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I had my annual female check yesterday. He couldn't have been any more disinterested. This is pretty much my appointment. Doc: Well, you aren't due for a pap so we don't need to do an exam. Was there anything you'd like to talk about? Me:(thinking: really? Why do we call it an annual, then?) Well, yes, I've been experiencing pain with intercourse and vaginal dryness. Doc: You're still regular (menstruating)? Me: Yep. I missed June, but every 23 - 28 days is the norm. Doc: You're not menopausal, so estrogen won't help (me thinking: okaaay... I don't want estrogen). Have you tried any OTC lubrication? Me: Not really, I wanted to talk with you first. I've been on a wellness path and been trying to remove toxins from my body... Doc:(interrupts) Toxins are everywhere, in you food, in your clothes... Me: Yes, I know. Which is why I'm trying to reduce them. Do you have any recommendations? Doc: Just start experimenting. Anything else? Me: Well, yes, I've been having pain in my lower abdomen. I wanted to talk about the fibroid tu... Doc: (interrupting again) If it was the tumor, there would be lots of blood. Me: Oh! Okay, but I've been having these pains... Doc:(interrupting again) Everybody gets cramps for a number of reasons. If there isn't anything else we're all set until next year. Me: ...I guess not. That's it folks. That was my appointment. I left with nothing. No exam, no mammogram, no answers... (For those questioning, my grandmother had uterine cancer, my grandfather had breast cancer, and my mother had a plasmacytoma.) To give you an idea of how much the medical industry has changed, this is the man who delivered my son. The man whose praises I have been singing for 20 years. The man whose own child interned with my husband so he could graduate from college. He is now the man to whom I will not return, next year or any other.

Seeing may favorite Doc this afternoon. I'll fill him in on that appointment and ask if he knows of a naturopathic women's health Doc, too. I also think it's time I see the gastro guy about the hiatal hernia. Haven't slept well all week because of GERD. Doesn't matter what I eat, it feels like it's backing up into my throat. Chest pain... Not bad like it was the night of the incident, but that went away in 45 minutes. This has gone on for days. Which makes me believe 'the incident' was an esophageal spasm instead of cardiac. Still... it got me on the exercise path, which needed to happen. My joints are killin' me. I am so stiff... I'm really frustrated. I'm feel like I'm going backwards instead of progressing. My feet are cramping, my knees, back, and hips hurt... Can high humidity really wreak this much havoc on a body???

Dang it! I got distracted again. I was going to head to the gym an hour ago, but decided to "weigh in" before I left. If you have gotten this far... Kudos! Have a fantastic week!! Blasting off to Planet Fitness.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
87.4 公斤 15.7 公斤 12.5 公斤 合理的
   (14条评论) 一个星期减少0.4 公斤


I got to cross something off my bucketlist this week! I went to my very first Red Sox game at Fenway!! ...and they won in the 13th inning! I said no to all the offerings at the ballpark. (Would have had to mortgage my house to eat!) Saw Doc yesterday. I feel like I'm backsliding a little. My nails have are splitting again, I'm back to needing naps, and everything hurts. I'm also not losing weight like I was and that bothers me. After the cardiac incident, he cut my thyroid meds in half. I'm wondering if that is what is causing this. He is running blood tests to see where my levels are. Having these baselines for the inevitable menopause is good, too. He told me something very important, though. I need to be proud of the weight I've lost and the work I've done. At our age (50), our job is to be sure to NOT gain weight. Losing weight is extremely difficult at this point in time. I'm going to keep trying, of course, but the reality is that I may never see my goal weight. We also talked cardio vs fat-burning. He was pretty adamant that Cardio is the way to go always. Armed with that info, I hit PF and plugged in all my numbers for Cardio in the elliptical and did my usual workout. IT KEPT TELLING ME TO SLOW DOWN! It wants my heart rate at 139. I'm usually between 145 - 160. Can any of you tell me if that is an issue? My resting HR is typically around high 70s, low 80s. Blood pressure is fantastic.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
87.7 公斤 15.3 公斤 12.9 公斤 合理的
   (11条评论) 一星期增加0.2 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
87.5 公斤 15.6 公斤 12.6 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一个星期减少0.5 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
87.9 公斤 15.2 公斤 13.1 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.2 公斤


What a week! Big changes. I have been terrified to do anything by myself. I'm not talking about going grocery shopping or going to the doctor or taking a trip to my mother's... THAT I can do. You might remember my post about going to the gym even though my friend was probably there... Well, long story short, I asked her to pick me up, we went, and I survived. Then I went again. Only this time, I met her there. Then I joined the gym and I went BY MYSELF! I also went to an Improv Show on my own! My husband doesn't like intimate comedy. It makes him uncomfortable. Because he wouldn't join me, I haven't been able to support my comedian friend. BUT I DID IT! ...and I'm thinking about going to a free concert at a local winery nearby this evening. Still scared, but overcoming. "The boy" has been back to the house a few times. Last night, he and his GF stopped by late and chatted with us for an hour or so... it was nice. I think the stress of all of this stuff made me gain, but I think I'm back on track.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.1 公斤 15.0 公斤 13.2 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少1.2 公斤


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