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kingkeld的日记, 2014年01月9日

Good morning!

Yesterday was a great day!

Yesterday, I went to the hospital for all the preliminary checkups for my heart thing tomorrow. I'm still nervous as heck about it, but I'm told by everyone at the hospital that it really is a smaller thing and to not worry. I will try to do this. It's hard, though. I only have one heart, and I am not too comfortable with anyone fiddling with it.

I left early - at 5:30 am - to go to Holbæk, where the hospital is. I had the appointment at 8 AM, and was in town at 6:10. I decided to just walk, walk, walk. I had put almost 8 kilometers behind me by the time I went for my appointment.

The checkups were about an hour long. I was done early, and went to wlak by the peer. It was a cold, grey day, but I went anyways. I had a cup of coffee at a little stand, and went to buy fish meatballs for dinner. Wife and I LOVE them!

After that, I was just gonna go home and relax, but ended up going to Roskilde, about 20 minutes away, to pick up Wife from work. I met with her a little after lunch time, and we went to have lunch - the most amazing shish kebab. Ooooh. Wife was ecstatic! This is very much food in the same tradition as her grandmother used to make it, and it reminded her of the good ole days. The food WAS amazing.

It just ended up being a great day. I did great on my calories. I went to the max of my allowance according to my calculations. I went as high as I had to, to not lose muscle.

I did 30,000 steps! I burned more then 3800 calories! A brilliant day. It'll do wonders to my averages.


So, what about the weight? How did I do? Well, it's yet another strange weigh-in. The numbers don't make much sense to me. I think the kicker is a lot of dehydration from all the walking (and probably not drinking enough since I was on the go all day).

I weigh the same as yesterday but 100g, and that's fine. But the body fat percentage jumped up a full percent, even if I had a ridiculously high calorie burn - about 3800 calories. I consumed 2500 total yesterday, so there should be NO chance of a fat gain. I know there isn't - it's the other factors that are bumping it around.

What is more worrisome is that my muscle mass is the lowest I have registered since surgery. And then again, it might NOT be a concern.

I am sure that I am losing muscle mass. Not doing my training will do that. However, when I look back at my numbers, I see the same low numbers when I was dehydrating myself for my surgery. This time I think it's probably half and half. That would make sense to me.

The muscle and fluid numbers pretty much match the ones I registered at the morning of my surgery. Only difference is that I am about two kilos heavier altogether. This is probably fat, from the excess eating I went through.

The excessive eating is slowly being cancelled out by eating right and by exercising. It's almost gone, and I see the numbers turning around.

Using my smart spreadsheet to calculate averages and allowed calorie intake, I get around 100 extra calories to play with every day. It's rising fast to meet the averages.

Then comes the next challenge:

There has to be found a good balance for me. Once I am up in calories where I start being allowed more than I actually burn - this happens to "compensate" for all the calorie deficit I have been in lately - then I need to remember to be smart about it, and NOT consume more than I burn.

Until now, the averages have helped me get back on track after surgery, and keep everything neat and tidy.

Sometime around Monday, my spreadsheet says, the game changes a little. I will keep getting extra calories allowed, until I use them and end up at status quo. Going back 28 days, every day that I am under my RDI I will get a little added to my future RDI of the next 28 days. And the other way around too, obviously. Every day I go over my RDI, I will lose a little amount of calories for the next 28 days' RDI. It makes sense.


Since I right now have had WEEKS with a significant deficit, it will start adjusting differently. If I keep the trend of burning significantly more calories than I consume, then the RDI will end up at 4000 calories! Of course, once I take a day of 4000, it'll adjust dramatically.

I see it as my "calorie bank" that makes it okay to pig out now and then. I think it's a good, healthy system.


The next thing that will come is then to challenge the Fitbit accuracy. I will then start looking at whether I need to put in a "burn factor" on top of the numbers I get. I think they're pretty accurate, but maybe they're not. After all, the Fitbit simply IS a pedometer. It can't tell everything apart. There will always be a lot of factors missing.

So, I will keep going with my system. I think it works. But as I go, I will take a look at my numbers every so often, and try to adjust. Maybe I should be consuming 95% of the calories that the Fitbit suggest? Maybe 105%? Who knows? This is my next step in getting a grip on things.


Obviously, another step is to - hopefully - get going on strength training soon. I miss it. A LOT.

After tomorrow's procedure, I hope to be allowed to get going soon.

I took a quick look at WebMD to see what to expect, and I was happy to find this:

"Make an exercise plan together with your doctor. An exercise program usually consists of stretching, activities that increase your heart rate (aerobic exercise), and strength training (lifting light weights)."

It looks like there is a good chance that I can go back to my normal routines.


Today, it's back-to-work day. I can't say I'm not protesting it a little bit. I would have rather started Monday, but I guess technically I CAN work today. I'm still stressing a lot over tomorrow's adventures, so I think it's gonna be hard to focus. I'll go, sit down, do what I can, and go home. Monday, I will start up from scratch.

It's pouring down, so it'll be hard to get all my steps in today. I might have to settle for an hour (or two) on the stationary bike. I'm not sure I'm liking that. First of all, I like getting the actual step count. Second, my legs are tired from 30,000 steps yesterday. Let's see what happens. Hopefully the weather clears up.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Getting up early after a good night's sleep!
- Coffee!
- FatSecret!
- Understanding my weigh-in numbers, even when they seemingly make no sense.

Happy Thursday! Life is good!
81.9 公斤 最近减少: 73.1 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一星期增加0.7 公斤

glad you had a great day Keld and as said before wishing you all the best with the procedure 
2014年01月8日 会员:: Kingstephen
Good luck with your heart thing. That's nothing to play around with. Great job enjoying the day with the wife :) 
2014年01月8日 会员:: Happy Living
Hey Keld... BEST WISHES for the procedure. I hope all goes well! Sorry your numbers aren't cooperating. Hah! I'm curious how your FitBit turns out, with regard to accuracy. I'd still love to find a device that can *accurately* determine things like RMR, RDI and calories burned. Maybe it's a pipe-dream. 
2014年01月8日 会员:: Rob.c.weiss
Rob, it IS a pipe dream. Nothing is 100% in this game. However, I did have a 28 day period where I was very even on ALL numbers, maybe leaning slightly towards being a tad better off, and during that period my calorie intake and my fitbit estimated burn varied by 2½ calories per day. Freaky accurate. It could of course just be a coincidence, with what I had entered to additional exercise, my steps and all, and of course with my food entered, and disregarding any kind of error margin. I do think that we all enter our foods wrong now and then. It'll never be accurate. We can't ever say exactly how much fat is in a piece of meat, and we will always to "wing it" here and there. So, maybe "close enough" is close enough? I just wanna optimize and tweak until I see that it fits what I need.  
2014年01月8日 会员:: kingkeld
Kingkeld, It seems you know that even when we do everything right sometimes it just takes the body a little time to register the changes that occur. I like the list of gratitudes and things you enjoy as well as the stresses you face. Best wishes for an easy and successful "heart thing" J 
2014年01月9日 会员:: JovialJ
Good luck with your heart procedure!  
2014年01月9日 会员:: Deb_N
Good morning, I know you will figure this out Keld. I can't comment much because the numbers thing, the whole thing you are doing, is just too complicated for my old brain. For me it's still eat less, move more, and I know that's your goal too, you just tech it up a notch :) Good luck tomorrow, we will all be anxiously awaiting a quick word saying that you are doing fine. And it absolutely sucks to have to go to work today. I'm with you on that. 
2014年01月9日 会员:: sarahsmum
It will always be eat less, move more as long as one is on a weight loss journey, no matter how "high-tech" we make it. No doubt about that. Once you reach maintenance stage, it changes to "move as much as you eat" or vice versa. This is a much finer tuning, and this is where the geeky fun begins. Of course, you can always low-tech is and keep doing "eat less, move more" and then change to "eat more, move less" if you get too skinny, and switch between them. It doesn't have to be all that advanced, as long as you generally make the right choices (and moves). :) 
2014年01月9日 会员:: kingkeld
I'm new to reading your journal,but have to say you're one of the most positive, uplifting people I've seen on this site so far! And I just KNOW you're going to come through your heart procedure with flying colors. ;) And WOW...30K steps? You are my HERO! I can only aspire to one day do as well as you're doing! Best wishes for tomorrow, and for the day after that, and the day after that, and... :D 
2014年01月9日 会员:: Char Gets Thin
Wow - 30,000 and I thought I was doing great at 11,500. Will see how I do today, since this is the first full day of my fitbit. I got the force - will keep you posted on what I think of it. So far so good, but I don't have my head completely around the dashboard and all the info it spits out. Good luck with your heart - I know you will come out of this stronger! Have a good day - even if it is at work! Cheers 
2014年01月9日 会员:: Lynn1958
KK. getting 30000 steps in on one day just blows my mind! Good luck tomorrow with the heart thing. No worries, okay? Stay busy and just get 'er done. :) 
2014年01月9日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
Char, I really appreciate the kind words. Obviously, I appreciate it from ALL of you. I feel that I am ready for tomorrow. Gotta be a big boy. :) 
2014年01月9日 会员:: kingkeld
You just posted some delicious looking pita on FB, wish I could read the details lol. Stay positive :-) hope all is well! 
2014年01月9日 会员:: Annabelle3117
Yolanda, I basically ran through my calorie intake for today, reaching just under 2000 calories. I wasn't as active as I normally am, so I lowered my intake a bit. And then, it turned out that I WAS active enough, reaching 3,000 calories burned. I just run though what I ate. The pita, delish fish meat balls, and roasted pork with potatoes, gravy and pickled red cabbage. And Skyr (Icelandic "Greek" Yogurt for dessert. Very nice. The point is - you don't have to only eat lettuce and chicken breast to lose weight. There is PLENTY of room for real and normal food, as long as you make sure your counting your calories and keep an eye on the macros. :)  
2014年01月9日 会员:: kingkeld
...and you can always use Google Translate to help you with the Danish texts. It works pretty well these days. :) 
2014年01月9日 会员:: kingkeld
Will do! And i agree whole heartedly, thanks for translating for me :-) 
2014年01月9日 会员:: Annabelle3117





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