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Good morning!

It's good to be the king!

I had a great day yesterday - been prepping bits and bobs for the new company - and it seems like there is some interest in what I'm doing.

I put three(!) people on my waiting list for my classes, and set up a two month schedule with a lady for individual weight loss coaching. Very nice!

I also have a couple of other people going, and it looks like there might come more today.

Hopefully this is only the beginning! We'll see...


Today, I'm gonna call people from my waiting list to get the started up from this coming Monday, to get the ball rolling even more.

I'll be working at the gym, so it will be a little bit off and on in regards to this, but I think I can squeeze in a few calls here and there and get everything going.


My weight? It's the same. Actually, I'm about as average as I can get today. I have my spreadsheets calculate the average of the last week to fill out my numbers if I skip a day - I figured that this would be somewhere around the correct number anyways - and today I was within one decimal from all the numbers, except the weight. Predictions are pretty precise, it seems!

Not much in terms of weight loss, though, but I am confident that it'll show. I'm doing good and doing what I'm supposed to, and that is all it takes. I'm 100% on top of it, and it's a great feeling.


So, today I'm leaving from home early. I want to do my workout before I open the gym, so I have peace and quiet to do it, uninterrupted.

My boss at the gym is okay with me working out during work hours, but I don't like doing it. Knowing that a customer might need help and thus make me have to stop bothers me. I just want to go and do my thing, and THEN work.

Besides, I have a little mission today. When I work out, I see a LOT of people doing a few of the machines/exercises wrong. I always want to correct them, but since it's while I am working out, I don't want to stop.

I think today I will spend some time in "the circle", as our group of machines are called, and help people get everything right. It'll be fun, and it makes time fly by fast. :)


So, tomorrow I am meeting with two new clients. I can't wait! I love doing these individual runs, as they are a lot more personal. It's always interesting to meet new people and to see them push forward. Love it!


Like I said, I'm out of the door early this morning. I really want to walk a little before hitting the gym - get all my numbers right for the day - and I know I don't always take enough steps when I am at the gym working. So I want to walk a little detour this morning to get a few extra in.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Back to work at the gym! I haven't been there in AGES!
- Morning coffee!

Have a great Wednesday! Life is good!


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
91.8 公斤 63.2 公斤 6.8 公斤 100%
   添加评论 一个星期减少1.4 公斤


Good morning!

It was a GREAT day yesterday.

I had my little launch of my own company - and I'm up and running!

I had interest from several people, mostly for my classes, but also inquiries in regards to one-on-one weight loss coaching. Not bad for a first day.

I went back to teaching too. It was awesome to see all the familiar faces from my two classes, plus I got three new clients going. I think they'll do okay - they're motivated and they are doing it together. This is ALWAYS a good idea, keep each other going, and keep each other motivated.

My clients were happy to see me, and we just had a great time. I told them a bit about how things had been, the changes, the new company, all that.

We talked about - of course - how THEY were, how they were doing on their weight loss, and why... some had done just fine, some had gained weight - just like we see it here on FS. Once you let go of the grip that can help you stay on the right track, it gets a lot harder.

I'm happy that I am there to help.

Through the week I'll be calling more people from my waiting list, getting more signed up for next week. I want my classes full, both to get optimal advantage for everyone, but of course also for financial reasons. It IS a business too, after all. :)


I did GREAT yesterday. There is a HUGE difference in activity levels when I teach. It was very clear yesterday. I burned a whopping 3400 calories, with no real effort. Usually, that takes quite a lot, but it helps when I'm standing and moving about - even if it isn't at all high intensity - for several extra hours.

My calorie intake was on the low side, as was my protein. Not by much, just a tad. I'm sure it's fine.

The upside to that is that I can allow myself a little more today. I prefer to just add the numbers in my spreadsheet, and take the 40+ bonus calories, instead of eating back in an extra 1000 and end at status quo. Sounds like a better deal long term.

Besides, I won't need the extra calories. Not today, anyways.


Today, I don't have a whole lot of plans. I'm meeting with an online client later in the day, and that's about all.

I'm gonna have to ensure that I'll be at least somewhat active, or I'll just end up sitting at home all day.

I'm sleepy. I stayed up WAY too late - until 11:30 PM - yesterday, and I was still up at 3:30 AM with Wife this morning. Not much sleep.

Wife was so sweet to buy my a data storage/media center for all my movies and files, so we can stream everything from any gadget imaginable (once it's all set up and workin).

I had a hard time getting it to run through our blu-ray player, and this meant that we couldn't watch anything from the drive on the television, which obviously is top priority for such a thing.

I got hard headed and didn't go to bed until it was working. That was probably a bad move. :)

Then again, I'll take a nap if I am TOO sleepy. It'll be all right.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- An early morning walk in a few minutes.
- Morning coffee. First here at home, then at the gym after my walk. No workout though, just coffee.
- Wife, for being the sweetest! Love you, babe!
- A thoroughly great day yesterday!

Life is good!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
92 公斤 63 公斤 7 公斤 100%
   (5条评论) 一个星期减少4.9 公斤


Hi there, everyone!

Phew. It's been a crazy hectic week (last week) and a busy weekend.

I'm kinda glad things are back to normal - and yet they are not at ALL back to normal.

Today, I'm officially opening my company. I'm opening "TABDIG" (Danish, for "Lose weight"), weight loss classes, coaching, support, weigh-ins for those who are locals, and more!

It's an exciting time, and I can't wait to truly get going.

There are still things that has to be set up, and there is no physical store to open doors in, but that just might come - you'll never know.

I like the idea of NOT having a physical store - Take in clients from all over Denmark - and even the rest of the world - via Skype. People can get support from the comfort of their own home, if needed.

I now have a few clients using skype already, and it works perfect. There is absolutely nothing tricky about doing it, and everyone can figure it out.


My weight is unchanged. It's the same few kilos going up and down. I'm fine with that.

Sure, I'd like for it to come down a little, but it really is no big deal. I'm healthy and comfortable where I am, and I am stronger than ever before, which is where my focus is right now. Building muscle.

I do want to lean out a bit, but it's probably generally not the best time to do it. I eat right, though, and have done for a while now. The weight has been higher, too, so there is some weight loss going on.

Again, I am in no hurry - I have other things to focus on right now. Workout, business, etc.

Of course, weight maintenance is important for my business. I need - and want - to look my best in order to sell my product. I am the best advertisement I can possibly get, so I have to look good.


I slept late again today, and I feel absolutely great. I did my workout, and I will definitely be reaching my 10,000 steps today, no question about it.

Wife is home from work in about an hour, and at 4:30 pm I'm gonna have a couple of happy reunions with the people in my classes. I start teaching today, and I am just dying to go! I can't wait to see everyone!

It's been way too long that I haven't been able to do the things I love doing. I'm happy that time is over and that I can now move forward.


My website - www.tabdig.info - is being built. Right now, there is a huge "under construction" sign on it, but as features and pages are slowly implemented, this will disappear. The plan is that sometime this week or next week, it will be fully funtional.

Daughter designed it - and I think it looks amazing! I like the style a lot.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Freedom!
- My own business!
- CLIENTS! :) They are slowly emerging!

Have an awesome day in an awesome week! Life is good!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
92.7 公斤 62.3 公斤 7.7 公斤 合理的
   (10条评论) 一星期增加1.6 公斤



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