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kingkeld的日记, 2013年10月5日

Good morning!

Ahhh... FINALLY weekend.

It's been a busy, stressful week, but I think and hope that things in general look a little brighter around here.

I had a strange weigh-in this morning.

Traditionally, the day of the week where I weigh the least is Saturday morning. I usually knock the weight down by a kilo or two on this particular day, unless I have made really dumb food choices on Friday.

Well, I did all I was supposed to do yesterday.

I did 15,000 steps. I burned 3227 calories. I did my workout. I was generally active.

And yet - I am UP almost a kilo. Weird.

Now, I've been in this game long enough to know to look further than just the immediate payoff, but it's rare that it happens like this, and this tickles my curiosity.

I can't really think of any foods I did that could affect it. I had plenty of water.

If anything, there are two factors that I think I need to consider.

1. My body is VERY tired from the workout yesterday. More than usual. I think I read somewhere that after intense workouts, our bodies can retain fluid to "protect us against the force that is obviously attacking us".

2. I am - after all - a kilo lighter than I was last week. Things ARE changing.

Last week, I didn't know my weight - so I don't know how I did last week. I never peeked when I weighed in, but I did weigh in to save the data in my Über Smart Smartscale. I'm glad I did - otherwise I wouldn't have known this today.

I suppose the strategy for next week is to keep going and keep from screwing up.


I haven't really had the sugar cravings lately. It's nice. I don't think about cakes and candies, and I eat lots of good foods.

I make sure I get my protein and my fat, I am sure I only eat within my 8 hour window. I am really liking this way of eating and living.

It makes me feel that I am in control. It makes me feel that I know what I am doing. I think that as long as I am on this mission, I will keep counting my calories, and keep weighing in daily. This is what works for me, and thus what I should be doing.


So, what's in store today? Not really anything.

I think I need a day off from things. I will still do my walk - and Wife is gonna come walk with me - and then we're heading to the little buffet at the supermarket, where we always go on Saturdays.

I will make good choices and skip the carb heavy things. Meats for me! :)

Afterwards, it's basically home and crash. I don't see us moving a whole lot more today - which is why the morning walk is extra important. I don't want a day COMPLETELY without movement.


My legs are sore, as I mentioned.

On occasion I doubt that I am doing things right when it comes to the muscle building on my legs vs. my walks and all the standing up that I do.

Walking and standing is not really heavy on my muscles. I don't really think that those activities will impact the rebuild of muscles after heavy lifting. I think I should be okay.

But on a day like today - after HEAVY leg work yesterday - my legs are so tired. It doesn't feel like the post-workout soreness that we all get now and then, and which I am fortunate to have very rarely, it feels more like if I had walked 1000 miles. Tired.

I really want to meet my fitbit goals daily. This is important to me.

I know that if I meet my 10,000 daily steps goal, then I will also meet my 2,800 calories burned goal, and my 8 kilometers distance goal. It makes me feel accomplished, and it is something I can do relatively easy, as long as I put my mind to it. It's not all that hard.

Most days I go WAY past that goal. This last week alone, I did 126,000 steps, averaging 18,000 steps - and I only did 5,000 on Sunday and thus pulled down the average by quite a bit. It's not like I'm behind.

But just as I like to have a "fresh, new day" in my calorie counter after a day with bad choices, I like to start the step counter fresh every day without looking at how I did yesterday.

I think resetting our minds daily is a smart thing, both when we did good and when we did bad.

When we did bad, we get a chance to "forget it" and just keep moving forward. Today is a new day, and since we can't change the past then at least we get to not punish ourselves because of a few bad choices.

And when we're doing good, then resetting keeps us on our toes to KEEP doing good, instead of slacking since we "already did great all week". It's not like we're gonna forget the fact that we did good, right? :)


Today, I'm thankful for:
- A good night's sleep.
- Wife.
- Weekend with no plans whatsoever.
- Coffee.
- A walk with wife today.
- Buffet IN CONTROL! :)

Have an awesome weekend! Life is good!
84.5 公斤 最近减少: 70.5 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一星期增加5.6 公斤

Pleased you haven't had the sugar cravings. I believe that if we 'abstain' from something long enough, we loose the taste and desire for it. Only trouble is, we probably replace it with something else... But if it's a healthy 'something else' I guess it's ok :-) 
2013年10月5日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
yes. Healthy comfort food ROCKS! :-) 
2013年10月5日 会员:: kdennard
That's what I'm hoping to accomplish. It's not an easy task for me though. It's an ongoing battle, but so far I'm doing okay. I am definitely replacing things, I mostly find sugar free and low cal versions, though. I like candies. I like cakes. I like ice cream. I don't really feel like I want to be without these snacks altogether. I just want them to not affect me the way they do. So far, this works - as it has worked for me before. :) 
2013年10月5日 会员:: kingkeld
That's what I call keeping it real. Thanks so much for sharing your challenges as well as healthy life style. I am so glad your wife walks with you. Have a blessed weekend. 
2013年10月5日 会员:: Feretina
Just saw your "before" photo and wow, you look so much healthier.  
2013年10月5日 会员:: bazooka joe
How ya doing? So glad you are here to inspire us. 
2013年10月5日 会员:: HCB





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