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71.7 公斤
最近减少: 10.4 公斤

61.2 公斤
情况: 一个星期减少2.0 公斤

59.0 公斤
还有: 2.3 公斤
I'm 31 and am a person who's been struggling/obsessing over my weight since junior high. As a tomboy growing up I always played sports and have remained active for most of my life but have always been seen as "thick". I became a lifeguard and water safety instructor teaching swimming lessons for 3 years and slimmed down to about 150. Then I started working as a freelancer in the TV business and the activity slowed. I ended up gaining 40lbs from a combination of getting hurt in an exercise class and drinking and partying too much with coworkers along with a grueling travel schedule. Beer, vodka and a lot of room service and high calorie catering. The most I ever weighed was 189 lbs at 5ft 6in and found myself having to wear a 14. I immediately lost 15lbs in a month by going back to the gym and watching my carbs, but have been struggling with the last 25 lbs going up and down for the past 9 years. Finally, I've overcome a hump to break the 160 mark, and now have extended my goals to try and reach 140. I'll be happy to be 150, but 140 would be great, something I've never done before. My size is hovering between an 8 and 10. We'll see... Here are a few random things about me related to attempting to lose weight.

My worst eating habits and things I must avoid:
-I love love love ice cream
-I tend to let myself go hungry and then eat way too much
-I get hungry late at night, eat with the intention of staying up longer, and immediately get sleepy :/
-Pancakes are probably my favorite things to eat and I have them for breakfast way too often. I've been eating a lower sugar version filled with blueberries to make it better, but it's certainly not great.
-Coffee, coffee, coffee. If it's iced, no sugar, just cream so its ok. If it's hot, here comes the sugar. I would like to greatly lessen the effects of my nutritional nemisis - Sweet Tooth but it will take a lot. Especially with my schedule :/



最近的体重纪录: 一星期增加0.2 公斤 Up
最近的体重纪录: 一星期增加0.0 公斤 Up
最近的体重纪录: 一个星期减少0.0 公斤 Down
最近的体重纪录: 一星期增加0.1 公斤 Up


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