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Weekend went pretty well! Stuck to eating only what I should have, snacked on fruits, treated myself to some Whole 30 compliant Chipotle on Saturday. Honestly, not as good as what I normally order, but I survived.

Yesterday was hard though, because my lovely future husband decided to buy pizza and wings for the football games. Honestly, the pizza and wings are hard in themselves to say no to, but I can. BUT the jerk also decided to buy garlic bread, AKA the bane of my existence. He knows my absolute love of breadsticks, and garlic bread. Obviously he meant nothing bad by it, or to be mean at all. But I legitimately almost started crying tears of saddness over not being able to eat breadsticks, is that lame? I felt lame, but I promptly put my big girl panties on, went grocery shopping, meal prepped and ate more fruit. Avoided the delicious smelling pizza party. It's going to be even worse because my Whole 30 doesnt end until the 9th.. the Super Bowl is on the 7th. WAHHHH.

Looking forward to staying on track for the rest of this week, and going to make it my goal to actively work out more this week as well.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has an even better week!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
72.8 公斤 3.9 公斤 4.8 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一个星期减少1.6 公斤


Day 4 of the Whole 30!

Day 3 was pretty uneventful, except I was a nasty crabapple to everyone around me. Meals have still been okay. I think I might be getting slightly sick of eggs, which is unfortunately, because Paleo/Whole 30 breakfasts are very egg oriented. I might try to see if I can find something else, maybe make breakfasts a little more meaty and a little less eggy.

Still feeling pretty crummy. Still exhausted from lack of sugar, still cranky, still edgy because I spend a lot more time thinking about food now (I didn't think it was possible to think any more about food). Its not even me daydreaming about foods I can't have, I spend a lot of my day trying to think of different foods I can eat that are compliant, and going over in my head whether I have enough food, or if I need to prep, or what I need to cook, and how I have to wash SO MANY DISHES now because I make everything and store everything in tupperwear and the tupperwear gets dirty and needs to be washed. And what if I get stranded in a blizzard and the only food I can find are non compliant foods, and what if I get SO HUNGRY but don't have any food and have to go and eat something non compliant. It's definitely very stressful trying to eat paleo, especially since I'm so used to eating whatever my little tiny heart desires.

Also very worried about this weekend. The weekend is when I usually have zero self control. When I'm at work, I have a more rigid schedule, and I have the support of my coworkers. I'll just have to try to remain as focused as possible!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


Day 2 of the Whole 30! Yesterday went very well. I attempted to make spaghetti squash, and it was a wonderful success. I don't really know how I have lived without it until this point. I also made ground beef and some organic spaghetti sauce, for my own version on spaghetti. Its exactly what I needed last night, especially considering I had to eat a plain boring salad for lunch yesterday. I think I am officially over salad. Especially the ones I make for my mason jar salads. They are so boring, and I almost dread having to eat them. I think I'll give them up for a bit until I can find some better, more exciting recipes.

Today, my coworker brought in whole 30 compliant chili, and it was delish. Much better than the salad I was going to eat. I am definitely starting to go through sugar withdrawal though, and its not too fun. I am not overly hungry, and thankfully I don't have any crazy cravings. I just feel really yucky. I have had a headache since I woke up that just seems to be leaving, and I just feel pretty blah. Also I am extraordinarily tired today, but I'm pretty tired most days so it could be a coincidence.

Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!


Well I decided over the weekend that I am going to give the Whole 30 a try. Two of my coworkers are doing it, so I will have support and motivation with them. Surprisingly though, I haven't received too much support. I mean generally I'm pretty sure people could care less about my food choices, but I had an old coworker tell me that she doesn't think its a good idea to deprive myself and that "some people just aren't meant to be skinny."I had another Facebook friend tell me that the best way to eat is IIFYM and no other eating plan is comparable. And my trainer friend, the one I do Crossfit with, is completely against it. She tells me its "not sustainable and a bad idea." I totally understand where she's coming from. Personally, I also think its completely unsustainable. But right now I need something to get me on the right track as far as food goes, and I find the best way to do that is to get on a pretty restrictive meal plan. If I let myself be wishy washy, I don't stick to it, and ultimately I start binging. I feel like this will at least get me on the right path, especially if I start seeing some type of drop.

I made sure to excessively food prep, especially in the snack department. Lots of veggies, fruits and almonds. Salad for lunch, roasted veggies as well, and for dinner I may do salmon or chicken, I haven't decided yet.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
74.4 公斤 2.3 公斤 6.4 公斤 合理的
   (7条评论) 稳定体重


So I think I accidentally fasted for the first time ever? I haven't eaten anything since around 4pm yesterday, and its about 8:30 now and I'm about to have breakfast. I think I was feeling slightly guilty over the french fries I ate, and no one really had any plans for dinner, so it just kind of got overlooked. I've been sick though the past few days, and yesterday was the worst of it. So between the midnight hunger pangs and the weird head cold I have, I really didn't sleep well last night.

I'm proud though. My friend bought me some Trader Joe's cookies & cream cookie butter for Christmas, and right before bed I was really considering having some. It looked so good, and I was only going to have one bite. I had an interior battle with myself for a good hour before I just decided to forget the cookie butter and go to bed. Winning!

Also, I had my first real leg day on Saturday. I really miss focusing on certain areas during my workouts, and doing a lot of weight lifting. We worked on arms on New Years Eve which was nice too. I talked to my workout buddy recently, and while she likes Crossfit and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon, she also misses focusing on strength training. I do too! I really enjoy Crossfit for a lot of reasons, but I do miss working on strength. Usually Crossfit incorporates a lot of full body, and doesn't focus on certain groups. So we're going to try to maybe do a few days a week going to the regular gym and doing some strength.

I also learned that my shoes aren't good for lifting, so now I have to go buy some new shoes! I didnt even really thing about why my back squats felt so weird until my friend pointed out that my form looked weird. I ended up just squatting barefoot in my socks, and it felt a lot better. I definitely don't like the thought of spending $100+ on a new pair of shoes, but the shoes I have now are really only meant for running, and its not like I ever run anyways!

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Year!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
74.4 公斤 2.3 公斤 6.4 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.5 公斤


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