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kingkeld的日记, 2013年01月18日

Good morning!

Woohoo! Partial goal – getting under 90 kg – is reached this morning!

It's juuust there, at 89.8 kgs. It's a great feeling to see a number that starts with ”8” again – it's been a while.

Now, the next step is to change that ”8” to a ”7”. lol. Yeah – there's always a new goal, it seems. That's probably a good thing.

Again, I left the jell-o in the fridge. How long can one of these last in there? :) I do want it, just not until I FEEL like it. I really like those sugar free desserts, and they really do no damage to my calorie count. And as long as they don't have sugar and don't mess with me, I really have no problem having it. I just don't want to eat it just to eat it.

Yesterday went great. I ended up at about 1000 calorie intake. I ”save” the rest for the weekend, as I have things to do and people to see and most likely my calorie intake will take a hit. I have PLENTY saved up though, so I am not worried. I have essentially not looked at my calorie counting from that angle, other than been aware of it, and this last week I have an extra deficit – as in not reached RDI – of 2100 calories. Wow. That's 1½ days of not eating essentially. That's a lot, and probably not TOO good for me in the long run. I will try a little harder to reach RDI some days, I think.

Today, I'm gonna reach it. I'm rocking out with The Black Peanut tonight, and we have the little bread-and-cheese tradition for our break from rockin' out. I am cutting those shenanigans down to just one slice of bread with cheese, but I don't want to completely be without it.

The sinusitis? I feel MUCH better this morning. I think I might actually go to work! LOL. I did go in yesterday, for a few hous. I wanted to do some things, and get some things straightened that were bothering me. No fun being home sick if you're thinking about work constantly. We can't have that. I did decide to leave early, and I was home around noon. This also had the advantage that I wasn't there for the cake/afternoon break, and thus avoided all temptations. Wife did bring home cake and cookies, but I manned up and just skipped it. It's all for the greater good, and I am really seeing that there is nothing good in those cookies. Sure, they taste nice – and my body is SCREAMING for me to have some – but I can also see how great I feel (with or without sinusitis) and I don't really want to ruin that.

Next step is then to be a little better at handling other people snacking around me.

Generally, I don't mind people eating goodies around me – but that doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me. So many people do not respect that I am doing this, and that I really don't want it around me. I know that they might have just as hard a time resisting, but it's still down to a choice, and down to respect. - and of course a lot of it is simply thoughtlessness.

I have addressed this issue with people a few times, but this is something that just doesn't sink in. People don't see that it is NOT okay to be munching cake around me, on MY turf (like in my office)
when I am craving sugars, and that it could make me give in. ”Oh, you don't mind.You're so strong minded with all that weight loss stuff. I wish I could do it too!”. If I had a penny for every time I have heard that from a coworker with her mouth full of bread, cake or candy.

How would that be compared with an alcoholic? ”Oh, you don't mind that I brought a case of beer, do you? I mean, you're already in AA and you're doing so well – you won't mind that I drink some...”. Yeah, I don't think that would be generally accepted. Lol.


Today is a great day. I am probably gonna work from home today – still do my work but also take a last day of rest while the penicillin is kicking in. Yesterday was a little too rough for me – there was a lot going on at work.

I will – of course – hit the gym this morning. There is no way I wanna be without it. I am really liking the new gym here, and the circuit training. I like that it's not too busy, I like that it's clean, I like the system of the circuit training, it's fast and (reasonably) fun, and I like that I'm done fairly quickly. Even more, I like what I feel that it does to my body, and I like the results I see on the scale. I think this is what I need to get myself back down in weight, and generally to feel better.

Now, I am aware that I might build some muscle while I am trying to lose weight. That's okay this time, even if it makes me NOT reach 80 kilos. 80 kilos is a suggested weight from the surgeon, for them to be able to do the little adjusting cuts on me in a while. It's done by visual evaluation, and me having stronger legs, arms and abs will not affect this, I'm sure. What will affect it is the little gut that I have, and that I really want gone. They can't adjust the skin on my stomach if what is under it is not good enough. So this time, building muscle is fine, I believe. Besides, a body with muscles generally burn more calories, and thus more fat, than a scrawny body. I saw that towards the end of my ”previous” weight loss journey. It was hard to get the last one kilo off my body, no matter what I did.

Back then, it was all about the BMI, because of the way one qualifies for surgery in the public health care system in Denmark. This time, I have already qualified, already had the skin removal surgery, and we're only looking at a minor adjustment. For this adjustment, my gained weight needs to go (well, it needs to go no matter if I am having correctional surgery or not! Lol), so they can do a proper job. I'm looking forward to having this done, and be all finished with the hospital.

I'm really starting to feel the differences to being thin again. I am starting to see more knuckles in my hands. I'm starting to feel more space between my shoulderblades. This one in particular is the strangest feeling in the world. It's something I had never thought of, but once the fat on the back is gone, the movement between the shoulder blades feel completely different. You can move so much easier, and it's like you can actually feel where the bones sit when you move your body around. It's hard to describe, but it's a fun and amazing feeling.

So today, being Friday – and with a busy busy busy weekend ahead of me – will probably be my last long(ish) journal this week. I will of course weigh in, and check in with you guys here and there as always, but my focus will be far away from Fatsecret (but not far away from my weight loss journey, after all). I will let you guys know all about how it went, after the fact.

That will probably be right about the same time as I report a massive weight gain after Indulgence Day (Indulgence Weekend?) and throw a tantrum. Lol.

Today, I'm thankful for:
Working at home.
Morning coffee.
Under 90 kilos! Even if only one day! Lol.
The outlook to a GREAT weekend.

Happy Friday, folks! Life is good!

EDIT: D'oh! I just realized that I entered my new weight as 88.8. It should - of course - be 89.8. I'll fix it with a correct weigh-in tomorrow. :)
88.8 公斤 最近减少: 66.2 公斤.    还有: 3.8 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少9.8 公斤

I knew if I stayed up I would get to see your Friday journal! Let me be one of the firsts to say well done Keld! So glad the penicillin is helping your body kick that nasty infection. Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you. Enjoy! 
2013年01月17日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Keld, I know exactly what you mean about people around you. It is very tough, particularly with my teenagers who insist on having Dorito's, Chips, Cake, etc in the house. Wife buys it for em. Generally if its out of site out of mind, but in the evenings we relax together and watch TV. If I am watching RDI closely, that generally means I am hungry too at night, it really pisses me off when they sit next to me chomping on chips! So much so, there is a rule created, and it is no longer permitted (I am such a mean dad!). My coworkers do the same stuff too, always with crazy appetizers and the junkiest junk foods. Luckily I have one co-worker who is on a similar path. This journey we are on is very challenging to control, because we must have food to survive, its not like drugs or alcohol where abstinence is possible. I am kind of in the camp where it is not even possible to abstain from cake, sugar, cookies etc. I just dont think its do-able. Its all about moderation, or in modern terms "Harm Reduction".  
2013年01月18日 会员:: posterchild66
Fantastic news. :-), :-), :-) ... One smile just wouldn't do :-). Just a thought.... I remember an experiment that was broadcast, about artificial sweeteners (I am thinking of your jell-o). In a nutshell, it found that eating artificially sweetened things, made your body think oooooh, we have some sugar coming down. When it doesn't receive prooer sugar, it reacts and makes you crave sugar. Don't know if it is true - but may be worth researching. Have a great weekend, glad you are enjoying the new gym. 
2013年01月18日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Congratulations Keld! Awesome news 
2013年01月18日 会员:: Greg Ellevsen
Hey Keld! You're doing great! This is your 'part-time job' (so to speak) and you are totally in control of it. Keep the motivation message center of the brain focused on the 'goals' and the 'good feelings' of accomplishments ... and just keep on going!!! 
2013年01月18日 会员:: jsfantome
SkInny, I am aware of the whole issue you mention. However, it's something that I don't personally experience. When and if I do want something sweet, I can often kill the urge by having for example a diet soda (or half). In my weight loss class we talked about this, and about half of the people experience the urge boosting you mention, the other half had no issues at all. I'm glad I don't have issues. :)  
2013年01月18日 会员:: kingkeld
Gym is done. Added extra weight on the leg exercises. :) Life is good! 
2013年01月18日 会员:: kingkeld
Way to go buddy..you still amaze me..Have a great weekend...:O) 
2013年01月18日 会员:: BHA
That's interesting KK... I am ok drinking diet soda and artificial sweetened things too. BUT... Give me a square of chocolate... And I want to eat the whole bar - takes REAL control to stop - so I don't start. Even if I put the chocolate away... I sit and visualise it... Just can't get it out of my head. 
2013年01月18日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Skinny, that's EXACTLY what I experience it. Just say NO!  
2013年01月18日 会员:: kingkeld
No trantrums! LOL...hopefully you will have so much fun with your visitor that you will forget about all that food in front of you. Your circuit training sounds awesome. I use to have circuit machines at the 24 hr gym - that I gave up our membership to at $105 a month. But circuit training is the bomb. 3 times around and I felt so strong afterwards. I think there were 9 or 10 machines. The best one for me was the one that I would set on about 90-100 lbs. and do squats. Have a great weekend. 
2013年01月18日 会员:: Neptunebch
Thanks, Sazy! I like this new picture too. :) Those cravings can be real mean! My best drive against them really is to keep your eye on the prize. Ask yourself if you are gonna regret it in 30 minutes. Ask yourself if you are so desperate for candy that you'd rather NOT see a weight loss tomorrow or the day after? Ask yourself if you're okay with feeling stuffed and bloated? I think we all know the answers. Of course, it doesn't mean that we necessarily are anywhere NEAR following that common sense. lol. Ask me tomorrow if I want candy, and I might say yes. I have the calories for it. But I really don't wanna do it and I will try HARD to NOT fall into that pit.  
2013年01月18日 会员:: kingkeld
SO very glad your back to the gym. Its important and a very serious requirement for us loosers to stay where we worked so hard to get! Keep it up and get stronger, its amazing to see muscles where fat used to be, and to feel muscles where flab used to flap around. makes me very aware of my body and kick that sugars ass. evil carb monster comes creeping at night in my house too. I tell myself if I keep thinking about eating ___ im gonna do 10 mins of sit ups and push ups. That usualy solves it. lol 
2013年01月18日 会员:: NewSarah!
Congrats on the gym. I am one of those that if I eat a little sugar, I want the whole 5 pound bag! lol So I avoid it. I use artificial sweeteners very sparingly. I have a diet soda once in a blue moon (had one today actually, while out running errands with hubby). Have a wonderful time this weekend with your friends!  
2013年01月18日 会员:: ctlss
Oh and a big congrats on that 8!!  
2013年01月18日 会员:: ctlss





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