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kingkeld的日记, 2013年11月7日

Good morning!

Wow. What an AMAZING weigh-in! I am down 3.1 kilos - almost 7 lbs - since yesterday!

After quite some days with little to nothing happening, and a few days with very strange gains, things seem to have shifted - at least for today.

It's again a weird weigh-in, but it goes perfectly hand in hand with my experiences and actions yesterday.

First of all, I ended up having a very low calorie day yesterday. It wasn't intended at all, but I ended up at 700 calories. I spent about 300 on lunch, some on a protein shake, and a little on apples.

Then I went to work, and forgot to bring dinner. So, no dinner for me. This was not in the plans.

I was okay, though, and I just made do without it. It was no biggie.

I had to go pee ALL frickin' day yesterday. I think I went maybe 20 times. I'm not sure what caused this, but it happened. At the end of the day I knew that there was NO way I would not have lost weight today, but I had no idea that it would be this much. I'm happy with it - it was about damn time.


If I am to point out one significant thing I did yesterday - other than the low calories, that wouldn't do all that big a difference - it would be that I started drinking coffee again, after just having my early morning coffees for a while.

This of course makes me wonder if this has something to do with it.

Coffee has no calories, and thus don't promote fat gain/loss as such.

It does however affect in many other ways, and maybe this is something that pushed my weight down. I don't know.

One thing is for sure, though, I will have more coffee today. :)


The weigh-in numbers are interesting. I am at the same body fat percentage as yesterday, 12.1%. It's pretty good, but there is room for improvement. I'm hoping to nudge it down to under 10%.

My muscle weight and water weight is down, and the numbers look like it's about 300g fat loss and 2800g water loss that I have had. This is in no way surprising - other than of course the fact that it happened in just one day.


I wonder how my weigh-in will be tomorrow morning.

I am almost certain that the fluid levels will adjust a little upwards, but I will do what I can to NOT have that happen. I like it here. :)

My approach is simply to keep going. I'm gonna make sure to have my 100g of protein, my 30% of calories coming from fat, and limit my carbs as much as I can. Also, keep drinking coffee. :)

I'm gonna allow myself the usual 2,000 calories as a max, but I will be VERY focused on my food choices, to avoid messing a good thing up today. Let's see if my body abides. I honesly have NO clue whether I can control this or not. It's a fun little experiment.


Today, I am EXHAUSTED. It's a good thing that today is not a workout day. I would not have gone.

Yesterday I was tired. I didn't sleep much, as I mentioned in my journal.

On top of that, it was a LONG day.

I went to do my workout, worked my full day-job shift, and worked for additional 6 hours at the gym. I was BEAT.

I slept at 10PM last night, and had my alarm waking me up at 4AM this morning. Not enough sleep. Boo.

Today is a 9 hour work day. I already did my walk, and even did a bonus kilometer just for good measure. I know I'm gonna be tired and not want to do much when I come home, so I need to ensure that I will get my steps in and that I will reach my goals for today. It's important to me. I hate when the numbers aren't where they're supposed to be.

I could easily justify skipping a little - I have so many "extra" steps, calories, kilometers, very active minutes accumulated, but I prefer NOT looking at yesterday and just looking ahead when it comes to exercise. I like that I did great yesterday, but it doesn't mean that I can slack today.

I like to do the same with the calorie counting, though different days can have different RDIs depending which plan I decide to follow at that time.


These days I am sticking to simply having 2,000 calories allowance per day. No Low Cal Days, no Indulgence Days. For right now, this seems to be better for me. I am happier with it, and it's always enough food when I play my cards right.

I am very sure that if I allow myself Indulgence Days right now, they'll just be "wasted" on junk, and obviously I can't do that. Not now. I'm WAY too close to my surgery date.

As a matter of fact, in 4 weeks EXACTLY, TO THE MINUTE, they should be cutting me open! :)

The date is coming closer FAST, and it's starting to give me a little nerves. It's not TOO bad, just what I think is natural.

I think it's just about the same as last time, but for slightly different reasons.

Last time, I was more nervous because I never had surgery before, and I knew that it was a big one to have done. They do, after all, cut all the way around my waist TWICE.

This time I know that the surgery isn't gonna be nearly as big, and it's not gonna be nearly as hard to recover from, but I don't have any references, and I think I simply compare this surgery with the old one, dreading the recovery process.

The recovery process last time was really hard. It was about 1½ months of me not having ANY energy whatsoever. It was pretty bad.

After that, I had another 4½ months where I couldn't really exercise.

THIS I am dreading intensely.

The surgeons tell me to not worry, the upcoming surgery is not comparable with the last one, it's a minor adjustment and not "full surgery", but I don't think my brain is listening.

I have to see and feel for myself.

I'm sure I'll be okay regardless. This time I am much better prepared, I know what's coming - and if anything it'll be a LOT easier than expected - and I am mentally ready. Well, as ready as one can be.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Coffee! More, please! :)
- A day with nothing to do after work. Boy, do I need this.

Happy Thursday!

Life is good!
82.4 公斤 最近减少: 72.6 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少21.7 公斤

Congrats on the drop, awesome. Perhaps the coffee prompted all the peeing; whatever man, doing the happy skinny dance for you :) :) Surgery, yes, I can see why you would be nervous/apprehensive/etc. I sincerely hope that the recovery time is a lot less this time and don't forget you are in much better physical shape this time than last so the recovery time should be much shorter just from that alone. Keld, you are an amazingly strong man, physically and emotionally and I know you will be just fine, more than fine. I don't 'get' your interest in all the numbers that you track, for me weight loss is weight loss. I know that is wrong, I know you need, YOU need, to focus on the muscle vs fat thing, but I am just delighted that your body finally gave up some weight. Weigh to go (pun intended). Have an awesome day and I hope you find some extra energy from somewhere - you do SO much, I am exhausted sometimes just reading your journals.  
2013年11月7日 会员:: sarahsmum
Great job! Sounds like you were retaining water for a few days. 
2013年11月7日 会员:: Suzi161
FELT like I was retaining water for about half a year. LOL.  
2013年11月7日 会员:: kingkeld
Your’re incredible Keld and you are one of the success stories out there that keep us all going. I am so fortunate to have found this site and to be allowed to get a glimpse of your journey and the journeys of many fighting this fight. It is understandable that you are nervous about your upcoming surgery. But try to ease your mind with what the doctor’s are saying and with what you know are the facts. You’ve been through the extreme version of this surgery, put those thoughts away think of how much less pain you will feel, the shorter recovery time, all of the support and spoiling from your family and the mental support from your FS family when needed. It’s easier said than done but try to let go of that stress and look forward to the new you that is soon to come. Best wishes to you! 
2013年11月7日 会员:: ChicaLean
AWESOME KELD!!! Nice work... great job hanging in there. 
2013年11月7日 会员:: Rob.c.weiss
I appreciate the comments and the advice. It's a mentally very tough time, and it's very easy to get caught up in it all. I can't wait to see what tomorrow's weigh in will say. Today is one of those days where I "feel thin". I have no idea whether weight will go lower our not. Today's been very limited on food intake, though not on purpose. It was just what happened in the meals we ended up having. Tomorrow will tell.  
2013年11月7日 会员:: kingkeld
good job on the loss. I think I heard once that coffee is a diuretic and cleans out your system. perhaps that is what occurred. I would love that kind of results. Happy, Happy, Happy dance! 
2013年11月7日 会员:: kmunson
You're definitely a inspiration to LOTS of us that you can stick with things so consistently. I tune in and out, but everything I come back, you're still tracking and recording, and maintaining your losses. I wish I had your focus! If the doc says not to worry, then do your best to distract yourself- easier said than done, I know, but it sounds like the worst of it is LONG behind you.  
2013年11月7日 会员:: gnat824
almost 7lbs?? That is a massive drop in weight! DAMN!!!! HA! great job. I wouldn't believe it if my scale reported that much weight loss. I'd probably change the batteries and still wouldn't believe it. You're killing it KELD! Keep it up!!!! 
2013年11月7日 会员:: coachcj8





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