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kingkeld的日记, 2012年01月2日

Routines, routines, routines... oh how I've missed you! Welcome back to my life. Please don't leave anytime soon.

Christmas is over. New Year is over. 2012 is upon us, and it's the first day going back to work.

This is gonna be a year shock full of confidence. I can feel it. I feel that I am ready to take on the world, to get going and get started. I love this feeling.

I truly welcome getting up at 4:30 in the morning, doing my exercises before shower and breakfast, and simply just doing right.

I am all prepared for the day. Food is prepped, and I am enjoying my breakfast while petting the kitty in my lap and writing my journal. Lunch is also prepped, entered in the calorie counter, as are snacks as well. All that I need to work out is what Wife wants for dinner. All doubt about what to eat and what I can afford in terms of calories has been removed. I love that. Planning ahead is absolutely the way to go.

I'm curious to see how much work is waiting for me when I get there this morning. I hope it's not TOO much - it's been 10 days away, so there might be a good bunch of stuff. I have a feeling that it'll be a busy that. That's okay - time passes quickly when we're busy.

After work, I will be going to the gym. Clothes is packed and ready. No excuses, not even if I am tired. Going to the gym HELPS when I'm tired. This is what I have to remember.

The holidays has really been a needed break for me in so many ways. Both on work, music and other things, but also the weight loss journey. I've had focus in a different way, and I think it's been good for me. I've gotten the exercises more under my skin, and I think it'll keep up with it.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will go to the gym. This is how it fits best with my other plans. Tuesday, no gym due to me teaching. That's a little exercise in itself.

Thursday, I work late. I will simply use my exercise bike on Thursdays, as I will on the weekends. Weekends at my house are usually quiet, watching the shows from the week and maybe a few movies. A great time to be on the bike!

So there you have it. Daily exercise. How about that! Those of you who's been following my journal know that not very long ago I was impossible to get going on exercise. 2012 is gonna be different. This is my goal, and it's a goal I will accomplish.

So how about the weigh in? Well, I lost weight since yesterday, about 400g. I'm at 84.2 kgs today - which I still find very high for today. It's okay though, New Year's eve was a LOT of calories, alcohol, desserts and such, and it'll take a few days to detox. Let's see what happens. I'm sure I'll reach a new low this week. Maybe even reach 80? Let's try!

I slept great last night - finally got some sleep after days (nights) of not much sleep. So today I feel recharged, and full of energy. What an awesome way to start the new year's work. Let's hope this will be a new trend.

So, have I made a decision on the whole Daughter's present dilemma? Actually, I have. I talked to Wife a little more about it. 18th birthday is a BIG day, and this is when she'll get her gift. It's a quite expensive thing, and there isn't really anything we can top it with, or afford topping it with, so she will have to wait. She has NO idea it's coming, so she doesn't know what she's "missing out" on. Daughter is rarely out of her room, other than getting ready in the mornings, or when we eat dinner. She's probably hardly gonna notice that we have them sitting around if we are a little careful. Mine will be used a lot in bed when I can't sleep, at work and other places where she is not around. Same with Wife. I'm not too concerned if Daughter discovers it. If she DOES, and asks, I'll just pretend that we treated ourselves to them, and leave it at that. Let her get a little jealous. Maybe even let her get a little taste, so she can see a need (which I know she will instantly). So the plan is, as it originally was, to buy it, make it 100% ready for her, and hand it to her at the restaurant on her b-day. It'll be ready to go, movies, programs, music, internet, the works, and fully charged so she can mess with it on the train home. I think it's a good solution, even if it means keeping our traps shut for two months. I can do it. I hope Wife can. She is horrible at secrets and presents. :)

Today I am thankful for
- 4:30 AM ENERGY!
- Coffee!
- Being back on normal schedule.
- Eggs for breakfast.
- A little weight loss with a potential bigger one coming soon. Low fat % hints it!
- A nice, personal message from Carol. Thanks, Carol!

Have a great day, my friends! It's the first work day of what will be an AWESOME year!

Life is good!
84.2 公斤 最近减少: 70.8 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2012年01月2日:
1347 千卡 脂肪: 45.16克 | 蛋白质: 74.09克 | 碳水物: 147.06克.   早餐: Rye Bread, Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: Roast Beef (Lean Only Eaten), Chinese Cabbage (Bok-Choy, Pak-Choi), Cooked Okra. 晚餐: gravy, sliced pickles, pickled beets, potatoes, medister. 小食/其他: kakaois, carrots. 更多的......
3420 千卡 运动: 跑步(慢跑) - 8公里/小时 - 15 分钟, 步行(轻快的) - 6.5公里/小时 - 45 分钟, 站立 - 6 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 2 小时, 坐着 - 6 小时 和 10 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少2.8 公斤

Love what you decided!!! Although I fear I am more like your wife ... I would cave!!! The suspense would kill ME!! LOL!!! I love being the first one to comment here ... in the evening of the 1st when you have already entered the 2nd ... time is so strange. You sound good ... ready to ROCK and ROLL my friend!!! Routines are indeed our friends, even though the break in routine is often welcome. I am quite frienvious of your fat % numbers ... mine are unbelievably HIGH. I'm not going to worry about them right now though ... just keep focused and handle one thing at a time. Hopefully they will come down. Eventually I may need to change up my exercise to build more muscle. Well ... have an awesome day Keld ... see you later my friend!!! 
2012年01月1日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Haha I know, isn't it so funny to see his journal entries pop up for a day that hasn't even started yet for some of us?? :) Keld, sounds like you have a great routine planned out!! I have to figure out what mine will be and give myself some options to choose from.. I need to start training for my 1/2 marathon but also don't want to give up my group exercise classes that I've started doing in the last month!! I love how much you have come to enjoy exercising.. that's great!! Glad your new year is off to a great start - good luck keeping your (and your wife's) mouth shut about the gift - I'm sure your daughter will love it and be impressed that you kept the secret! 
2012年01月2日 会员:: erika2633
It's great to hear you feeling so full of energy and so ready for the year ahead. How early do you go to bed in order to be up at 4.30? How many hours sleep do you get? I'm an early riser but 4.30 feels like the middle of the night! I like your solution for the gift - in our house I'm good at secrets but Husband has no patience at all! We all saw our gifts before new year because he can't contain his excitement!  
2012年01月2日 会员:: Earthlady
LOL, keeping secrets can be HARD! We are both excited to give this gift, and also getting ours. :) I'm - as always - geeking out and prepping for the arrival of "the little ones", to put the to FULL use immediately. Nerdy much? Absolutely! :) Earthlady - We usually go to bed around 9 PM. It's early, but needed as we normally don't last much longer than that. 4:30 AM IS early, but also just a matter of habit. We don't do much on week nights for that very same reason. It's okay though, I like being up in the morning, and I love having a few hours to myself before going to work. It's super nice. 
2012年01月2日 会员:: kingkeld
I love being back to routines! I can handle routines 
2012年01月2日 会员:: sunshine_girl
Isn't it funny how we love our routines.... I can't wait for tomorrow, when I can fully get back into my "planning" my weeks exercise and gym is back to normal. :-) 
2012年01月2日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Keld, what a perfect title for at least a chapter in your new book: "A year shock full of confidence." Good job on the exercise. I get up between 2am and 4am (unfortunately, this morning I'm working), and it kind of is the middle of the night. I guess, if you can do it, do it, But don't forget that it's also REALLY important for exercise performance as well as for weight loss to get enough sleep. 
2012年01月2日 会员:: Helewis
Helweis, I get all the sleep I need. I can't function without sleep, but I do feel that now that I have lost so much weight, my energy levels are way up! I have the energy and the will to get up, and I love it. I go to bed when I get sleepy, so nature more or less runs the show when it comes to my sleep. :) 
2012年01月2日 会员:: kingkeld
Where does your energy come from? You've got it down to a science...It's taking me extra energy to stop reading your journal and go to the gym but, I'm on my way! How can I not be when you've been up since 4:30am? If that's not inspirational (and a little crazy) I don't know what is....THANKS! 
2012年01月2日 会员:: Eleven0811
You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work and you have a fun personality I can tell... :) 
2012年01月2日 会员:: Paulajs
I am getting in a new routine...so far so good..Your daughter will love the gift...I am wondering how long it will last before you cave in to give it to her...LOL..Have a great day...:O) 
2012年01月2日 会员:: BHA
BHA - Cave in? Me? NEVER! It'll take MINUTES, I tell ya! 
2012年01月2日 会员:: kingkeld
Yay, I'm so happy that you decided to wait to give her the tablet! Just like you, I can't wait to get back into a routine and I'll squeeze in 5 exercises a week (7 time is just, wow, you're my hero)! Enjoy your week back at work! 
2012年01月2日 会员:: SoLosingIt
It's so cool that your energy levels are up like they are. It's definitely inspirational. 
2012年01月2日 会员:: Helewis
2012年01月2日 会员:: BHA
king, I agree with you on the routine! By the time that Christmas is over, I am more than ready for normalcy again! I think that is the perfect way to handle the gift. Hope you have a great day!  
2012年01月2日 会员:: ctlss





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