤 11.7 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一个星期减少1.3 公斤


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