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I am really feeling good. This will be the third day in a row I have exercised for an hour! I think it is doing my body good. I am down 2 lbs in 2 days! I was sore last night but I spent like 5 hours shopping with my oldest daughter so that could have contributed.

I did eat last night again. Ugh. I started out with an apple. Then the pain in my leg and knee started to get worse and worse and worse so I did what I always do, numbed it with food. Caramel candys and a piece of pumpkin pie and guess what...it didnt numb the pain! I know this. Every time I hurt I know this, yet its what I do....every time. Ugh!

I did notice that when I had a cup of coffee it filled me up. So heres what I am thinking, allow myself to have a cup of coffee at night and avoid all other snacking. I have even cut down the amount of sugar I put in the coffee.

Well I am off to do my hour of exercising. Then at 4 we are having A Christmas Story movie party. The youll shoot your eye out movie. lol. We are having a turkey and chinese food also a cheese ball in the shape of the soap they use in the movie. We also have fudge. I have the bbgun and we are going to shoot things, lol. I made a few pies for this as did my husband 2 caramel apple pies, 2 pecan pies and 4 pumpkin. It started out to be just another family and us but now has turned into a massive party lol. We have about 24 people coming. Itll be fun.

Maybe with all the food I should work out 2-3 hours today!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
76.2 公斤 39.0 公斤 4.5 公斤 合理的
   (7条评论) 一个星期减少3.2 公斤


One pound down. I was hoping for more but had fudge late last night. I can not eat fudge and lose weight. So today again I try. This is day 2 of exercising an hour a day. Yesterday I did well. I think I will go have some eggs and then exercise so its out of the way.

Last night after the kids went to bed we tried out their new toy its like a faux wii. I wanted to make sure it worked before we wrapped it. We found it at the second hand store brand new for 8.00 I was so excited. It looks like a wii and has all sports. So last night Paul and I laed bwling, tennis and baseball. I tried and hated golf. But man that was a little bit of an upper body workout lol. I had a blast. We are thinking of not wrapping it til closer to christmas, lol. Anyways...today I will do better.

well its now 11lbs to get to my christmas goal YAY!!!!!
no eating after 8pm(maybe the increase will help me avoid)
no going crazy on the junk food eating.
If I get all my running done I am hoping to paint my bedroom. Also tomorrow is our A Christmas Story movie party!!! There will be pecan, pumpkin, caramel apple pies. Popcorn, turkey, fudge and cheese ball. We have made all that from scratch(except the popcorn and turkey lol) I will just have to limit my intake and work it off.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
76.7 公斤 38.6 公斤 5.0 公斤 合理的
   (3条评论) 一个星期减少0.8 公斤


I am beginning to wonder if this is where my body wants to be. The only thing is I have given up exercising. For weeks now no exercise at all. I am going to start today and try to not eat after 7.

I watched a little of BLC the other night. I forgot how inspiring that show is. The one lady has PCOS which is what I have had since I was 19yrs old. She said the BL dr said she had to exercise 1 hr a day everyday to maintain her current weight. She said she tried it every way but his way was right. So today I am going to do it, an hour. If I really think about it and hour isnt that long. Since my body has not worked out in so long hopefully I can see a loss, a loss that inspires me to keep going.

I want to try to be 158 by christmas and not just that day but 158 for a few days by then. Lets see.... christmas is 28 days away. I am currently 170. 158 would be 12 pounds...really thats it 12? 12 lbs in 28 days is a little under 1/2 a pound a day. If I work my butt off it may happen.

I kinda have a few motivators...

The other day this woman I know had GB and she is now currently back to her HS weight. My mother in law commented at how proud she was of her for losing the weight. YET my MIL told me that I was losing it too fast and needed to stop. I realize that she was jealous. She has tried to lose weight in the I want to beat her so I will stop drinking massive amounts of cappuccino for 2 days diet, lol. I was very upset that she said that to a woman who had surgery.

The woman that had surgery commented to someone else that her secret was 100oz of water a day and exercising 5 days a week. UMMM YEAH and the fact that you had surgery. Look Im not here to bash GB goers but if you are going to get it and lose like 150lbs in 6 months at least be honest about having it. In all honesty she would have never lost all that without the surgery.

I am struggling...every day I have to make a choice to put the fork down and to be completely honest I dont always win. Lately I have let myself indulge. I have paid heavily for it too. I went up a sz in my jeans, I have a tummy again, I am sick after almost every meal and I feel lazy and like crap.

Sometimes I feel such pressure. I feel like I am letting so many people down. I was the poster child for weight loss in my neck of the woods. My church has about 1000 people in it. They saw the loss, my friends, family all saw the loss. I have people always telling me that I am motivating them, that I inspire them. I feel like gaining 10lbs is such a huge failure. How could I even think I could teach people nutrition and weight loss when I am failing miserably?

I need to change my thinking. I need to realize that nov 1st 2008 I made a decision. I decided to live the rest of my life healthy. I didnt decide to go on a crash diet and get "skinny". I wanted to make this a lifestyle change and be healthy. Exercising daily is a part of being healthy. Not eating crap is part of being healthy. I need to take my life back in my hands, no excuses, no others to blame. Its starts today.

I am off to do a 4 mile with Leslie Sansone for an hour.

eta- I am also going to try to keep track of what I am eating and how many calories. I think that is part of my problem, no accountability when I eat and dont write down.


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
77.1 公斤 38.1 公斤 5.4 公斤
   (2条评论) 一星期增加1.7 公斤


Busy Busy. I ended up quitting the cleaning job I was doing. It was too much and adding way too much stress. I am still working full time on pictures which I love.

So 163! Hmmmm....I am so worried that tomorrow it will be 170. Seems like my pattern, 164, 163 then 170. Then I have to start all over again. I hate that and am going to break that pattern.

I am still not feeling 100%, have a horribly annoying cough. Stomach hurt really bad today. I think that was me stressing out about the cleaning job. I am going to exercise next week and hoping to make my goal of 158(lowest in 10yrs) by thanksgiving. That is my thanksgiving goal, ultimate goal of 150 hoping to make by christmas. I think I can do it. I think I am starting to feel like I did when I first started. Getting my life back in order and finding purpose in myself and not in food. I am excited to see what my tomorrows bring.

I hope you all find strength in your journey as well. Be blessed.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
73.9 公斤 41.3 公斤 2.3 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一个星期减少3.2 公斤


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