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Good morning and happy Sunday y'all!

The troll scale reports a decent drop this morning which is always pleasant to see and I'm going to have the suit jacket I wore Friday night tailored down to it fits let like a tent so all good wins thus far in the weekend.

Sitting here pondering what I want to make for lunch today and coming up blank. Odd not to have a taste for something specific in mind. May run and pick up some ground sirloin and make up some taco burgers things. hmmmmm... I wonder if I have the willpower to make frybread/sopapillas for the son and daughter and not fall on them like a croc hitting a gazelle at the watering hole (death roll and all) :D

Oh well, its a gloriously sunny Sunday morning so going to go out for a short ride on the scoot. Perhaps something will spark inspiration while out getting my head in the wind. Its a day to enjoy, so go 'out' there and take a moment to admire a bit of the beauty the world surrounds us with. Stay mindful about what you are doing but if you decide to 'treat' yourself, do so in moderation and without guilt! Enjoy it! Don't beat yourself up for doing something 'bad'. Its the long game that matters, not any single number that may show up tomorrow. Its a road of a bazillion steps and you have to take time to enjoy life along the way. Ciao y'all!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
133.7 公斤 25.0 公斤 43.0 公斤 合理的
   (17条评论) 一个星期减少3.2 公斤


A lazy Saturday for sure! Lots of napping involved all around. I guess we were all tired from the festivities and late night yesterday.

Made omelettes today. 3ggs, cream cheese, turkey bacon, bean sprouts, mozzarella cheese and red chile sauce done up with avocado spray oil. It was an experiment but came out very good. Got the thumbs up from the son and daughter as well. Was still hungry after mine, so had some shredded peperjack cheese, bean sprouts and more red chile to top things off (odd combo I know but I liked the taste). All told somewhere in the area of 1000-1100 cals for my days meal. High on the salt side of things due to the turkey bacon and cheeses but oh well.

Now to find some inspiration on for what to cook for tomorrow's meal :D

Did get motivated enough to go see Deadpool 2 with the daughter. Both of us are big fans of the character and give it a big thumbs up. Lots of deadpool over the top humor, lots of action, interesting subtext to the story. Do have to admit the thick smell of buttery popcorn upon walking into the theater lobby was almost enough to make me want to break and wipe out a couple of large tubs. :D Actually it was no big deal, sure it smelled good, but there really wasn't much desire there. Had I walked in there hungry it might have been different, but was very satiated by the omelette. Didn't plan it that way as going was a spur of the moment whim when I realized this was opening weekend for the flick.

Lazy day is turning into a lazy evening so bid y'all out there adieu. Enjoy your evenings where ever you may be. How ever you did in relation to your plans today, remember tomorrow is another day. Another start. Another opportunity to move yourself closer to where you want to be in this effort we share and in life in general.


295.8... I minor drop but taking the little win and running with it.

A grand time was had last night. Eating wise was solid. Had a London Broil steak (done reasonably well for that type of big catered event), a salad with a creamy Italian dressing, sauteed green beans and asparagus (2 spears) and some roasted chicken my daughter didn't finish. Mashed potatoes came with it as well but gave those to the daughter. All told somewhere in the 850-950 cal range to my best efforts.

Once the 'official' part ended they kicked off a dance and the son spent the night dancing like a loon. :D Got home around midnight and he collapsed and declared 'I hurt in places I didn't know existed!' :D :D They played a string of reggaton tracks (Don Omar, Daddy Yankee, Pitbull, Wisin and the like) and got up and danced those with my daughter (and calling that my carido for the day :D). I have not danced in a number of years and it felt damn good. Felt like my lungs were going to explode after but was able to do it. Dropping the weight thus far is part of that but also the change in what I eat putting a halt to the aggressive RA and its affect on the lungs I credit have having a big impact as well. The damage done and capacity lost will most likely never be restored but I now I feel I can still rock it when its called for. Again, I'm to a point where I'm feeling like me again and like the song says 'I'm not as good as I once was but am good once as I ever was'.

These are the reasons we all fight the battle we fight. We fight it so we can LIVE life, not simply exist and watch it pass by!

Happy Saturday FS fam! Rain or shine, challenges or smooth sailing, its a glorious day. Get up, get moving, stay mindful of what y'all are trying to accomplish. Strive to follow your plans as best as you can but more importantly (yes I'm saying it again) go out and find the beauty in the day, go out and squeeze all the joy from it you can! Ciao!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
134.2 公斤 24.6 公斤 43.5 公斤 合理的
   (6条评论) 一个星期减少1.9 公斤


296.4... A little downward progress on the troll scale.

I ordered a couple pizza's for my son and daughter last night. Now I love pizza and there was a time not long ago that a pizza would send me into a feeding frenzy. A fat great white hitting an unsuspecting seal type frenzy. Now however I had no desire to have any though sitting with them as they munched. Sure is smelled hella good and I enjoyed that but I had no drive to even take a single nibble.

That got me musing on what an information game this all is, at lest for me. Tying together knowledge from other people, nutritional studies, daily intake, observed results, how the bod is feeling/emotions, even the damn number on the scale. If y'all were to look at my thought process inside my head you'd see the classing crazy guy conspiracy board. :P

Everyone's 'conspiracy board' will look different. This is why I firmly believe there are almost an infinite number of ways 'up the mountain'. This is why I don't see what I, and many of you out there, are doing as a diet. A diet is something one does to achieve a short term goal...'I wanna look better for summer' for example. One achieves the goal by following the diet plan strictly for a finite period of time and bam, success.

What I, and we, are trying to do is change a way of life. That is a far more complex undertaking. One, at least for me, requires that 'conspiracy board'. Diet plans are great for what they are, but they are 1. designed by someone else that doesn't know YOU and 2. based on a general approach in order to have a positive effect on a broad range of people. These things mean, IMLTHO, that they by themselves do not address the root cause, the way we live.

Where is this long rambling thought going? Well, as I see it, If one is like me and has a long way to go, all approaches are equally valid so pick your plan as a place to start. However don't lock yourself into the specific 'dogma' of the approach. Use your 'conspiracy board' (or however your mind gathers and sorts information) to mold and shape the approach to one that is unique to you. In this way I feel one can avoid or greatly mitigate the pitfalls faced in the battle. The cravings, the feelings of deprivations, the stress of eating out and other events.

Sorry for the long missive, what happens in my head on a somewhat lazy morning without the rush of getting into the work day :D

Happy Friday y'all. Keep doing all the good things I see being done for yourselves! Keep striving to get to the place in life you want to be. Keep living each moment along the way to the greatest extent possible. Ciao fam!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
134.4 公斤 24.3 公斤 43.7 公斤 合理的
   (14条评论) 一个星期减少1.9 公斤


And Thursday is in the books as is the work week for me! Son is officially done with 8th grade and is now a high school freshman! Went to Sonic for is favorite burger. I had the bacon double cheese burger sans bun. Also indulged in a couple of cheddar peppers (love those things) and a Sprite Zero. Some where between 800 to 900 cals and a bit higher then my norm for salt and carbs for the day if I have it calculated right. And even its it higher cal wise, no big, still well inside cal targets.

Tomorrow is filled with more 'graduation' stuff. Its a catholic school and they make a big deal over the event with a graduation ceremony and a dinner/dance reception in the evening. Going to hold off having my meal for the day until then which will be a New York Strip! I don't know what the sides are going to be but I'm sure there will be veggies and salad so I'm good to go.

When shopping after burger and I gotta say damn! I don't know where the son got his sense of style (for sure not from me) but he is rocking it. Yeah, I'm a proud dad. :D :D

Busy day tomorrow so going to guzzle some water, go for a walk and wind down for the evening. I hope y'all out there are doing the same. Sure, stay focused on what you are trying to accomplish, but don't let that get in the way of relaxing and enjoying life. Remember we are not here to diet.. we are here making changes to lifestyle so we can live life and squeeze all the enjoyment and joy out of it that we can. Heb een goede avondvrienden!


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