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kingkeld的日记, 2011年11月28日

I have to be very careful that this doesn't end up being one of those whiny posts... today showed ANOTHER weight gain. I've done right, stayed within my allowance all weekend and STILL no weight loss. I would have thought I had seen a loss today, but no...

These things just happen now and then. What I am doing works and I just have to be patient. It'll come off. Let's see what the week brings. To be fair, I sat down most of the weekend, and didn't do much. No exercise, other than playing music - which means standing/walking around a while playing a 5 kg bass guitar. It's not a whole lot of cardio work, but it DOES burn a lot more calories than just watching TV or doing other inactive things.

I will be doing a lot more music playing the next few weeks. We have a show coming up, and because of Xmas arrangements it's kind of hard for all of us to get together, so we only have one or two rehearsals left. This means a lot of home work instead, and that is what I will be doing - probably a lot of it in the mornings.

I do like to do my exercises in the mornings too (and I'll get on that bike right after I am finished with this journal, but I also like playing my music. I have to find time for both. I'm thinking of doing the 1st set-list in the mornings, and the 2nd set-list in the evening, to spread it out a little bit, and to save some time. Also, I have set up my music gear so it's very easy for me to access. It's basically just put on the bass, put on headphones, connect phone (for backing music) and go go go! Kind of what I have done with the exercise bike. I put it in the "sweet spot" in front of the big screen, so I can watch movies and shows and bicycle. If I want the big surround sound in the optimal place, then I need to be on the bike. :) It's all about making it convenient, I think.

It's gonna be a little harder doing my workouts. We are - until the end of the year - helping out a friend who doesn't have a place to stay. Long story that I won't bother you with. However, I see that there will be a chance in my morning rituals, as I am simply not comfortable with doing my exercises too much with "strangers" around. To me, it's a personal thing and something I'd like to do on my own when at home. If I go to the gym, then it's different. If I go to the gym, I am fully aware (and okay) that there will be people looking. Maybe that's why I don't go a lot? I don't know. It doesn't really bother me when I'm there.

I do find it much more convenient to do at home, though.

I found a DVD with exercise from Extreme Makeover Weight Loss edition, and it looks like it's a great place to start working out. First of all, I love the fact that the ones in the video are not all skinny bi**hes that one can't relate to. They're real people, actually some stars from the show who's lost a lot of weight. I can relate to that.

I think maybe I should just get on that today instead of the bike? Try it out? What do you guys think? I'll try it and report back. Maybe it's kind of bad timing, as I just ate, but I will see where it takes me. I will report back in my journal after (look for the EDIT at the end of the journal)

Other than this, it will be a BUSY day at work - I got several interviews to do, a lot of case working and paper work, meetings and music practice tonight. On top of that I hope to watch a movie with Wife and Lodger (that's what I'll call our visiting friend here).

I hope you guys have an awesome week. Life is good!

I did the workout, the first initial workout on entry level. I assume this is for people who are much bigger than I am today, it's all very gentle and very reassuring. AND it feels like it's a great first workout for someone like me who is not at all used to doing this. It's 15 minutes long, with about a minute intro. I'm thinking I will do this first level this week, every day, and then see if I can progress to the next level next week. It's actually a comfortable workout, and I can feel muscles that I don't normally use burning.
The big question is of course whether it's doing ENOUGH? I feel muscles have worked, but I never broke a sweat. Maybe that'll be in the next week's harder workout? We'll see. Life is good!
85.5 公斤 最近减少: 69.5 公斤.    还有: 0.5 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年11月28日:
1591 千卡 脂肪: 42.03克 | 蛋白质: 94.84克 | 碳水物: 225.99克.   早餐: extra lean ham, rye bread, eggs. 午餐: low fat dressing, Whole Wheat Bread, Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Chicken Breast. 晚餐: Ranch Salad Dressing (Fat Free), Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, canned tomato, whole wheat spaghetti, ham. 小食/其他: Honeydew Melons, Bananas. 更多的......
3103 千卡 运动: 健美操(轻型的,例如居家运动) - 15 分钟, 玩乐器 - 1 小时 和 35 分钟, 站立 - 4 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 1 小时 和 30 分钟, 坐着 - 7 小时 和 50 分钟. 更多的......
一星期增加1.4 公斤

Who knows the mystery of why the scale goes up and down?? No worries about whining ... I didn't think it sounded as such. Proud you checked out the exercise DVD. What is your actual goal? I know you said something about blue bar vanity at one point and you didn't want to change your goal so you would still have the blue. Been there, done that ... more than once!! LOL!!! You are close and I think it might get a little more challenging the closer we get. Stay the course man ... you have done so well. Besides ... I'll no doubt be moaning and groaning myself through this whole process ... quite frankly I need the company!!! Take care, have a great day at work and I'll see you later my friend!! 
2011年11月28日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Check you out....did I read it right....enjoying exercise!!! It does make you feel good and the sweet spot makes it all the better. We have a separate garden room with all our fitness stuff in it, tv and sound system make it a great place to hang out, that said I'd still rather be in there on my own...my music or my film/tv. The slow start on the dvd sounds good. If it were too much of a shock, the risk is people would feel too tired and not go back. Build up slow and steady. I have posted a pic on the just pics group...a face to the name, though still think my handsome boy as my profile pic is nicer to look at..lol. The scales will move when they move...frustrating but that's just how it is, your doing all the right things, so they can only hold out for so long before they reveal the truth. 
2011年11月28日 会员:: Di Happy
Moose, I am almost at my final goal. I am today in the 85 kg range, and my final goal is at 77 - this is where the BMI scale say "normal weight". So I am missing something like 15 lbs in those US terms. Not intimidating at all. I think my trouble is that I really need to step up my game to get rid of those last few inches. Back when I started this I would burn 4500-5000 calories without any efford. Now I have to work to get it above 3000. So I can perfectly well see that exercise is needed, and I also know that it is needed for me to maintain my new, sexy look. :) I really want it to become a habit, but I am having a hard time actually finding something that I find FUN to do, and something that I'd like to do as an alternative to my other enjoyments. I do try to add just tiny things into my "workout" daily. One thing that I see really affects my calories burned is standing up at work - I have a desk job and I really don't need to move unless I make it a conscious effort. So I raise my desk (I have one of those fancy liftable desks) and stand up as much as I can. This is basically when I am in my office and I don't have clients to interview. It would be too intimidating for them with me standing up and them possibly sitting down. So I sit for those sessions, and other meetings, but generally try to stand up. I also do other little things like picking up print-outs immediately from the printer, which is about 60 steps away. That's 120 every time I print something. It all counts. I appreciate your encouragement, guys! We all need it. And no worries - I will keep going as always. Steady as he goes, Capitain. 
2011年11月28日 会员:: kingkeld
:-( about non weight loss.... You have been through this before, and it turns out alright in the end, so I am sure it will be no different this time. Good job on the exercise DVD, it's good to "shake it up" a bit, and try something different - bit like your "diet" regime. You may find that you ache to later on, or tomorrow, sometimes exercising is deceiving and works us more than we think. Have a good week :-) 
2011年11月28日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
It can be frustrating for sure, when you feel like you are doing the right things / the same things - food wise - and then whoop the scale goes in the other direction! Well, as you know, it could be just what you suggested - the change in exercise/activity from the holiday weekend. Our instincts are typically pretty on target! Love that you tried out the bike. Good for you!!! And I totally get the not wanting to exercise w/ company around and the lack of privacy that happens when you are used to working out at home with that privacy! It can be very unsettling! But if you can fit in even a 30 min trip to the gym, you will begin to set habits, and enjoy the time away for a bit of a breather. When I first started going to the gym...that's what I did. I checked the clock when I walked thru the door...basically said to myself whatever I can get done in 30 min's will have to be enough...so..ready, set...workout! Then 1/2 hour later...bye bye gym! See ya tomorrow! It actually felt good. To not feel like I was beholden to someone else's idea of 'what kind and how much' exercise I needed to do. I could do 10 min's of this, and 5 min's of that...but 30 min's and I'm done. Eventually, I started to focus on doing something specific...and changed to 45-50 min's every other day. But probably did the 30 min rule for about the first 6 months! Good luck finding just what works for you...you'll do great..no worries! 
2011年11月28日 会员:: jsfantome
I didn't know there was such a thing as a liftable desk??? Really? Cool!!! You are very close my friend!!!  
2011年11月28日 会员:: madaboutmoose
@jsfantome - good advice. I might try it out. I just have a HARD time seeing myself at the gym at all. I think it's a leftover attitude from "fat me". I would always NOT be interested, probably since I couldn't do any of it to my own satisfaction. Then it's better to not be interested. Same thing with ALL sports. Simply not interested. @moose - I'll how you the desk sometime. It's actually really cool and really helps me not straining my back at work. It's nice to be able to shift between sitting and standing and still do the same work.  
2011年11月28日 会员:: kingkeld
I'd love to see the desk!! I'm typically behind in all things ... just learned what an HDMI cable was ... I'm sort of a dinosaur!! LOL!!! 
2011年11月28日 会员:: madaboutmoose
You seem to always come out of these little slumps ,keep that chin up ,the weight will come off 
2011年11月28日 会员:: kimzie77
Damn... you guys are the best. I really, truly appreciate all your support! I appreciate all your suggestions. And yes - plenty of water for me. I hope to see a loss soon. I know I will. Fat percentage is retarded low today - usually that's a sign that something will give in soon. Besides, I have all the way until Saturday morning to reach a new low. I'm sure I'll make it. :) Of course, it IS 4 lbs I need to drop.  
2011年11月29日 会员:: kingkeld





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