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kingkeld的日记, 2012年06月22日

(post surgery photos in today's journal!)

Aaahhh... Home sweet home.

I am back home after four days in the hospital. Five, actually, if you count the evening I arrived.

It really wasn't TOO bad, the staff was super nice, everyone was helpful, and I am SO happy with the surgery. The results are amazing, and they're not even recovered.

I still have a LOT of post surgery fluid retention in my body. The ”Deep Purple” issue (read yesterday's journal) is still present, but not as bad as it was, but more water is retaining in my legs. They're all wobbly and gooey - kind of like jello, just like when I weighed about 50 kgs more. How depressing! Actually, not really depressing, as I know what the reason is. It's simply my body reacting to the surgery – it's perfectly normal and something that most likely will disappear by itself. If it doesn't, they're able to drain it.

I wonder if I can do anything to help it disappear? If it's simply liquid, would I be able to flush it out the same way as when sodium retains water? Would I be able to flush it simply by drinking water? I haven't had too much water the last week, being in the hospital, having the catheter and all really didn't promote drinking gallons of water daily. I will start on that again today though.

Not much sleep for me last night. I went to bed around 9 PM, woke up at midnight. I'm not comfortable in my bed, even if we have a nice big wedge I can have under my upper body, and pillows under my knees. Not comfortable at all. I had a hard time with this in the hospital too.

It's now 2 AM and I still haven't slept more. I will try again after I am done writing my journal. It's a good thing I'm not going to work.

I have a good reclining chair, I will see if I can get comfortable in it. The only really bad thing about that is that I want my feet elevated, and the chair - though it does a good job at this - is not lifting my feet quite high enough, I think. We'll have to see what happens, I guess.

In one week I will have stitches removed. I am excited to get to that point as my next goal.

Until then, I basically have to take it easy and take it slow, and just focus on recovery. No sudden (or dumb) moves, plenty of relaxation, take some iron tablets along with an occasional laxative if my body doesn't ”respond right”, and a little bit of pain killers if I need them.

I forgot to take them last night. I guess I didn't need them, huh? :) That's a great sign.

So, how does it all look?

Well, I took pictures before I left for the surgery, to have some very recent ”before”-photos, and I took pictures just last night, when I took a shower. I think the result is VERY obvious and looks awesome, and you still have to factor in that my belly is super swollen and bloated, and that I am weirdly shaped from wearing a supporting belt around my entire stomach for days.

I have to wear the belt for quite a while, by the way, probably several months. I hope it won't be too much of a hot summer in Denmark.

Anyways, here are the photos. I think you can clearly see what is before and what is after, but I'll make it clear anyways.


After (well, duh):

So, what do you guys think? I am still baffled how good it looks. Sure, it's no Brad Pitt, but it's a whole lot better than what I had.

I have still not felt ANY real pain from the actual surgery. I feel some pains from the bloating, but that is really all, and I feel pain from my back being a little strained from the belt. But the actual cut is pain free. I know, it's because they cut the nerves, but it's such a weird feeling to NOT feel anything. It's good though, to not feel pain. I had expected this to be a much rougher ride than it turned out to be.

So, today is Friday. Nothing at all to do. I am of course not at work today, I will simply stay home and heal. I'm glad wife is out of work early, so she can entertain me. I gotta find out what I can do to entertain myself. I know we need to do a little bit of shopping, and since the stores are only ten minutes walk from here, I might ask Wife if I can join her, just to get out.

I can't play the bass, which is what I really want to. I feel too tired (from the blood loss) to really watch movies for a longer period of time, and surfing online gets old kinda fast. I'll probably spend a little extra time here on FatSecret. I'll probably check back for comments a little more often, and probably read some extra journals, get some inspiration and see if I can help anywhere.

Today I am thankful for:

- sleeping in my own bed, at least a few hours. Sometimes we forget the little things. :)
- spending the evening yesterday in my normal surroundings, with Wife and Kitty.
- Morning with Wife coming up soon. I think this is what I have missed the most. We'll change a few things around do accommodate me, but overall it will be the same old thing, just like I like it.
- The look of my new stomach. I love it already. I have never – NEVER – looked like this. BIG smile!

Happy Friday! Life is good! Heck yeah!

The surgeons did a very good job. I've seen similar procedures that turned out much less aesthetically.  
2012年06月21日 会员:: Nimm
That looks incredible!! So glad you could get the surgery done, you've worked hard to get to this point and its wonderful that your transformation is so good!! You look awesome! 
2012年06月21日 会员:: 99nascar99
I can't see the pics from work, so I'm bouncing around madly waiting for the end of the day so I can go home and see. SO exciting!!! The belt minimises scarring, which is aces. I can't believe the stitches come out so fast! And I'm so happy to read how happy you are!! 
2012年06月21日 会员:: ferlengheti
Totally wonderful!!! Congrats to you and all of your hard work!! 
2012年06月21日 会员:: bvallet
Amazing job! Its stiil Thursday in Canada! Your after pics Are amazinG. So glad you have no pain!  
2012年06月21日 会员:: sarahsmum
Oh my gosh - that is amazing! I easily can see how it will look when you heal and the water goes down! Fantastic courage and so grateful yu shared with us. 
2012年06月21日 会员:: HCB
Congratulations! You look fantastic! The bloating is often the result of an IV drip associated with surgery and can hang around for a week or so, but shouldn't be a major issue and should resolve itself normally. (-:  
2012年06月21日 会员:: Heidijoy
Omg!! This looks so amazing!! So happy for you!! 
2012年06月21日 会员:: LoveMyself89
Great change! Right on, man!  
2012年06月21日 会员:: CJT1217
Amazing results Keld! I'm so happy for you too!!! 
2012年06月21日 会员:: tglenna
Congratulations...just amazing. Thank you for sharing. 
2012年06月21日 会员:: AppleRose
I fully concur with everyone else...very, VERY nice, king! And, I might add, your pictures are very tastefully done...good job! 
2012年06月21日 会员:: Baxie
LOL, Baxie, I didn't want to show off EVERYTHING. There are certain things that are only for certain people. ;) 
2012年06月21日 会员:: kingkeld
2012年06月22日 会员:: Baxie
Ah so glad to hear you are home and healing so wonderfully. Amazing how fantastic your surgery site looks. You don't even have any horrendous bruising. keep up the phenomenal progress KingKeld. You are my hero! 
2012年06月22日 会员:: joyfulgirl
Excellent job - no wonder you're so happy! 
2012年06月22日 会员:: Earthlady
What a change!!! The new you is born! :-)) take care, keep it up!  
2012年06月22日 会员:: Maheva
WOW.... Such a change - although I must admit, I thought your 'before' pics would have a lot more loose skin. I think in the UK, you would have to have double that amount. Never the less, amazing result, they have been so careful to make sure the scars are not going to be to visible when in swimwear. Don't do too much KK... I know you are itching to get outside - but once out, you may change your mind very quickly.... 5 minutes is probably better, just to 'test the water'. X 
2012年06月22日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I am happy for you. I doubt I'd look this good if I ever reached my goal and had surgery because my weight loss would be nearly double yours. I once lost 30 kgs in one year due to gastric banding and hated how my body looked, especially my saggy bottom and breasts and worse even the saggy shins that fell around my ankles like socks with a broken elastic. My boyfriend says he'll love me however I look. It's a consolation but only the future can tell.  
2012年06月22日 会员:: TaniaBarnet
Are you still suffering from the water retention? I had 2 c-sections and when I came out of each of them I literally had elephant trunk legs. It was like looking down at someone else's legs. Drink LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of water. Your body just has figured out how to get rid of the excess fluid but it will. With my second it actually took more than 2 weeks...had to wear crocs when I went out because no shoes fit. Your surgery looks amazing!!! Here's to moving forward. 
2012年06月22日 会员:: Preggo38





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