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体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
97.8 公斤 0 公斤 13.9 公斤 100%
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.4 公斤


Just another update, especially regarding the Paleo diet.

First, I'm sticking to it really really well. In fact, I did a strenuous workout the other day and slept for two days for most of my free time outside of work. Concerned I turned to the internet to see if my diet was the problem (I have a degree in biochemistry and do strenuous activity often without issue). Sure enough, a very low carb diet will affect you with tough physical work. When I went to workout the second time, I 'cheated' by eating a few carbs 90 before my fitness and within 30 min afterward. I had a granola bar (small) before and an apple afterward. Oh, and I had some cashews before too -- in the little packets like you see in a gas station or snack machine.

These carbs made all the difference.

No exhaustion after the second session. Totally normal. Sore, but normal energy levels. I asked what the others in the gym do after the workout (they paleo too) and they almost universally answered with a protein drink of some sort. I looked up the shakes they are drinking, and they are spiked with carbs specifically for post-workout reloading. So ha!

The shakes also include creatine, which is useful in energy levels and muscle rebuilding. So I'm exploring shake options now for myself. I'll probably do something that is carb + creatine + tasty. I'm not as concerned with more protein, as my diet has plenty as is.

Also, I'm loosing weight pretty fast, which is a bit surprising. I've been plateaued at 220lbs for a while so to see 216 on the scale is a little breath taking. It very clearly coincided with my increase fitness level and change in diet. Not sure which one contributes more though I have to say my mind is focused on nutrition issues a lot of the day. Not to say I'm obsessed or anything, but this is what it is like when you try something new! I want to change my eating habits permanently -- so this is the process.

Just a little encouraging story too. One of my gym buddies has been doing paleo too, but he misunderstood a big part of it and has been eating a bowl of fruit every afternoon and sweet potatoes in his diet. Has the sweet potatoes most nights with loads of protein and paleo veggies. He's also increased his fitness level by doing CrossFit a few times a week. Guess how much weight he's lost?

22 lbs in 8 weeks!

He started at about 240lbs -- so the weight loss has been dramatic. I was so surprised at his results that I said I didn't want to loose weight that fast! I don't! But I'm glad he's happy. It really is a big accomplishment to change your lifestyle and achieve a goal! Kudos!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
98.0 公斤 0 公斤 14.1 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少3.8 公斤


Started CrossFit in the last couple of weeks -- and Monday was my first official workout with them. It was super intense -- but after some sleep I feel great. I initially intended to go MTRF to CrossFit and just make it a part of my work week, but I was too tired and sore yesterday. I read a medical school website that said if you're sore, then you should rest. I slept almost 12 hours last night! Feeling much better today.

I also explored post-workout drinks and eats. Turns out I should probably have a few carbs after the workout along with some protein. I'm playing around with the idea of making some kind of post-workout shake as that would be super convinient. I'm exploring options with some of my gym-mates.

I've also switched to a mostly Paleo diet -- no dairy, no grains. It is alot of protein and a lot of veggies but is really satisfying and tasty. Plus, it has forced me to cook more, which I like! I had tacos on steamed cabbage the other night. No cheese or sour cream but loads of meat and jalepenos. So good. Prime rib a couple of nights before that with fresh green beans with onion and pecans. Very tastey!

Anyways, I assume my weight loss in the last week or so is water weight, but even so it feels good to get active and follow a straight forward diet. Simple to follow too.

I did have 4 slices of bread in the last two weeks, though, as I had a sandwhich with colleagues once and another sandwhich on a picnic. Had a few chips with one of the sandwhiches and some fruit with the other. Paleo isn't a big fan of fruit or chips.

Since CrossFit includes quite a lot of strength training, and I was sooo tired after the first workout, I'm considering taking a creatine supplement. I read on a medical school website that only 20g/day is needed to help and anymore is just excereted in the urine. Also read that coffee will eliminate the creatine's benefit, so I might cut coffee. To be honest, I'm getting enough sleep that coffee isn't a requirement in the morning anymore.
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
98.5 公斤 0 公斤 14.6 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.6 公斤


I've bought a bike and cycle to work when the weather is nice (ie, not wet) though that can be hard because I'm in England. If is particularly nice out, I'll walk. It is about 30-45 min walk each way. It was too cold this morning and I had to go to the gym so bike it was!

I've also engaged a local trainer to help me get sorted with the workouts. Today was the second of three days assessing my current srengths and weaknesses. First day was conditioning. Today was how to work out soreness from my other activities, like sailing, and some balance related exercises.

1. Do 3/4 squats while on a hemisphere ball (x10);
2. Do full squats while on a hemisphere ball (x10);
3. Balance on one leg while on hemisphere ball (x10);
4. Use the tennis ball to workout glut soreness from sailing;
-Be sure to go VERY slowly. (10 sec ea side)
5. Use foam roller to workout soreness in glut and calves;
-Be sure to sit up straight and use other leg to relieve some weight off leg of focus. (10 secs on ea side)
6. Abs: Lay flat and breathe out, through belly, and feel the muscles at waist line; (x10)
7. Abs: Lay flat on back, knees up at 90deg, and straighten one leg while focusing on abs and keeping back flat. (x10 ea leg)
8. Abs: Plank while focusing on straight body. Don't lower c-spine. Use a dowel to help for guildeline. (x5 to exhaustion)
9. Abs: Push-ups (x5) while being PERFECTLY flat. Keep the dowel on your back the entire time (lengthwise).


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
99.8 公斤 0 公斤 15.9 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一星期增加6.8 公斤


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