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I have had the best weekend!

After work on Friday I went to my boyfriends and we went to the Vortex to have dinner. A lot of their food is SO ridiculous like those burgers I showed you in my last journal. I found out that the man vs food guy actually did an episode there lol
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zo5a-VnJFz0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I was so worried about what I was going to eat there! Luckily they did have salads! It was really delicious too. I was proud of myself. Had a salad and water. I took a bite of my boyfriends burger and it was SOOOOOOO much more delicious than the salad, but I felt good for sticking to the healthy options!

After we ate dinner me and Todd walked the city lights lit streets holding hands for over an hour. I realized how I am so much happier in my life than I ever have been. I spent years on anti-depressants and now I don't take anything and I am happier than I have ever been, I am more confident than I have ever been, and I have found someone that makes me smile everyday.

We walked back to this small comedy club called the Laughing Skull. It was SUPER tiny but really nice. Everyone was really funny and I really really enjoyed it. We left the comedy club at about 1 and went back to Todd's house.

Saturday morning we woke up pretty early and went fishing! It was the first time I have been fishing in SO long. I didn't catch anything but it was a lot of fun because I had never been there. It was at High Falls park in Jackson, GA. It's really pretty there and it was a very relaxing morning and perfect weather. After fishing we went hiking through the walking trails there.

After the hike we went back to his house and got cleaned up and dressed then went to my best friends couple's shower for her wedding. She is getting married next month. It was the first time Todd met all of my closest friends and I was so happy that they all got along so well. I couldn't have asked for it to have gone any better. Lots of dancing, lots of laughing, and lots of drinking.

We slept in late till about 10:30 which is SO late for me because I usually wake up at 6:30 or 7. We went to breakfast at this cute little family owned restaurant in McDonough called Grits. It was really awesome food and great. I had scrambled eggs and turkey bacon and orange juice. Then I had to come home which is always so depressing to me. I hate the end of my weekends...and mostly hate leaving Todd. I have to go a few more days until I get to see him again on Wednesday.

But good the good news is that the second half of my Sunday was VERY productive. I went and saw my aunt in the hospital then came home and CLEANED so much. It needed it so bad. I even shampooed my carpet. Then I went to the gym and spent 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 on the treadmill. Then I worked out my thighs and abs on the machines. Came home took a shower and I am ready for my week.

Hope everyone had as amazing of a weekend as I did!!!



So tonight my boyfriend it taking me to the Vortex in downtown Atlanta and then going to a comedy show at the laughing skull. Well I'm freaking out a bit about eating at the Vortex. It will be my first time there and its the home of the heart attack burger...

Yeah...That actually kinda makes me sick to my stomach. The buns of that burger are grilled cheese sandwiches. I think there are 3 grilled cheese sandwhiches to that burger. And bacon and more cheeseeeeee! OMG! I'm totally sticking to water and a salad (if they have them!!!) If not I'm going to get a small side order of fried zucchinni...yeah its fried, but its still zucchinni. That counts for something right?!

Omg looking at the menu they are also home of the Elvis burger. It have peanutbutter, banana, bacon, and cheese on it *GAG!* Places like this make me feel sick to my stomach. Especially now that I do not have a gallbladder I cant handle all that grease!

I'm really excited about the stand up though. I love stand up. Its Barron Vaughn (the black guy from cloverfield)...Not sure how funny he is but I'm still excited :)


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.9 公斤 17.7 公斤 20.9 公斤 合理的
   (15条评论) 一个星期减少0.8 公斤


My life update!!!!

Things are looking up for me. Still slowly losing weight for starters which is always a good thing. But best of all...I am getting my old job back working in the proshop of a golf course. I LOVED THAT JOB! I worked there 4 years and I regret ever leaving to come here. It is part time...BUT I have decided I am going to get back in nursing school. The reason I quit in the first place is really ridiculous but sad...I was doing good and then we were learning about vital signs and were going to take eachothers which meant weighing eachother in front of the class...I weighed over 300 pounds at that time and all the other girls in the class were SKINNNNNYYYYY tiny little cute things...then there was ME. I was humiliated so I just quit going...Now I am under 200 pounds and I am not that embarassed for people to know my weight. I used to LIE to say I weighed this much. I am getting back in and the golf course job is perfect for it because it's so laid back there. I basically pick my hours and I can study at work. And my boyfriend can go to my work there and hang out with me anytime. I love all the people there.

However I am not looking forward to today telling my current boss I am leaving to go back to the job she hired me from...shes going to be piiiiiiiiiiissseddddddd....O well. I'll just explain to her I want to get back in school and need the flexible hours (which is true but the biggest reason I am leaving is because of how mean my boss always is to me here...if she would have been nicer I probably would have stuck this job out for years...its only been 7 months)


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
89.4 公斤 17.2 公斤 21.3 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.5 公斤


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