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littlepopo99的日记, 2012年05月28日

Today was not a very good day for me. I grazed, and I didn't do what was best for myself. I didn't make the best food choices, and now my stomach is really hurting. It's not that I had a binge, but I feel like the combination of the foods that I ate made me feel a little funky.

In about 15 minutes I will be eating my Memorial Day dinner. We are grilling hamburgers, but I don't think that I'll be up for eating any more than just a burger, or most of a burger. I am going to be trying Paul McKenna's program for the next few days. My weeks start on Wednesdays, and as it's Monday night and I haven't had the best week, I really need to get back on track before I weigh in.

I am going to start riding my stationary bike for an hour every morning (thanks for the idea KingKeld! I love reading your journals). I know that I feel really great after exercising, but it's just a matter of making myself do it that is harder for me.

I have been slipping up for the past 2 weeks, not keeping track of my food, and overall just doing a pretty 'bad' job at making healthy choices. I am ready to get back on track and feel better. For the past couple of days I have been feeling a little sick from unhealthy food choices.

It seems that Wednesday always comes too quickly during a not-to-good week. However, I need the accountability that weighing in weekly provides, so I do it. Well, it's about time to eat. I just feel a bit crappy, which I suppose will help me to make wiser choices. :/





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