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A happy Friday to y'all!!

297.8... An unexpected dip on the Troll Scale and very welcomed because I have a challenging 3 days of off script eating ahead of me this weekend. A class outing with me son to a Dave and Busters type place, a BBQ for the wife of a bud that is graduating with her PHD, and lunch with son, daughter, my mother on Sunday to finish it off. Needless to say, doing what I can to preplan consumption (and allowing for a couple of beers at the BBQ). I am, without a doubt, very motivated to keep the ball rolling after breaking through that first goal. BUT accept I most likely going to plateau for a week or so after this weekend because I'm not going to let that desire get in the way of enjoying fam and friends. The whole point of the work we do at this weight loss thing is to enjoy life to its fullest. If you don't take time to do just that along the way the point is ultimately missed IMLTHO.

The sun is finally up (yeah, I woke up stupid early) so time to turn up the music and get the day officially started. All y'all out there stay focused on what you are trying to accomplish, not so much on the details but on your ultimate goals. Do that and you can't help but make good decisions and do good things for yourself. And as always, enjoy the day to its fullest regardless of the challenges it brings!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
135.1 公斤 23.7 公斤 44.4 公斤 合理的
   (15条评论) 一个星期减少5.1 公斤


Another day in the books and on the verge of Friday!

I got to thinking about goals today, specifically goals that relate to that damn number on the scale. We all have them. We all are working hard to get to or through them. For me getting to the number is not motivation enough, it's important to tie something of significance to the number to drive the motivation.

300 is (well was now) because it was the point where I turned 40 and felt I was recovered from divorce etc. Being back to that point feels just as good.

250 is my next goal for the simple reason that, for a big apart of my life, was a comfortable weight. Still considered grossly over weight for someone that is 5'll but being athletic I could still ball and run the court with the 'youngins'. So getting there is like getting back to a comfy place and I'll be able to fit racing leathers again :P.

225 is 'I have made it' type goal be cause at that weight, college years, I was in the very best condition, sub 10% body fat etc. and just to be back at the number in my 50's would be cool. Plus at that wight I feel I'll be competitive at the local track running 'vintage bikes' from the late 80s and early 90s.

200 is a serious stretch goal as I have not been there since 8th grade/freshman HS or so. It simply would be cool to say 'yeah, I'm the same weight I was in HS' plus at that weight I think I could at least not suck running with the fast guys in the GP (1000cc modern sport bikes) class. Plus, I'm sure my son will be wanting to race that class when he can in 3.5 years so would be very cool to be able to race with him and not just be a pit monkey.

Anyway.. those are my goals, not the numbers but what is behind them in my head. Set your goals, put some meaning behind them and use that for your motivation to drive yourself forward. Use that meaning in weak moments when reaching for that twinkie to ask the question of yourself.. "Is this more important to me than doing X later?"

I do hope y'all out there have had a good day. And if not, its ok to bake an adult beverage or two into your plan every now and again. Either way do good things for yourselves and have a relaxing evening!


The Troll Scale says 299.4 this morning.... [BLEEP] YES!!!! I have cracked that damn 300 mark that was taunting me! Very nice boost to my already over inflated ego (:P) to see a sub 300 number for the first time in years and cross the first major mile store number wise on the way to the very stretch goal of 200. 1/3 of the way there now.

If past experience repeats the run from here to the 250 mark is going to be much harder. I have three main things I have to work on.. water, sleep, and exercise.. none of which I get enough of right now. But that is OK. Change for the better is what this is all about. Change, even positive ones, is not ever easy. But I will find a way to make the changes needed. With your stories, y'all give plenty of inspiration and ideas on that front. Thank you very much for that!

Time to get into the workday. We are almost through the week so go out and enjoy your day to the greatest extent possible. Keep the faith in what you are doing and continue to strive for the change you want in life. Ciao y'all!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
135.8 公斤 23.0 公斤 45.1 公斤 100%
   (53条评论) 一个星期减少1.7 公斤


Long day behind the wheel behind me now. Successful trip there and back again. Due to timing of things today I moved my meal for the day to an earlier point. Seemed to work out well but am getting some hungrys now which I don't normally get. Back to regular schedule for things tomorrow so the real test will be how I feel during the morning before I eat around 11. Will wind up being a mini 24 (actually 25.5) hour fast at that point.

Stepped on the troll scale on a whim and it gave me a 300.6. Bodes well for the morning official weight time. As I said earlier, i really really really really want to crack that! As you might have noticed that is an important mark in my head.

Been thinking I might need to add a multi vitamin to the mix of things. Doing the OMAD things now, I'm not drinking the protein 'shake' every day like I was. It was loaded with a pretty complete set so without it I might be missing some stuff I should have. Just thoughts on that right now.

Going to stretch then walk a little bit. After that may join the son and daughter for some online gaming. Have yourselves a pleasant and relaxing evening while making sure you are making the choices that get you closer to your goals.


back to 301.0 on the nose this morning. The bod seems to have recovered from the inadvertent salt binge in inflicted on it Monday. Late getting to my morning wall of babble here. Been getting organized to make the run out to pick up my daughter and bring her and what is left of her stuff back home from college for the summer.

Decided to move my one meal up in time and have it right before I head out in 90min or so. I figured daughter wouldn't want to hang about for lunch out there and just get the hell out of Dodge as quickly as possible and I don't feel like stopping at the midway point on the way out and try to figure a decent combo of fast food that wouldn't be packed with salt... again. Really want to cross that 300 line just cuz it RIGHT FREAKING THERE now. :D Silly I know but its so damn close its bugging me being a hair short.

Going to knock together a canned chicken, spinach and cucumber mixed with MCT oil and mayo then seasoned with lemon pepper, garlic and some cayenne. (i always like at least a touch of heat in a meal)

I 'see' y'all out there working hard, doing things that are good for you, making the choice for change over and over again. Be proud of yourselves and keep it up! Its is, without a doubt, inspiring to see. Don't forget to, along with all that great effort, to enjoy the day and life in general. Until later.. Ciao Y'All!!!


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