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Scale weight is up, but body fat percentage is down another point, and BMI is 26 -- aaaallllmmmoooossssttt within the "normal" range!

And this is after weeks' worth of carb bombs. I catered two historical-themed events two weeks apart. Bring on the Shrewsbury cakes (sugar cookies seasoned with mace or caraway seeds), apple pudding, tea bread, finger sandwiches (made with real fingers - mine. :) ), scones, clotted cream, plum jam, etc. etc. I can only suppose that hauling all those platters and running around like a crazy woman must have buffed me up somehow.

On the downside, my stomach's been hurting ever since the last event. I think my body is complaining about the carb-alanche after so many weeks of very little grain and sugar consumption. Even tea with milk and sugar hurt my tummy this morning.

I've missed you all. Hugs all around!
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
69.6 公斤 21.1 公斤 15.2 公斤
   (1 条评价) 一星期增加0.2 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
69.3 公斤 21.5 公斤 14.8 公斤
   (2条评论) 一星期增加0.3 公斤



[Warning: this is long!] Back up over 150. Not happy about that, but doing my best to take it in stride. This past week I wasn't at all careful about my eating, so I'm really not surprised.

The halfway point seems like a good place for me to reevaluate what's working and what's not:

- Low-carb works really well for me, as long as I stick to it. I like protein foods (meats, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese, etc.) and low-net-carb foods (veggies), so I'm not feeling deprived.

- I don't seem to miss grains or baked goods much. I had some cookies at a party on Sunday and found they were much too sweet for my taste. Had one potato chip and one pretzel -- meh. But the peanut butter cups? Oh, my! I could've Bogarted the whole bag.

- Sweet and high-fat in combination, like those PB cups, really set me off. And my DH is making fabulous home-made ice cream, a different flavor *every day*. We brought his butter-rum ice cream to the aforementioned party, and one of the guests, who is a marketing specialist, said he should sell the stuff! It really is that good, and I'm not just saying that 'cuz I'm married to the guy. :)

- Carbs are amazingly hard to avoid! I'm sure this is not news to anyone here. ;) Roast beef, lettuce, mustard, mayo, and a tomato slice have hardly any carbs to speak of, but then I put them between two slices of bread, and blammo! Carb-bomb.

- Amazingly enough, knowing that I should be exercising does not magically translate into actually exercising. I'm facing up to the fact that I will never establish any sort of exercise routine unless I make it a very high priority. I can only hope that once I do get a routine established, the thought of exercise won't be quite so much in the foreground of my mind, making me anxious and taking up valuable brain space I'd rather be spending on other things.

- I proclaimed a couple of months ago that I was going to quit drinking coffee. Nuh uh. Not happening. I don't have enough willpower to lose weight and quit caffeine at the same time. I *need* those caffeine hits to stay upright and functional. I *want* that wonderful comforting hot slightly bitter taste. Sometimes I feel that, dietarily speaking, coffee is my only friend, because I can have it when I can't or shouldn't have anything else. I will just put up with the galloping laryngopharyngeal reflux (took me 4 tries to type "laryngopharyngeal" correctly!) until I'm at my goal weight. At least my gastro doc will be pleased with my weight loss, I hope!

- Oh, and water. Eight glasses a day, yeah yeah yeah. May I just say right here and now how much I dislike drinking plain water? Water is bor-ing. And how does it work out that 8 glasses = 16, 32, 64 trips to the ladies' room? Yeesh. I should ask the tech guys to just move my computer in there and be done with it. :p

- Finally, do I really believe what I've said so often to my FatSecret pals, namely that "there are no bad foods"? If so, why am I even still thinking in terms of crossing foods off my list? Do I really believe that the way the clothes fit is more important than what the scale says? If so, why am I upset about this week's +1.9 pounds?

Somebody kick me in the pants and tell me to lighten up! :)
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
68.9 公斤 21.9 公斤 14.4 公斤
   (5条评论) 一星期增加0.9 公斤


YYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!! Halfway to my goal!!!!
"Whoa, halfway there,
Whoa-oh, livin' on a prayer,
Take my hand, and we'll make it, I swear,
Whoa-oh, livin' on a prayer..."
(thanks to Bon Jovi)

Last week I was +0.1 pounds from the halfway mark. Today, I'm at halfway -0.1 lbs. I'll take it! ;-)

Thank you all! I feel so grateful for all the support -- from my FS diet buddies and well-wishers, from my husband and friends, and (strange, but true) from the kindly workers at the company cafeteria.

All the cafeteria folks have been incredibly helpful ever since I started getting serious about losing weight. I try to bring my lunch to work, but some days (or, let's be honest, weeks) I just can't get organized enough to pack lunch, so I hit the cafeteria. They let me weigh portions on the salad-bar scale, they tell me how many ounces of meat are in the main course or in a sandwich, they happily give me a double portion of veggies for a side dish instead of the default veggie+starch, they leave off the bread or the gravy at my request -- and, most of all, they always say something kind and encouraging when I come through the checkout line! I plan to write a wildly enthusiastic thank-you letter to their manager.

Now for the second half!!! :-)
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
68.0 公斤 22.7 公斤 13.6 公斤
   (8条评论) 一个星期减少0.1 公斤

Mary in LA的体重历史

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