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kingkeld的日记, 2012年05月3日

Good morning!

It's KINDA Friday here in Denmark today, in the way that we're off from work tomorrow! It's still my usual long Thursday (not out from work until 5PM), but it's a lot easier to handle when you know the next day is a no-work day.

I do have a couple of little missions to do tomorrow. First off, if weather permits it, we're going to the garden. We really need/want to go, but the days when we've had reasonable garden weather, we've been at work, and the days where we've had time/energy, the weather sucked. Tomorrow is a little uncertain when it comes to the weather, so we'll have to wait and see.

It's a little more grey out today, too bad. The sun was hammering down yesterday and we loved it. The only trouble is that it makes me want ice cream.

I did okay, stayed within RDI, but it was tough. REALLY tough. I can tell that I'm losing grip on all this snacking still.

I was pondering on this earlier this morning. I couldn't sleep, and was considering getting up early. The bed won, though.

It wasn't a stressful "not-being-able-to-sleep". It was more because I already slept 7 or so hours. That's fine. I can easily deal with this.

So, what I was thinking was about my lack of chocolate/ice cream control. I really want to get this handled.

I'm thinking about the MANY months where I simply didn't touch it. Hell, I went 5 months or so without having a single piece of candy, cake, ice cream or anything else. Extreme? Sure. However, once I got the sugar out of my system it was pretty easy. Maybe that's where I generally need to be? I know that once the carbs enter my system, I can't focus because I want more more more! I know many of you feel like this too.

So, today I will try to do good. It's gonna be somewhat a challenge - Wife is making awesome cakes for work, and I am sure I'm expected to try it out. I do know that she understands my situation and I'm not gonna break her heart by not trying them out. There are plenty of other "victims" who'll enjoy them.

Since I feel that I did "bad" yesterday, I will try to go without treats today. I will even try to do this Friday and Saturday too, warming up for Sunday.

Sunday is my brother's 50th birthday, and my nephew's confirmation. They're throwing a big party, and I am sure there'll be plenty of food challenges. I think it's a good think if I can keep myself in a short leash there, do good and do right.

I'm really looking forward to the party, and REALLY looking forward to showing off Wife and myself. Many of the people attending haven't seen us in years, and I am sure it'll come as quite a surprise to them how we look.

Wife insists that I wear a well-fitting, kinda tight shirt, to really show off the progress! LOL! As she says, most of the ones attending will be our age give or take 10 years, and slobs. They need to see how well I'm doing. It'll be fun. :)

I think that day I will keep counting my calories, and try to use moderation as my main motivator. I know that when I keep counting, I will see that I am not doing too good and restrict myself somewhat, even if I decide to NOT restrict but just count. It works.


Yesterday I got a few things settled in my head, regarding my cases. I need to call a few people, get a few more details set, but I'm overall doing better. I didn't think about work ALL evening (maybe because I could only think of ice cream?!?), and it was nice. I am happy I was in a better place. Now I just need to get a few things fixed today, so my weekend can be relaxed.

I'm gonna set up some cables, and maybe a server here at home over the weekend, finishing up the installation of our home theater with the addition of the new blu-ray player. It'll be nice. So many new features, and so much more we can do with it.

Tonight, I'll even do some biking here at home, to wear myself out for the night.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- A good night's sleep.
- Morning Coffee!
- A sinful day yesterday with the ability to stay within RDI, though it was hard.
- The ability to skip Wife's cake and other dangerous challenges throughout the day. I got this!

Happy Thursday! Life is good!
80.7 公斤 最近减少: 74.3 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2012年05月3日:
1000 千卡 脂肪: 28.92克 | 蛋白质: 74.32克 | 碳水物: 110.21克.   早餐: Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: Thai Red Curry (World Selection). 晚餐: Mixed Vegetables (Solids and Liquids, Canned), Turkey Breast Meat. 更多的......
3011 千卡 运动: 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 2 小时, 坐着 - 5 小时 和 10 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 站立 - 8 小时 和 30 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少0.7 公斤

Happy Thursday King! Be careful of the candy Monster! Hopefully you can do indulgence while at your relatives parties.  
2012年05月2日 会员:: posterchild66
Gotta love the yardwork/gardening bug. Rain or shine its tough for me to stay indoors right now. I was trimming the hedge in between showers yesterday (more in than between I think.) Have fun at the party. Enjoy it to the fullest - you've worked hard for the compliments I'm sure will come your way. 
2012年05月2日 会员:: Dani_Suave
I think sugary carbs are to us what alcohol is to an alcoholic, keld...and you know where that leaves THEM... I've read that it's actually the sugar in alcohol that is at the heart of an alcohol addiction, and that often an alcoholic will turn to sugar after getting sober. Why should we think we can get away with it? We CAN'T...I'll speak for myself...I can't. If it's there, and I start on it, it's OVER. When I leave them off for a week or two, I stop "needing" them...simple as that.  
2012年05月3日 会员:: Baxie
Baxie, I think you're right about this. Abstinence is a b**tch, though. :) I do like a snack here and there, but as you say - once the sugar kicks in, it's TOUGH to stop. 
2012年05月3日 会员:: kingkeld
Great to be able to show off, to people you haven't seen in a while. Maybe, on that Sunday, as you are discreetly showing of the "new" you... You should quietly educate them, by being very moderate and healthy in your food choices. Lead by example so to speak - I am sure they will be saying, I couldn't do without 'x' and laughing and saying go on, have some, it is a special occasion. A reply of "I could eat it, if I wanted, but I choose not to, because I love the life I am living, being fit, healthy and a sensible weight". Then smile. It will make them think. 
2012年05月3日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
SkInny, that's a great idea. Will there be wiggle room for dessert in my "leading by example"? :D 
2012年05月3日 会员:: kingkeld
Depends on the dessert and the portion size LOL 
2012年05月3日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I really liked Baxie's analogy of carbs to alcohol. I never thought about it that way. While on my journey I've encountered many parties and temptations. What kept me in check most of the time was the compliments I got from those who haven't seen me since I lost weight. On Sunday think how wonderful it is going to feel when everyone is oohing and aweing about how great you look and maybe that temptation won't be so bad.  
2012年05月3日 会员:: davidsmom
I can fully relate to Baxie's comment. Today, I'm COMPLETELY staying away from anything that is NOT breakfast, lunch or dinner. So far - 3PM - I'm going fine. I can tell that if I have a snack, I'm gonna want more and more and more, so I'm simply staying away. It's not easy when Wife has served three different cakes here at work. :/ However, I can tell that if I start, I'm not gonna stop - and it seems to be easier to handle by just saying no. NO! :) 
2012年05月3日 会员:: kingkeld
Amen to just saying no...and as davidsmom said, compliments from others does make it a bit easier...you're sure to get plenty of those, so let 'em work for ya :) 
2012年05月3日 会员:: Baxie
Happy Your Friday, King!! You can do it!! Just send M's leftovers here to TX.... LOL 
2012年05月3日 会员:: ZippyDani
Dani - M's leftovers are gone, gone, gone... but I didn't eat them. :) 
2012年05月3日 会员:: kingkeld
Aw damn... no leftovers. Oh well, WAY TO STAY STRONG, BROTHER! 
2012年05月3日 会员:: ZippyDani
I am having such a hard time staying away from sugar the last few days. While out of town I did have some yummy raspberry chocolate cake and a chocolate chip cookie and now I am having such a hard time NOT grabbing chocolate. My desk is the front desk at our office and that means there is a big bowl of candy staring at me 8 hours per day. I have been really good about not getting into that but it is hard some days like today. The butterfinger bar is staring at me.  
2012年05月3日 会员:: wichitaks
Fight on Keld. I also feel for chocolate and discovered some dark choc that is made with artificial sweetner. Candarel Chocolate with about 390 cals/bar... No sugar in it.  
2012年05月3日 会员:: Ryan75
Buy a gallon of 1% chocolate milk! Four gulps is 1/2 cup. ;) Also, stuff yourself with non-fattening things BEFORE the party then you can have small tastes of the good stuff. Have you tried freezing bananas or grapes and substituting them for ice cream??? Try melting very dark chocolate <the kind thats good for you> and blending with peanutbutter. Make this into little 'truffles' for when you need a choc. fix.  
2012年05月3日 会员:: greenwoodann
I appreciate the inputs! However, to me it seems that I am somewhat an all-or-nothing kinda guy. These days, once I taste chocolate, fruits, sweets, then I see snacks everywhere. I want them all. Right now it's 2:45 AM - got up for a few minutes, will head back to bed in a moment, and yesterday I had NO snacks at all. It wasn't even hard to do. I just didn't do that first on. I'm gonna try one more day like this and see what happens. :) I actually FEEL thinner, compared to yesterday morning. I wonder what the scale says when I weight in. Am I right? Life is good. Goodnight. 
2012年05月3日 会员:: kingkeld
Then it's no snacks for you, Keld!!! ;) Goodnight, sleep tight! 
2012年05月3日 会员:: erika2633





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