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kingkeld的日记, 2012年08月24日

Good morning, Fatsecret!

I'm journaling from work today, so I probably won't do a super lengthy journal.

I decided to go to work early, so I can leave early. I felt that I had a good chunk of energy this morning, so I decided to use it in a smart way.

I was gonna do my usual routine - get up, get ready, breakfast with Wife, journal/weigh-in and music practice. However, I decided to just get going and be able to leave early, thus hopefully leaving some energy for me for the rest of the day.

You guys gave me some GREAT responses to my journal yesterday. It was awesome to read your thoughts on the whole eating more than we should when we know that it's bad for us issue. I think you're all right on. It of course depends on the person, but you guys had a lot of good points. Thank you for your thoughts.

For me, I think it's mostly a matter of routines and boredom.

I am so - SO - used to snacking post dinner time. I really don't like to not have something then, and I get cravings like crazy. I can sometimes kill them with the tapping, or just by will power, but they can be frickin' strong! I hate that. However, I have been doing slightly better lately (the last few weeks) than I have post surgery. Sitting down for all that time really pushed me back into habits that I don't want and don't need. I am trying hard to get out of them again.

I am doing little things to remind me constantly of what I need to do:

- I drink water every hour. I am reminded by an hourly alarm on my phone. Not only does that remind me of the water, it also reminds me of my mission.
- I take long, hard looks in the mirror. I see that my cheeks are a little rounder than I like them to be. THAT is not good. I hope it's water, but I can't be sure of it. So this is motivation. I get to look in bathroom mirrors quite often, because of my large glass of water every hour all day. LOL.
- I have put a little post-it note on my laptop and my work PC screen. It simply says "77!", and they are my little friendly reminders that I want to reach 77 kgs ASAP, and to keep working on it.
- I have told Wife to stop me when I want to misbehave. She's not good at it though, and I am good at justifying it when I really want it. This is not good. She's trying, though. :)

I do think these little reminders help me during the day. I keep my focus a little more on the job, and it's a good thing.


So, today is Friday, and weekend is coming up.

It's gonna be a fun, but busy one.

Fortunately, I don't have much going on today. I am off from work at 11:30 am (since I was here at 6 am instead of 8 am) and will simply head home. I need to play through the entire Black Peanut setlist to prepare for our concert Saturday. I have it down pretty well all of it, but it needs a runthrough for me to feel comfortable playing it live.

I also need to practice the BURN/Burnin' Live setlist. This list is getting longer and longer, songs that we want to play. We aren't playing all of it together just yet, but the songs are fun to play, and I like to prepare them so we have them ready when we have a guy who can sing them.

We still aren't set on our singer. He was there once, and we really couldn't do much since our microphone had so much feedback that it was pointless to even try.

I have now gotten hold of a MUCH better microphone, and I think we're ready to roll with him, to hear if he is at all capable of singing the songs, or if he can learn.

I think lead singer in Burn/Burnin' Live is a fun job to have, for the right guy. I wish I was a better singer, and I'd take it. Then again, we'd need a bass player and I finally got my equipment built up. Not gonna NOT play it. :)

Anyways, plans for the weekend...

Saturday I will be shopping with Wife, having our usual little lunch out, and then early afternoon I will be setting up gear with The Black Peanut. Then home for dinner, relax and be ready for concert around 11 PM.

I don't really like these late shows, but of course that is what people are asking for (and paying for). It's a little rough on me, especially these recovery days, but I survive it. I couldn't have done it a month ago. We typically play from 11PM to 2 AM or so. Then pack up gear and move it to our drummer's basement. I'm usually in bed by 4AM. Rough. The biggest issue is that I am not at all good at sleeping late, so I wake up early on the day of the show, and I wake up (relatively) early the day after.

Sunday, my recovery day after the concert, I will be rehearsing with Burn. This is gonna be tough. I will make sure that we stop early so I can get to sleep. I love playing with these guys as much as with the Peanuts, but this one is gonna be hard, I think. I hope I can make it. If not, we'll have to just do a couple of hours.

I hate canceling rehearsals. The other guys (and I) are always disappointed, and I hate that it'll be a full week before playing again. If we could just push it a day, then it'd be easier. That's not possible though, so I'll just bite the bullet and go. Hopefully it won't be THAT bad.


Today I am thankful for:
- Getting a day of rest yesterday. I needed it and feel better today.
- Early at work = early home.
- A nice weather forecast - I think I will see if I can take a LONG detour walking home today. Do a little shopping - do a lot of walking.
- Morning green tea at work. I'm trying to not have so much coffee, but drink tons of green tea. I wonder if these little tea bags are actually any good? I mean, is the quality of the green tea good enough to actually have any effect on me, or do I need stuff from a specialty store to get that? I don't know...

Happy Friday, and have a great weekend! Life is good!
86.4 公斤 最近减少: 68.6 公斤.    还有: 1.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2012年08月24日:
1307 千卡 脂肪: 50.25克 | 蛋白质: 90.13克 | 碳水物: 121.48克.   早餐: Rye Bread, Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: Beef or Meat Gravy, White Potatoes (Flesh and Skin), Nakkekam med svær. 晚餐: White Potatoes (Flesh and Skin), Beef or Meat Gravy, Beef Liver, Mixed Vegetables (Drained Solids, Canned). 更多的......
一星期增加1.4 公斤

"I'm journaling from work today, so I probably won't do a super lengthy journal." the road to hell is paved with good intentions, lol. Wow, it is a tough life rocking in the middle of the night like that. I cant imagine trying to put on a happy face during that without getting loaded. I am sure you will do fine. Have a great weekend Keld, try to get some rest between rockin' out.  
2012年08月24日 会员:: posterchild66
JP, once we're out there rockin', the time flies by FAST! It's a ton of fun. The feeling of being run over by a mid-size truck comes afterwards, and the day after. Playing live is the single most fun thing in existance. Right after cake. :) 
2012年08月24日 会员:: kingkeld
You know Keld, your right, it is something you like, and you do it. I did not think from that perspective. Just like my bike riding now at 5AM, lol. I never in a million years thought that would be me! 
2012年08月24日 会员:: posterchild66
That's how I felt with exercise. Now I'm back at zero, no strength, and no motivation. I need to convince myself to do it. It'll come back though, I'm sure.  
2012年08月24日 会员:: kingkeld
That's a late concert starting at 11pm .... At that time, I am thinking /or am in bed lol...  
2012年08月24日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I'm with you, Sk1nnyfuture, anything after 11pm just doesn't do it for me any more :( Still, Keld, I know what you mean about the time flying and the energy flowing cos you're doing something you LOVE - that's wonderful. Maybe you can fit in a daytime nap on Sunday? 
2012年08月24日 会员:: Earthlady
Glad you're doing well. The worst time for me is the hour or two before bed and I just let it pass with iced tea (no caffeine) or water, etc. It can be so easy to fall off the track and to read journals on here helps to motivate one too... 
2012年08月24日 会员:: GlennM





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