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It's all fun and games until someone gains weight. :)

It's been a busy weekend, and the post fluctuations (and probably slight gain) is showing. That's fine.

I'm on track, and motivated to be doing right.


I had a great time at the open house weekend at the gym, though there weren't really enough people visiting. That's a shame - they had great deals.

The good thing is that I had enough people to start up weight loss classes there. I can't wait to get going. We're starting it up on the 3rd of June. I'm READDY!

Now the next goal is to have TWO classes running there, to make the financial side of things a little better. Same commuting, double pay. I like that. :)


I slept late again today. It's almost becoming a habit for me to get a full night's sleep. That's probably not a bad thing.

I have a gazillion things to do today, so I won't be here at the computer much. It's a good thing that did my workout yesterday, so that part is already done.

Tomorrow, if I don't sleep late again, I will have more time. So I hope to write more, and more to my satisfaction. :)


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Sleep!
- Coffee
- Wife!

Life is good!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
95.4 公斤 59.6 公斤 10.4 公斤
   (2条评论) 一星期增加4.9 公斤


Hello everyone!

Sorry I wasn't here this morning. I know. I keep missing out on writing.

I have the best excuse though - I was SLEEPING!

Those of you who know me - you know I can't ever sleep. This morning was different.

I think the stress is finally leaving me alone. I slept and slept and slept.

The end result was that I missed my workout, I missed a meeting (thankfully not with a client), and woke up almost at lunch time. :)

The meeting was with my friend who helps me design and set up things for the business.

This time it was the business cards.

I went to work out this afternoon, and then went with him to get it done.

I really like the result. Check it out:

The "prints" on the shirts are QR-codes. You scan them with your smartphone, and they'll link to something. Try them out. Mind you, they're harder to get to work on a computer screen than they are in print. :)


Yesterday, we went for Chinese food, to celebrate Kitty's 6 years' birthday. Hey, any excuse is better than no excuse, right? :)

I did fairly well, but probably not as good as I could.


Today, I've done right. It was pretty easy, since I slept half the day. The only thing is that my step count weren't as impressive as usual. That's what sleeping will do.

Still, I've done alright, I had enough protein, enough fat, and probalby a few too many carbs, but still have a calorie deficit.

I'm in no rush. Well, kinda.


I'm in no rush in the way that I don't need to lose any weight at any specific time. I like that.

However, I get tired of being in a calorie deficit. I'm tired of having fewer calories available. I want that part to be over with soon.

I'm sorting it out, though, one day at a time. I'm perfectly okay with days with zero deficit, but it annoys me afterwards when I don't move closer to what I see as somewhat an end goal.

On the other hand, I feel GREAT where I am, weight- and strength wise. I love where I am. I have food freedom, but I do want to weight just a little less.

Lowering and maintaining that lower weight is hard work though, compared to where I am now. It's an ongoing mental debate.


I still see that there is room for improvement, though. I want to look optimal. I want to FEEL optimal. This is NOT where I am right now. Right now I am probably more at "good enough". And good enough just isn't good enough. Not when I have gone this far, not with the business going. Not with everything I have done.

I just need to do what I need to do, if I want the results. I can't expect results if I don't put in the work, right?


This weekend I will be representing my company. It's a full weekend thing at the new gym.

I really hope people will show up.

The new gym is a LOT less busy than the old one. It's a more remote location, and it's brand new. There isn't as large a client group either.

Still, it's worth doing, and it will be a fun time. If it's not, we'll MAKE it fun, dammit. :)

Anyways, it's bedtime. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Busy days coming.

Also, after "work", if we can call it that, tomorrow, we're going to my brother's birthday party. I'll do my best on calories and macros, but this is the year's first (and maybe only) camp fire party, and I'll be damned if I am gonna hold back on home made hot dogs grilled by open fire. :)


I will most likely not be on FS again until Monday.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- A FUN weekend ahead!
- Wife! She's still out sick, which sucks. However, I get to have her close a little longer.
- Kitty cat!

Have an amazing weekend! I know I will. I will take pictures of my setups, and hopefully get some clients! Let's see!

Life is good!


Good morning!

It's a very nice morning. Sun is out again today, and I'll be looking forward to spending a little time outside.

I already has a coaching session, and it's going great!


Thank you to everyone who pitched in on the website yesterday. I truly appreciate it. All valid points, and things have been adjusted and corrected. Thank you again.


Today is a little rough on me. My eyes are sore after a day with bad contact lenses. They were making my eyes itch yesterday, and obviously I took them out when I came home (the lenses, not the eyes).

Today, my eyes are burning, and it's really tedious. It takes a lot of my usual energy from me.

I even tried working out this morning, but had to quit. I just didn't have the strength. I'll go again tomorrow - I'm sure it'll be better. I'll just have to live with only 2 workouts this week. I'll be busy working all weekend. It's ok. I'll survive.


Today, there aren't too many plans, other than what is already done.

Lunch with Wife, enjoying the day. It's a good one.


I'm down a full kilo since yesterday, and my average weight is slowly coming down. It's just a matter of doing what I do best and keep going. There's nothing difficult about it, it's all a matter of planning, and sticking to plan. :)


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Sunshine!
- Morning coffee!

Have a great day! Life is good!

体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
92.6 公斤 62.4 公斤 7.6 公斤 100%
   (7条评论) 一个星期减少7 公斤


Good morning!

The website is up in both English and Danish! Check it out at

It's pretty clever, actually. The webside reads the preferred language of your browser, and chooses either Danish or English for you. Of course, you can easily change it to whatever you'd like.

I would greatly appreciate if you would take a minute or two and mess around on the website to see that everything is working.

Also, if you see anything (especially in the English version) that you feel is not easy to read, or just sounds like a bad choice of words (or anything else), please let me know. I want this website to be easy to navigate, informational, and appealing. :) Thank you in advance.


So, since the website is UP, so is my weight. LOL.

It's not bad at all. I made a few "less than optimal choices" (read: probably too much ice cream on a sunny day), and it shows a bit today in water retention.

I'm up 600g, but my muscle mass says up several kilos, as does fluid. It's all water retention, and I'm 100% okay with it.

I'm on track today, doing much better.


Today is a hectic day in the new life of The King.

Replying to business e-mails, having coaching meetings, working at the gym. It's a fun life.

I went through ALL the stores in my local town yesterday, handing out flyers for them to put on their counters. Every single store said yes to have some sitting there. Of course, I don't know how many were thrown out after I left, but people seemed genuinely interested in my story, and they wanted to support. Very nice.

I took a few pictures, just to have a little in my "portfolio". I like to save these little things from the start of my business. They'll be fun to have later on. :)

I also had my first ad in the paper yesterday. It's a local paper, distributed to everyone once a week, and I have a good spot in it. Check it out:


At the gym, we have another guy doing his own little business, kind of like mine. He does a kind of healing/massage. To be honest, I don't know much about it.

He offered everyone working at the gym to have a session with him to better understand what he does, and thus better be able to to explain it to potential clients. I have a session set up today, and I am really looking forward to trying it, and to see what he might be able to do for me.

I don't feel that I have any actual pains as I am, but of course like everyone else my age I have little quirks and aches now and then.

If anything, I'd like for him to take a look at helping me with my posture. I know that I slouch quite a bit. I think it's an after-effect from being obese my entire life, but I also know that it doesn't have to be like that. I can easily straighten my back and "stand upright", but my natural posture falls back to slouching when I don't think about it.

I'd like to fix that mostly because it makes me look less self confident to slouch, and my mental image of myself is a guy that stands up straight. I think I do, and then I realize that I don't and then try to fix it. Over and over.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- New clients!
- Exposure at the stores and in the paper!
- A good night's sleep. Again. :)
- Morning coffee with pumpkin spice!
- Wife!

Have a great day! Life is good!

体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
93.6 公斤 61.4 公斤 8.6 公斤
   (7条评论) 一星期增加4.2 公斤


Good morning!

It's another GORGEOUS day in Denmark! The sun is already hammering down at 7 AM. I can't wait to get out there for a walk.

I skipped gym yesterday - it just wasn't in the cards for me - so I will go today.

Wife is still out sick - she will be all of this week - so I will also be taking care of her. He hurt her arm and side. Fortunately, she doesn't have to sit still, she just needs to rest her arm. We are still able to go out for a bit of lunch, and light stuff like that.


The weight? Well, the BRILLIANT weigh-in from yesterday was compensated for today - at least a little bit. I'm up 900 grams today.

I know I did fine yesterday, but I ate (weight wise) a lot of food. That'll be the "issue" here. I had an 800 calorie deficit, so I know I lost body fat.

I feel it clearly, actually. I feel that I am lighter. I feel that my ribs are easier to "grab". Changes are DEFINITELY happening. It's all a matter of keeping going.

Foods today are all planned, including a nice lunch out with Wife.


I think I have another client! I set up my website with a contact form, and it seems to be working.

I changed some things around on the website to make the contact form top priority.

The other day I talked to a guy in business and he made a great point:

Never hide the contact option from your client. Make it possible to contact you no matter what page they are on, and make your contact form the front page.

If a client is about to make the decision to contact you, never distract them.

This makes perfect sense.

I hope to finish translating the pages from Danish to English today. I want the English version of the page up and running ASAP.

It does bother me a little that I can't translate EVERYTHING on the page. There are some headers and other little things that will have to stay in Danish. I hope it will look okay regardless, also to the non-Danish audience.

I can't wait to show you guys!


We had a great time at my classes yesterday.

It was fun, and people were in a GREAT mood! We had many a good talk, and BY FAR most had dropped some weight.

The main topic was "what changes have I noticed since I started losing weight". This was really interesting.

There were SO MANY confirmations that we are all doing the right things. So many suddenly realized that they did in fact see changes. Even those who felt that they weren't reaching their goals suddenly realized the changes.

Some of them were fewer pains, more energy, easy of performing tasks like cimbing stairs, etc.

But one thing I found interesting was that almost everyone in my classes have lost the ability to sleep late on the weekends. :) Everyone wakes up early with tons of energy and they're ready to go! How amazing is that!?


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife. I hate that she is hurting. I love that she is home with me.
- Morning coffee!
- Clients! More please! Let's do it!
- Workout on a Tuesday!

Have a great day! Life is good!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
93 公斤 62 公斤 8 公斤 100%
   (2条评论) 一星期增加6.3 公斤


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