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Hmmm... not sure what happened here! I do tend to hold onto beef and I had a ground beef patty last night, but seriously? It wasn't that big! LOL! So... my Mom and I did 23 and me this past year. It was pretty cool. Recently, Facebook began sending me ads for Genopalate. They analyze your DNA for specific markers and suggest the best foods for you based on your genetics. Since I already had the raw data from 23, and it was on sale for only $39, we figured what the heck... why not? My results were here within the week. They're interesting. For instance, their report says they detected genetic variants that are linked to lower vitamin D blood levels than average. They also found this to be the case with Vitamin A, B-12, Folate, and E. (In my case, vitamins D and B-12 have been backed up by blood tests, however, just because you have the variant doesn't mean you ARE low, just that you may not process like most others.) The report also pointed out I would probably benefit from a diet which included high carbs, high fiber, low sugar, moderately low fat, and moderately high protein (among other things). Armed with that information, they made food suggestions based on the nutritional content. My top leafy veggies were chosen based on my recommendations to consume Moderately High Fiber, High Folate, High Vitamin A and High Vitamin E: turnip greens, collard greens, escarole, bok choy, romaine lettuce and swiss chard. I doubt I'll be running out to get chicken livers or rabbit anytime soon, but the rest of my suggestions were actually beef products based on my recommendations to consume Low Omega-6, Moderately High Protein, High Folate and High Vitamin B12. It includes many more recommendations: dairy, breads, veggies, seafood, etc. It's all very interesting. What I found most amusing is the substance section. I now have genetic proof that I can drink a pot of coffee and go to sleep. However, they were unable to detect the variant they were looking for regarding alcohol. I have an extremely high tolerance for alcohol, so I thought it might say the same as caffeine: a fast meatabolizer. The fact that it was non-existent made me spit out my coffee. LOL!! Tomorrow is my son's 22nd birthday. He hasn't left the house in over 3 weeks. He has mild chronic asthma, so I'm proud of him for being vigilant. Today, I'm going to attempt to bake him a cake to drop on his doorstep. We're fairly socially isolated regularly, but not being able to celebrate together is killing me. AND there is snow in the forecast, so it's not like we will be able to just hang out outside or go for a walk. It kills me that I can't hug my son. BUT, if that's the worst we have to experience during this crisis, then I'm okay. I'll just cry it out and hug him even longer when this is done. (If he'll let me. LOL!) Stay safe and healthy, everyone! <3
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
89.8 公斤 13.2 公斤 15.0 公斤 合理的
   (2条评论) 一星期增加1.1 公斤


I have been highly emotional, but oddly calm. I think I mentioned it before, but this really isn't so different from how my husband and I are. Didn't really realize how socially isolated we were until we were told to socially isolate and it didn't really change much. Things that have changed: I can't see my son. It's not like he was banging down the door to visit, but now he can't. I can still go to work, but there are no patrons or co-workers. My husband had to switch to teaching guitar online and no musicians can come into the studio to record. Yeah, that is gonna hurt soon. Despite that, I'm still not freaking out yet. It's coming... it always comes... but I'm still okay for now. Steady on the weight. Would love to see a major downturn, but considering the current situation, I'm just happy it didn't shoot up. Stay home where it's safe. Be well. <3
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.7 公斤 14.3 公斤 13.9 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一星期增加0.3 公斤


Well, this has been a crazy week and a half, huh? I'm healing well from the nasal surgery. Didn't realize how obstructed I was. Now I'm getting used to having this big, gaping hole in my face. <g> It's nice being able to breathe. I don't know how it's been in your area, but each time we've been to the grocer, there has been no meat left. Completely bare. There are plenty of bare shelves, but I only point it out since my Husband and I typically only eat whole foods. We don't eat pasta or pre-made, prepared foods. As a result, we've been primarily vegetarians. I've been making some nice double batches of Broccoli Soup, Asparagus Soup, and Carrot Soup. We keep some out for meals during the week and put the rest in the freezer for the coming weeks. We're eating eggs so we're getting protein. We have some salmon frozen, but only eating it once a week to be sure it will last us. Looking at the scale and hoping it will make some difference. We're under Stay Home, Stay Safe orders now. It's pretty much how we live, though. The worst part is not being able to go to the library. Hubby works from home already, but it's a recording studio. Right now he has work mixing and mastering (which doesn't require in-person contact), but musicians aren't working now... they may be creating, but they won't have the $ to record with us. Not freaking out, yet. I'll save it for later. Stay Healthy, everybody!!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.5 公斤 14.6 公斤 13.6 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一个星期减少0.6 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
89.4 公斤 13.7 公斤 14.5 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一星期增加0.9 公斤


Not much to report. No major weight loss. No major drama. No new health developments (Although my hip started jabbing at me this weekend). Just eating healthily, dealing with the hormonal shifts of perimenopause (and all its lovely symptoms), and preparing for my septoplasty scheduled for Friday. Found some motivation with the sunshine yesterday. Made a huge batch of Balsamic vinaigrette, a broccoli soup, and a curry-ginger carrot soup. I hear it's supposed to get into to 50s today: a real heat wave for Vermont. I suspect I'll see lots of shorts and people driving with their windows rolled down. (Honestly, I will probably do the latter on my way to work.) :) I had a thought today... many of us were taught to be ashamed when we failed or made a mistake. We have to get past that. Inventors and scientists fail over and over and over again. The success is in the learning from our mistakes and trying again. Have a fantastic week and keep trying! <3
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
88.5 公斤 14.6 公斤 13.6 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 稳定体重


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