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Well I am back to work from vacation. Threw caution to the wind on the food plan. Back to it today, or at least I hope. Gained 5.5 lbs. Not as bad as I thought it would be but of course not good either. Enjoyed most of my vacation. Had a great time with my family. Got to spend a couple of good days with my great neices. Took them to a National Park on Tuesday and went with them Thursday to an amusement park. Lot of fun. Didn't get the beach time that I wanted. Either too busy or when I had time it was cloudy/rainy. Then my husband fell Thursday night. He waited to go to the ER until Saturday. He has a compression fracture of the L1. He is in alot of pain and this is going to set him back even further than he was in the first place. I feel like we just can't catch a break. He was actually feeling pretty decent and having a good time last week. We go to the dr. today. I think he wants to go ahead and talk to him about getting the ball rolling for SS disablility. Then to top it off, after waiting 2 1/2 months, the contractor finally wants to start on tearing our kitchen out this week. It needs to be done and I'll be glad when it is all complete and we have been waiting way too long to get it done. But I just don't need the added stress this week. I hope he can get it all done in about a week and not longer. I am worried how I am going to plan my food this week. I am going to try to use the crockpot and grill alot and also keep the microwave somewhere that is easily usuable. I will not have access to the stove. I am hoping we can plug the refrigerator in a room where we can still use it. It is going to be a mess. The floor is falling in so that will all have to be pulled up which also means all the cabinets have to come out. Worried about the mess and the cost. Finances are very tight. Okay done with the poor me crap.

Looking forward to getting back to this WOE. Can't say that I enjoyed eating whatever was handy. Actually made me feel yucky most of the time. But there just wasn't alot of good food choices all the time. I started out trying to preplan but after a while just said the heck with it. Hoping things will jump start after being careless for a few weeks. Since things are such a mess right now at least this WOE is one thing I do have control of.

Hope everything has been going well for all of you. I've missed checking in on you all. Time to get to work!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
89.4 公斤 10.3 公斤 19.1 公斤
   (1 条评价) 一星期增加0.9 公斤


Well I guess I jumped the gun a little yesterday when I said I was on vacation. I was excited to be leaving my full time job I didn't take into consideration that I am stuck at my Saturday job today. We went to the camp last night and I drove to work from there. We stayed up way too late around the campfire so I only got a couple hours sleep. I hope I'm not too tired to stay up tonight too. I'm bored and wish I was at the beach with all my sisters. I'm sure they are thinking about me and missing me. Right? Probably not. That's okay. When I leave today I am going to pick up hubby and we are going to a wedding. That will be fun. Then back up to the camp and I'm beaching it all day tommorrow. There is a chance of scattered thunderstoms starting Monday and all through next week. I hope they scatter some where else so I can relax in the sun.



Well I have been so busy I havn't had much time to journal lately. Don't have much time today either but wanted jot something down. I leave work at 1:00 tommorrow to take hubby to the heart dr. Praying that he takes him off of his blood thinners and maybe even a blood pressure med and releases him so he can get his back injections. Then I am on vacation for a week. Well sort of. I am on vacation from my full time job. Still have to work Saturdays. But I am so looking forward to it. I still have family in that came home for my neice's wedding last week and have more coming in this weekend. We are going to my families camp Friday night. Work Saturday day. Have a friends wedding Saturday evening. Going back to the camp Saturday night. And family reunion at the camp Sunday. My nephew and his girls will be in for several days next week so we are going to stay at the camp with them until at least Wednesday. My nephew is the same age as me. We are six weeks apart. We were very close growing up and I miss him not living around here. I got to meet his daughters for the first time last summer and I just fell in love with them. I can't wait to spend time with them again.

I had a great time last weekend. The wedding was beautiful. Had some technical difficulties with the cake but all in all it turned out okay. Of course everyone tells me it was beautiful but all I can see is the mistakes. I actually liked the grooms cake better than the wedding cake. I over did it though with food and alcohol. Took me a couple days to recuperate. I did gain a couple pounds at the beginning of the week but I have already almost lost all of that. I am hoping by tommorrow it will be back down to what it was last Friday. Going to try to be better this weekend and while I am on vacation. But if I am not then it will be okay. I'm not going to worry about it. I already know that I am going to have to kick it in high gear after vacation. Back to exercising and being more strict with my food. I have to say though... all the compliments I got at the wedding on how great I looked was wonderful. That is motivation enough for me to get back on track. Tonight my hubby has to go for a sleep study so while he is gone I am going to pack for vacation and I am going to prepare Atkins friendly foods. I am going to premix MIMs for several days and I already know that I am making the cauliflower salad for the day of the reunion. Don't know what else. Planning on getting some pepperoni and pork rinds for snacks. And some salad mix. Maybe I'll make some jello fluff for a dessert too.

Anyway, I don't know when I'll be able to get back on so I wish all of you the best over the next week. Hope you can stick to this WOE and see wonderful results.


Hope everyone has a Happy and safe 4th of July!!! I don't know how often I will be able to get on over the next couple of weeks. I have a vacation day tommorrow to decorate the wedding cake, wedding is Saturday, Monday is our holiday at work so have that day off, have family coming in for the wedding and staying all next week, and then next Sat. have another wedding to go to, next Sunday is our family reunion, and then I'm on vacation. Wow!!! I'm tired already just thinking about it. It will be so much fun though. I have a huge family and we all have a blast together. Over the next two weeks there will be family members in from out of town. Some are coming this weekend and going home. Some are coming this weekend and staying through next weekend and some are coming next weekend and staying while I'm on vacation. So lots of activities. I am going to do my best to stay on track. I don't think it will be too hard most of the time. When I am able I am going to prepare foods that I will eat (like at the reunion). The tough thing is going to be at the rehearsal dinner tommorrow night and the receptions Saturday. I have no idea what is being served. If I can I will eat a little something before hand. But I will have to take off in the morning to go set up the cake (it is about 40 minutes from our house) and then I am going to my sister's hotel to get cleaned up and then go back to the church. I am afraid I will be rushing around too much to even think about it. But since I am home tommorrow I will try to throw a snack box together for myself. Anyway, everyone enjoy your weekend and I'll try to check in when I can. I have alot of work to get done since I won't be here tommorrow.


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