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Welp... 297 is the new base line to work from. At least until batteries are changed again. :D Damn technology!

Amid the battle with the troll scale, I feeling like I've plateaued a bit which is not unexpected. Now that there is a new reference point I'll see what the next few 'weigh ins' say about it. Would like to see some more drops over the next couple of weeks. I'm planning some time off and making a road trip out to LA with the daughter and son for a few days to do a little beach time and some museum crawling (yes they are nerds like me). I really don't see to much in the way of challenges to the plan as we are planning to be walking a ton and I'll be keeping, at worst, to a 16:8 IF type of schedule. Gonna be doing the AirBnB thing so while will be having at least one meal out a day, planning on at least cooking in the evenings. Even if that doesn't work out, I've no worries about keeping within the framework of my plan and not falling back into old habits.

Won't be having my meal today until 2:30pm or so. Son's last official day in 8th grade and school is having a 'last class walk' so holding off until he is done, then we will go get burgers (wrapped in lettuce for me of course) and go shopping for dress shoes, belt and suspenders for him. 'Graduation' and reception is tomorrow and he wants to complete his 'look' :D.

Thursday is kicking off and the week is almost done. Do everything you can to stay focused on what you are trying to accomplish and where you want to be. But, also take some time to take in the beauty that is around you. Life is good, it may be a stone [bleep] at times, but life is good. Enjoy it! Ciao y'all!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
134.7 公斤 24.0 公斤 44.0 公斤 合理的
   (8条评论) 一星期增加1.3 公斤


It is said that no plan every survives contact with the enemy. Today was the poster child for that eating wise. Didn't binge or eat off script. Oh no. I was behind schedule this morning and rode off with out grabbing my oh so carefully planned lunch. DOH!

The result is I in inadvertently did a 24+ water only fast. :D :D Didn't get anything until wrapped at the office and stopped for a fast chat with a bud (who is also the creator of the fine soups I get ambushed by). Had a cup of chicken corn soup and a small dram of vodka which amounts to a grand total of somewhere shy of 200cals. As I rode home I was entertaining thoughts of holding off anything else until tomorrow after noon but decided to mix up a fast protein drink + 2 tbsp of MCT oil which brings the day's total to between 540 and 600 cals.

Way lower then the average I've been trying to maintain but I figure I'll be eating out the next two days so it should all even out so the target average is hit. I am feeling good despite the low intake and lack of sleep last night. I may give a 48 hour water only fast a shot some time for giggles but I want to do it when I'm not in the office and can focus on doing the things needed to get thorough to the other side successfully.

For now, as usual I'm catching up on the water intake side of things. I should go walk but just to tried to motivate myself beyond the porch. There was a time not all that long ago when 72 hour coding, hacking, gaming sessions were the norm with no effort but can't seem to run with the geeky/nerdy big dogs the way I used to :D

I'm sure life has tossed challenges big or small, in front of everyone today. So take some time to relax and enjoy the evening. Hell even indulge in an adult beverage or a little something 'off script'. Enjoy life now for the battle we all fight begins anew tomorrow!


Goooooooood Morning and Happy Wednesday to y'all in FS land!

297 on the Troll Scale this morning. 2.8 less than what was said yesterday. Going to give it 1 more day before recording a new base line. Why wait for three days before doing that after the battery change you might ask? No real reason behind it, I picked that number yesterday and going to stick with it. Regardless of the number progress is being made cuz I feel it in how things are fitting.

Soon, I'll be able to walk into a normal store like a regular person to by clothes again and not have to go to the 'Big and Tall' store (or the 'fat guy' store as I call it). That is a mini goal that will be a for sure boost to the morale but make my already hemorrhaging bank account happy. Its damn expensive to buy clothes that fit, look good and aren't made from a material with the texture and patterns more appropriate for a circus tent! Sure, I'll always be at the upper end of sizes in a normal store because of shoulder and general frame size but at least I'll have more than one store in the area to choose from!

Rough night sleep wise, couldn't shut off the braincell until close to 3am... so running on 2.5 hours of sleep an behind schedule. Go out there and have a good day no matter what [bleep] is thrown at you. Keep smiling, keep living, keep striving, keep doing the things that are good for you. Ciao friends!


Indulged in two Rockstar Pure Zero energy drinks to day. As I have nearly completely cut out 'diet' anything this were the first ones since I started things off again here. I just wanted the taste (yes I'm weird and like the way the purple and orange ones taste) and knowing I had an extra brutal meeting schedule wanted the extra caffeine (and other stimulants that are not good for the bod) to help me focus. I've been told I may have a touch of something in the ADHD family because large quantities of caffeine calms me down and brings clarity of thought during high stress chaotic situations (which describes the average workday)

I bring it up because while I still enjoyed the taste (yes weird) they didn't not have the same perceived effect that they had before. Not only that I don't think I I needed it at all. It was odd not to feel that 'something extra' yet not getting that 'hey its a squirrel!' feeling while getting hit with so many things at once. I have said that since cutting things out that made me feel bleh (carbs, sugars, etc) I was feeling mentally sharper but to actually feel it during a category 3 [bleep] storm is to say the very least interesting.

I'm not going to say there is for sure a correlation between my perceived performance and the WOE I'm developing because there is no empirical evidence to back it up. But I will say that mind wise I feel I'm beginning functioning at a level I have not felt in many years, even during my last trip down the number scale.

Just the personal observation for the day. Sucked on the water intake effort big time so working on mitigating that somewhat now before heading out for a short walk as the sun goes down. Y'all work hard to stick to your plans tonight but no matter what find your way to relax and enjoying the evening for tomorrow is another day and every day is a fresh beginning! Bonan vesperon amikoj!


A little disappointing this morning. Troll Scale was being erratic this morning to decided to change batteries and bam... becomes rock steady at 299.8. 4 lbs higher with new batteries?!? Just a rough benchmark as I say but a bit disappointing to see none the less. Oh well, going to let it ride for a couple of days before recording anything and using it as the new baseline. Just going to keep working the plan and pushing forward with things.

Tis annoying how much we lean on such things, how much what they say affects one's psyche, considering how fickle they are. It's hard to grasp and hold in the mind the fact that just a couple tenths of a volt of delivered electricity can affect the reading of such a device and that is only 1 of many variables that affect what it reports. Just a hard reminder why the number on the scale really is the least important indicator of progress. Don't let such fickle tech bring you down and distract you from the things that have meaning.. how you feel, how things fit, what you can do!

Anyway, lunch of slow cooked chicken thighs with two boiled eggs, spinach and mct oil, spiced up with sriracha, garlic, turmeric, and rice vinegar. Time to get into the day! Y'all get out there and make the very best of it. Stay mindful about what you are doing, keep making all those little decisions that move you closer to where you want to be! Ciao y'all!


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