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kingkeld的日记, 2012年12月17日

Good morning, Fatsecret!

Yesterday, I felt like I did a horrible job.

I was at home. Bad weather. Nothing to do. No band jamming. Nothing. so, I eat. As I do when I'm bored. Way past RDI, stopped counting. Dammit. Why is it that I do this? Why is it that I just can't do frickin' right? This frustrates me.

I'm happy I have a Low Cal Day today. I feel uncomfortable. I'm bloated. (TMI warning) I keep frickin' farting! lol.

So, I get on my scale this morning, to estimate the damages, and my scale is dead. Completely dead. I tried replacing the batteries, but nada. Zip. Bummer.

So, I have no idea how much I destroyed yesterday. I can only guess that it's a lot, because I can literally feel the difference.

I can't wait to shake that feeling off of me today. I'm gonna work hard on it.

Still, overall - I will have a calorie deficit over the course of the week. I know that. I am sure of that. The damages on the whole are not devastating, but the results won't be a good as I hoped.

This sucks, because I am trying to set up my new system, and I really need those numbers good and straight to see what I'm doing.

Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it now.

Life goes one, my diet goes on. I'm on track today, and will be for quite a while. :)

Life is good!

查看饮食日历, 2012年12月17日:
550 千卡 脂肪: 47.50克 | 蛋白质: 7.50克 | 碳水物: 22.50克.   晚餐: Country Potato Soupe. 更多的......
3507 千卡 运动: 步行(轻快的) - 6.5公里/小时 - 45 分钟, 站立 - 4 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 坐着 - 6 小时 和 25 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 4 小时. 更多的......

Hang in there and do right today. Those days are frustrating, when you just can't say no, but keep busy and forget it. :) 
2012年12月16日 会员:: Earthlady
Yeah. I'm kinda relieved that the scale isn't working. lol.  
2012年12月17日 会员:: kingkeld
lol, I wish my scale was broke too! Damn thing. Actually I think it is, its weighing me heavy today! 
2012年12月17日 会员:: posterchild66
lol, JP.  
2012年12月17日 会员:: kingkeld
UPDATE: So, I took an extra look at the scale, and I find now faults, other than the fact that it's not working. I'll be buying a new one today. Can't go without a scale. Of coruse, this brings up the issue of not knowing where I am in comparison with the old one. Not on weight, or fat percentage or anything. I guess it'll simply be "starting over" with the new weight, and take it from there. I can do that. Today is Low Cal Day. It's now almost 10 AM, and I'm doing fine. I've been up for 6 hours, and I have NO hunger. Not even peckish. Lunch with Wife is in one hour, and I'll just go watch her eat and take a break. I'll have a cup of coffee, and some water. Life is good. I feel on track again.  
2012年12月17日 会员:: kingkeld
my scale is an @sshole- i wanted to kick it today....when in doubt blame the scale! 
2012年12月17日 会员:: NewSarah!
What a pain in the €=¥¥. Let's hope the new scale is about the same as your old one.... Soooooooo frustrating. Still... You can treat it as a new start :-) 
2012年12月17日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Pam, that's what I like to think, lol. Nobody can prove that I screwed up over the weekend. THen again, I can't prove if I did good. It's all up in the air. :) I'm not too worried about the weight gain/loss, whatever it is. I'm feeling better today NOT eating. I'm actually more curious as to what fat percentage it will measure. I know my old one is wrong. There's just no way I was ever at 4%, not even at 75 kgs.  
2012年12月17日 会员:: kingkeld
I think if you buy the same type scale, if you were please with the old one, should give you similar results. I used to be a "South Carolina Certified Scale Mechanic", so take it from an expert. Surprised home scales have no methods to calibrate them accurately.  
2012年12月17日 会员:: posterchild66
Bummer Keld. I have an inkling of how you might be feeling. It will be little comfort for you to hear that after a low calorie day yesterday (500, following my feast day on Saturday) the scale only declined 1 measly pound. Didn't have any problem going up 3.6 lbs following feast day!!! Hope you locate a new scale today and have a most successful low calorie day!!! Enjoy my friend!!! Glad you are feeling a little better. 
2012年12月17日 会员:: madaboutmoose
I like how you handle things that are out of your control.....to just roll with it and move on. Can't enjoy the ups if you don't have the downs, I say. Hope the rest of your low cal day is smooth sailing! By the way, very intrigued by your new method.....and tempted. 
2012年12月17日 会员:: Mokakiss
dont beat yourself up.back on track.time to get rid of the gas.we got to watch a couple Christmas movies yesterday.it was fun.its probably a good thing the scale died.too dissappointing.i know you will fix this.Happy Holidays! 
2012年12月17日 会员:: rockytu
I hate to say it but I love that you also have bad days and you are not always perfect and you mess up and get mad at yourself too. You are normal after all! you have your low cal day today and you will make up for it I know you will.  
2012年12月17日 会员:: wichitaks
One day does not a life make - you've been doing so fabulous for so long. If your body said 'let's eat for the day' it needed it ~ for whatever stupid unhealthy reason other than to reinforce your resolve. Today it is 'booming' at you 'okay, good, thanks... ' but not giving you a comfortable feeling because it doesn't want to do it again. You may not like the looks of it but why not go back and try to remember and record it? As much as I beat myself up over a stupid binge of mayonnaise I recorded it because I wanted to read and remember what 'eating wrong' looks like. Otherwise, it would have been to easy for me to have selective memory. But that's just me. 
2012年12月17日 会员:: FullaBella
FullaBella, you're absolutely right. Usually, I record my bad days. This time, I didn't. I completely agree that it's necessary, so we can go back and see "what went wrong". :) 
2012年12月18日 会员:: kingkeld





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