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Almost hate to post my weight today but I was so excited about it. It seems like since I made up my mind that the next couple of weeks with the wedding and family reunion whatever happens, happens and I will just have to start again when it is all over I have been losing. I can't believe how much I have lost in the past week. After about 2 months of going up and down and not losing like I felt like I should now that I am not stressing about it I'm losing. I did not want to record my ups because I was so frustrated but now I wish I would have so that I could really see how this is working. Last Tuesday I weight 198 and today 191.7!!!! This morning I was think that I could actually hit the 190 or lower by the wedding this weekend. But then I took my hubby to a dr. appt. and neither of us had time for breakfast and I needed lunch before I went back to work so we had brunch at IHOP. I got a chicken fajita omelet wich I don't think will be too bad but I can't find the nutritional value of it. They have every other omelet listed but not that one. And then I took 3 bites of my pancakes. I wasn't going to even have them bring them but hubby wanted them. At least I ate sugar free syrup (not that that is going to help any!). But I am still happy with the progress I have made and if I am up a little tommorrow because of my 3 bites then so be it. Getting nervous about making the cake this weekend. I have to start baking tonight. I hope it all comes together. I just realized the other day that it has been 10 yrs. or more since I made my last wedding cake. Eeeeekkkk! Wish me luck. I will try to post pictures of the finished product.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
87.0 公斤 12.8 公斤 16.6 公斤 合理的
   (5条评论) 一个星期减少3.7 公斤


Well I havn't been around much the last few weeks. I know my last journal entry said alot about what has been going on. I went two weekends ago to Indy to our State Convention and had a great time. Our auxiliary one multiple awards for our hard work over the past year. I can't wait until our next meeting to give the news to my ladies. My husband's aunt did pass away that weekend. So I just decided the heck with it. I have been so stressed out and my food choices were very limited. Finances are very limited right now so if I had the choice of eating the free food that was offered or spending money I opted to eat what was available. Plus at the funeral there was nothing atkins friendly available. So I had 4 days of not worrying about what I ate. I gained 2 lbs. but I have already lost those and 2 more. I had been on a plateu for so long it was getting really frustrating. I am thinking that maybe going off a few days has triggered my body into losing again. At least I am hoping. I even had a few alcoholic drinks this weekend and still lost. I have 5 days until my neices wedding so I hope I lose a few more by then. The next couple weeks are going to be hard for this WOE. I am making my neice's wedding cake. I'm not too worried about that because I am not much of a cake eater anyway. I just like to decorate them. Then there's the reception. I have alot of family coming in from out of town and they are staying all week until the next weekend which is our family reunion. I have a huge family. 7 sisters and 2 brothers, plus all the neices and nephews, great neices and nephews, ect. We are all very close. There will be alot of food and alcohol throughout both weekends. I am not going to stress out about it. I am going to stick to it as much as possible. But if I want to eat off the program I will. I am not going to ruin the fun by worrying and stressing about it. I have too many other stresses in my life to stress about that. I am just going to get through the next couple of weeks and then I'll get back on track after that. But I am going stick to it as close as I can. I know I will get back on track because I feel better and look better. AND... I saw a picture of me from this past fall yesterday and I looked awful. It is in a scrap book for our district president from this past year. She was at our post and I was so embarrased. I asked my sister if I really looked like that. My stomach was huge and I had no neck!!!! I think I was a little bloated because this was from before my gallbladder surgery. I was really sick and my upper stomach was really bloated. But still. OMG!!! That is inspiration enough to stay with this WOE.

We went last week to the orthopedic dr. for my hubby. It wasn't all that great of news. He has huge bone spurs in his hip. The dr. said he thinks this is as much of the problem as the back is. They went ahead and scheduled him for the injection in his back for the end of July hoping that the heart dr. will release him on July 9th. This will give him time to get the meds out of his system if he is released or cancel the procedure if he is not release. Then they will see how much relief he gets and probably inject his hip. We asked what they would do about the bone spurs and he said that there is nothing to do. The disease hubby has produces all this extra bone. His hips are covered with layers and layers of extra bone. On his x-ray his hips are swirled looking like marble. The dr. said if they did surgery and removed the bone spurs this disease will only reproduce more bone and it would come back way worse than it already is. So that is discouraging because we know it will never get better and actually will get worse. But the dr. is very optimistic that the injections will help with the pain and he might even get back to work.

Today we go to the retina specialist to see what they are going to do about his eye. Hopefully it will be able to be fixed easily.

I have been feeling better the past few days. I had a great weekend and me and hubby are trying to get along better. With so much stress sometimes you just reach a breaking point. I think that is where I was the past couple of weeks. I am going to try to keep it together and be positive. At least I have control over this WOE. I will do my best and if I mess up I'll just start over.


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.0 公斤 11.8 公斤 17.7 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少1.6 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.7 公斤 11.1 公斤 18.4 公斤 合理的
   (3条评论) 一个星期减少0.4 公斤


It has been a heck of week. Actualy the past couple of weeks havn't been great but oh my this week has been a doozy!!! Work has been CRAZY!!! This has been the worst work week I have had in I don't even know how long. I am so swamped I don't even know where to start. I keep getting interuptions. So I have not been able to get on here much. Have at least been trying to enter my food and do a quick run through of journals. Then Sunday we were at my husband's family reunion and his aunt had a massive stroke. It was aweful. She was just fine, talking to everyone and smiling. She got up in front of everyone and said grace before we ate. And then all of a sudden about 10-15 minutes after she said grace she just slumped over. Since Sunday she has had 3 strokes. Yesterday her daughter called us and they have discontinued all IV's and treatments and are giving her morphine for pain and we are just waiting for her heart and body to give up. So sad. She is such a sweet lady. And to top it off one of her daughters is blind and has some mild retardation and she has cared for her all her life. They have a big family but she has always been the care giver to this girl. She is an adult now but she is taking it very badly. They had her in the ER 3 times yesterday because she kept getting so upset she would hyperventilate. They have her on some nerve pills now. They are already talking about looking into an assisted living apartment for her. This will be best for her but it will be a hard adjustment.

And then to top it all off my husband has another new medical problem. Some of you know I have talked about what a rough past 1-2 years we have had. He has had 3 stents put in his heart and had an ablation done to his heart. He has a degenerative disease where his neck and back are fusing together and it also causes bone spurs on his back, neck, and hip. He is in so much pain with that. He can't work because of the pain and they won't do any procedures to help the pain because the heart doctor says he is too high risk right now. So we have to wait until July 9th to see if the heart dr. will release him then to so the back dr. can do something to aleviate the pain. And now he has been having problems with his right eye. He has had two episode where his had a solid black blind spot on the center of his eye. It has gone away but when it does his vision is very blurred. We went to a ophthamologist yesterday and they did some tests and for one thing he has cataracts. I know that isn't the worst thing in the world but he is on 50 yo. The worrisome thing is that the episodes he has had is because he has something wrong with his retina. They think he has a hole in his retina and fluid is leaking into his retina and in the back of the eye. He goes to a retina specialist next Tuesday. It is just like what else can happen? I am getting really worried about him because I don't know how much more he can take. He is only 50 years old and keeps saying that he is an old man. He is not. But I know he is frustrated.

I had been looking forward to this weekend. We are suppose to go to Indy. I am President of our VFW Ladies Auxiliary and my sister is going to be our district president this next year. Saturday she gets sworn in at our state convention. We know alot of people there and it will be alot of fun. And I want to be there for my sister. I am very proud of her. But now with everything that is going on with his aunt I don't know if we will be able to go. My sister will be so dissappointed. Of course we have alot of meetings we have to go to but there is a lot of partying. Free food, free drink, and exchange for us helping out in the hospitality room we are going to get to stay with my sister and brother-in-law for free. I really need some fun but things can't be helped. We'll have to see. From what I understand they have alot of great food and it sounds like things I can have (baked chicken, roast beef, veggies, ect.). But if we do go I am going to bring some snacks for me just in case.

On a positive note the scales showed a significant weight loss this morning and I am so excited. I havn't seen anything in weeks. But I am not going to record until tommorrow. That is always my official weigh in day even though I weigh alot more than that. I am hoping the scale is the same or even better but the way things are going for me I am not holding my breath. But I am definitely hoping. Sorry for such a long journal entry. Just alot going on and it feels good to get it out. I don't like talking about things too much because I feel like we have so much going who really wants to hear about it all the time. But I feel like I can come on here and journal and get things off my chest. I hope everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work.


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