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DairyKing的日记, 2012年03月16日

Up at 3:30 again to meet the - well, uh . . . dark. Yeah, that's it - the dark. 60F and calm. Not bad. Anything below 70 feels a little chilly until you get moving, but things are looking up. Because I did a pretty intense workout on the elliptical yesterday (more like a stepper because of the programmed hills), I decided to experiment with the HR Monitor and perform an easy jog, and keep the BPM's between 145 and 150. Any slower than that for me, and I'll likely lose my balance and fall over. :) So, I did 4.0 miles at between 145 and 150 BPM. I think that is probably in my fat burning zone. For others, theirs may be between 110 and 135 or something. The Max HR has nothing to do with training or fitness; it's genetic. The resting HR "is" a good indicator of fitness; the lower the better, and the quicker your pulse slows when you quit exercising, the better.

Everybody's HR ranges are so different, it can be dangerous just throwing numbers out there, so here is some more unsolicited advice. If you are just starting out running, use the formula "208 minus (0.7 X Age)" to calculate your maximum heart rate. If you can't run for at least 30 minutes yet, I recommend you do nothing but "easy" runs, not exceeding 60 to 75% of Max HR for your runs. Believe me, it won't feel "easy" and you will find yourself exceeding this training zone over and over - slow down or walk to keep it in this range. You want to work your way up to being able to run for at least 30 minutes in this range, at a pace you are fairly comfortable with. Until you get to that point, there is no reason to inflict pain on yourself by trying to train in the 85 to 90% AT (Anerobic Threshold) mode or 95 to 100% V02 Max modes. You're just going to get very sore and very discouraged. Building that aerobic base in the 60 to 75% zone is the absolute most important step you can do to becoming a runner. Skipping this phase ultimately results in injury and stagnation. Thanks for tuning in.

查看饮食日历, 2012年03月16日:
2606 千卡 脂肪: 93.42克 | 蛋白质: 91.04克 | 碳水物: 359.29克.   早餐: Non-Dairy Creamer, Light Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, Honey, Instant Oatmeal - Plain, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds). 午餐: Diet Coke (Can), progresso gumbo low sodium. 晚餐: vegetable egg roll, pineapple, grapes, egg drop soup, Diet Coke, biscuit, cream cheese, cooked white rice, jalapeno chicken. 小食/其他: Dry Roasted Mixed Nuts, Wild Berry Fruit Crisps, del monte mandarin, lance whole grain peanut butter , pretzel crisps, coffee brewed, Non Dairy Creamer. 更多的......
3033 千卡 运动: 跑步(慢跑) - 8公里/小时 - 45 分钟, 休息 - 18 小时 和 15 分钟, 睡眠 - 5 小时. 更多的......

LOL you greeting the dark this am..I have to agree to take your time and build your self up to your goals of running..me I can't run no way no how..Asthma..but I can walk no problem...I will soon bet back to my walking I am sure...Enjoy your weekend..:O) 
2012年03月16日 会员:: BHA
When I first got my elliptical I started with the idea I put it on a program then tried to keep up. It was crazy. I have come to realize that it can be a fun piece of equipment when you aren't trying to kill yourself using it.  
2012年03月16日 会员:: karenagain
I am always interested in your advice on running. So - if I have worked this out right - I am 63... So my max HR is 163... So I should be aiming to train at about 120 at the moment. I have been doing various exercise and just started couch to 5k (1st week). Which is about half hour every other day, (within that time is 10 min warm up/cool down). This week is 1 min run, 1.5 walk - 8 times. Run time increases by .5 next week (walk decreases .5)... It is not until week 4/5 that running is 5 then 10 minutes with walk in between. All of the days are no more than 30 minutes (last week is 3 minute run). On the days I don't do that, I brisk walk - just started reaching 5k. I have a HRM, but haven't used it really..... Have I worked the HR I should be aiming for correctly? I appreciate, everyone is different and i need to do a proper analysis.... It's just to get me started :-) 
2012年03月16日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
That should say ... Last week is 30 NOT 3 minutes LOL 
2012年03月16日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I think that is a very good plan. I started with a run/walk program - but without the benefit of a HR monitor, and I believe that I tended to overdo it. You are probably going to find that you may not even be able to keep your HR below that while you are working your way up. Just follow your plan; and for those initial short running intervals, if you go above the 124 BPM, then just go slower, and if you can't go slow enough to keep it under that, you may need to go back to a quicker-pace walk. Even to begin a run/walk program, you should be able to walk at a continuously lively pace for at least 30 minutes. It wouldn't hurt to see what your HR Monitor says you are doing while "walking" at that lively pace for 30 minutes. Hope this helps. 
2012年03月16日 会员:: DairyKing
Let me just add this one little note: If you go above this aerobic threshold Heart Rate, it's normally not going to do you in; there is a chance you will go from aerobic to anerobic, which basically means that your oxygen intake won't keep up with you muscles' demands for oxygen, and then your body goes to plan B to burn energy, lactic acid is generated, you get sore, and hate yourself every time you go up and down stairs. That's the layman's terms for why you like to go easy. :) 
2012年03月16日 会员:: DairyKing
Yeah, Karen. I agree. The elliptical can be more grueling than the treadmill. Those built-in programs don't typically cater to newbies or even fit people who want to put in a relaxing run for 30 minutes or so, but still add a little resistance here and there. I use them because I can still get the aerobic benefit without the pounding of the joints that you get with running. That being said, since it uses the same muscles as running, I don't think the elliptical should be used regularly on your 'no run' days; otherwise your muscles still won't have the opportunity to heal and grow after hard runs. 
2012年03月16日 会员:: DairyKing
Thanks DK... I will get my HR monitor out and give it a go. I can do 40/60 minutes of "brisk walking". So it will be It interesting to see. 
2012年03月16日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
So my resting HR is between 68-76, and since I'm 26 my max should be 190. So 75% would be around 140-145 ish to start? I'm smart lol. I'v recently decided to start moving more than my usual wandering pace so it'll be fun to see what happens. 
2012年03月16日 会员:: Dani_Suave
Yep Dani, that is correct. Keep in mind that these generic formulas are for people in reasonably good shape that don't have any health problems that keep them from getting into a running program. The higher your resting HR and the more overweight you are, the more that HR is going to try to skyrocket when you first start to run. That is why it is especially important to stay below the 75%. As you lose weight, and running becomes more natural, and your resting heartrate drops below 60, you can use more elaborate formulas to dial in your training zones. I think the walk/run couch to 5K type training programs, like the one Sk1nny is doing, are the best way to get started. Have fun. By the way, to get an accurate resting HR, one of the best techniques I have used is to wear the HR monitor to bed, and for three consecutive mornings, record what it is when you first wake up, before you even go to get out of bed. Then average those readings. The Resting HR is 'one' number - not a range. It is one of the best indicators of how good your fitness level is. The other indicator is how long it takes your HR to drop at least 10 beats per minute, the moment you stop exercising. The harder your heart has to work while you are resting, the worse shape you are in, and the more careful you have to be - and the more you need to exercise. And that's the truth. 
2012年03月16日 会员:: DairyKing
Oh jeeze. More math... resting heart rate going up as I'm thinking about it! Not really, but thats great information and I'll be putting it to the test this week. I need to get my resting heart rate at wake up time. What I posted before was just sitting at my desk and it changed when I did it the second time, hence the range. The last time I did a running "program" was when I was thinking to join the Navy and started doing daily PT with the recruiters. I'm not sure I'm ready to kill myself like that again and have checked out the couch to 5k and a couple of other starter programs. Since I'm outsidfe I just have to suck it up and deal with the rain this week because I really want to be running by summertime. 
2012年03月19日 会员:: Dani_Suave





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