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kingkeld的日记, 2011年12月30日

Today's a busy day. I won't be home much, as Wife and I are going out to spend the day away from home. As a matter of fact, I'm not even home now. Today's journal is written on my little laptop on the train on the way to our destination, a slightly bigger town about 40 miles away from us.

We haven't been out too much lately, so we're excited to get to do something!

Today, we're gonna go walking by the peer, take some pictures, do a lot of shopping for new year and just generally enjoy ourselves. The BIG challenge for me will be dinner. I have promised wife that we'll have dinner out, and this is obviously a challenge as it is NOT Indulgence Day (saving that one for tomorrow's New Year's Eve party) and I have a massive goal to reach by tomorrow morning's weigh in. I still need to lost a full 2 kgs to reach it - not very likely to happen, but I do want to put full effort into accomplishing it regardless. If I don't reach the goal, I want to at least be able to say that I did my part to reach it. I think this is essential.

I want to say thank you for all the profound comments on my journals lately. They mean the world to me - I love the fact that I can share my thoughts with you guys, and that you pick it up from there and take it even further. It's so encouraging to read it all.

I talked with Wife about your suggestions on writing a book. I might actually do it! :) I'm seriously considering doing it, I just have to figure out what to actually say in it, what's my goal, and how to do it. Then of course there is a billion other questions about publishing. I could do an e-book, not too much cost, but it's just not as fun as having an actual book.

I like books. I don't read enough - I have so many other things that I am doing on an every day basis that I simply can't fit in much more, but when I do read I thoroughly enjoy it. Most of my books are read in the rest room, as this seems to be where I can put in the time. LOL. Right now Ozzy Osbourne is greeting me when I go out there. "I Am Ozzy" is a blast to read. I recommend it, especially to those of you who like the music too, as I do.

And to those of you inquiring in yesterday's comments - I have indeed read the Harry Potter books, and I really like them. Back when they came out, I worked in the courts in the US. We had TONS of filing to do, and I would put the audio books in my MP3 player and listen to them as I would do the filing. It was a great way to do it, as I could use my head while I was doing the mind numbing task of filing for sometimes hours.

I really enjoyed the books - and to those of you who can't find time to read (as me) I highly recommend the audio books. They're a blast and the reader is excellent, making voices for each character etc.

Maybe I should consider listening to books while exercising and walking? I might pick up on the again. I've listened to several other things, like all the Dan Brown books (a BLAST!), and other stuff.

Yesterday, I broke new records on exercise. I can safely say that I have NEVER in my life worked harder on exercise than yesterday. I mangaged to "squeeze in" a 30 minute workout (from my DVD), then 2 hours and 45 minutes on the exercise bike, and THEN 2 to 2 1/2 hours walk including about 20 minutes of shopping, and walking home with a HEAVY backpack with all the groceries. I walked a total of 7 kilometers, about 5 miles, give or take. Phew. It was a LOT of working. I did treat myself with some extra low-fat ice cream and went a little crazy mixing in some left over whipped cream from dessert the other night, but I didn't go over my RDI, and I figured that with a 2,000 calorie deficit it really wouldn't do any damage. It tasted good, but not really as good as expected. I'm better off without whipped cream in the future. It tastes better, and has a LOT less calories. Lesson learned. :)

Today, I feel kinda bad that I haven't read through all y'alls journals. Internet is terrible in this train, and I can only hope that I can even post this journal from the train. If not, I will save it and post it at a café somewhere throughout the day. Internet is definitely not stable enough for casual surfing. I'm in the country side and there just aren't too many phone towers around.

I will do my best to keep up with you guys again tomorrow, or later today.

I really love reading your journals, and not being able to today makes me feel SO out of the loop. I think your journals are all part of MY therapy, they keep me focused, the give me ideas of what to write, and they inspire. It's so wonderful to read about the commitment that all you guys put into this. I love it!

Today I am thankful for
- Coffee on the train (Salute, BHA!)
- Getting to spend the day one-on-one with Wife.
- Hopefully finding a cool something for me when shopping.
- Getting in TONS of exercise yesterday.

So, my friends, it's almost time for us to get off the train - going out for a hopefully awesome day. The sun is shining from a clear blue sky, and it seems like the weather gods are on our side today. VISA card is warmed up and ready to go.

I hope your day will be as great as mine. Life is good!
81.9 公斤 最近减少: 73.1 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年12月30日:
1488 千卡 脂肪: 48.35克 | 蛋白质: 58.66克 | 碳水物: 204.71克.   早餐: Milk Chocolate Candies, extra lean ham, Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Egg. 午餐: All Beef Hot Dog. 晚餐: Duck Meat and Skin, Pineapple, Grapes, Broccoli Beef, Shrimp, Plain Dumpling, Seaweed, White Rice, Beef Meatballs, Meat Filled Dumpling, Wasabi Peas, Sushi. 更多的......
3367 千卡 运动: 购物 - 1 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 4 小时, 坐着 - 9 小时 和 30 分钟, 站立 - 1 小时, 睡眠 - 8 小时. 更多的......
一个星期减少2.8 公斤

Hope you find something really "cool", it's like a reward for doing so well (better than reward yourself with food). Have a great day. 
2011年12月30日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
You have become such an exercise phenom, Keld. Hard to believe that this is the same person who poo-poo'd it a couple of months ago. I am so very proud of you. Wish I had more time to journal with you, but I WILL read the new FANCYPANTS book the minute it's out. Hope you and Ms. M. have a fun trip. 
2011年12月30日 会员:: Helewis
You will need to have at least one copy of your book leathered and bound. Who knows maybe a big publishing house will take you on and do it for you. I too enjoy the audio book experience. My lab is very quiet so its a good place to listen and oddly enough I have the Harry Potter series for my mp3. I just havent started them yet. Train rides conjure up such visuals. No matter where your going it is exciting. Ive gone from Ind to Chicago and enjoyed the day. I have no doubts you can do dinner and make the right choices. The holidays have messed up the the time line havent they lol. Have fun with the wife and have a great day. 
2011年12月30日 会员:: petuniak
Sounds like a wonderful day for sure...Enjoy it to the max buddy..and salute back at ya...Can't wait to see the pics...Never been to your part of the world..I bet its very pretty...:O) 
2011年12月30日 会员:: BHA
Have a lovely, lovely, lovely time!!! 
2011年12月30日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Have a wonderful day! Your love of life is so inspiring and encouraging. Thanks for sharing with us all! 
2011年12月30日 会员:: Sunrise
Have a great date day with Wifey. That sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. Good luck on dinner. I am also going out to eat with a friend tonight and am ify about what I will order. Today is not my Splurg day either so I am sticking to healthy foods all the way. I am glad you are thinking about the book thing. I truely think you could write a fantastic book and I would be there opening day to purchase several copies...just a thought. Can't believe how many calories you burned yesterday. That is incredible! You topped the cake on that, or should I say the fat free ice cream. lol. I'm with you on the whipped cream. It doesn't seem to be worth it anymore. The taste isn't good enough for the calories it adds. I also stop adding it to my occasional coffee out. I don't do it often but now when I do I make sure to omit the whipped cream. I leave with a Thank You to you for all your inspirational words. You are amazing. I love reading all your journal entries.  
2011年12月30日 会员:: M.Trublu
Hi there! Have a great day and enjoy your one-on-one time with Wifey! 
2011年12月30日 会员:: LisaWillB
King, I fall asleep to Harry Potter every night on my Ipod. You're right. The reader, Jim Dale, has such a soothing, expressive voice and I never get tired of it. I do love audio books and listen to them when I'm weaving or working. I hope you and the wife have a wonderful day. If you don't meet your goal by tomorrow, you know it won't be long after. As for writing that book, just compile your journals and go from there. You are an entertaining, informative writer and I love reading your journals. Have a very Happy New Year! 
2011年12月30日 会员:: Johanne
Good luck on achieving your 2kg goal. If anyone here can do it, its you Keld. 
2011年12月30日 会员:: baacs
Gee, where are you getting all that energy for your "exercise marathon" from? Unbelievable, I am so VERY proud of you! Keep it up and enjoy your day with the Wife, Keld ;) 
2011年12月30日 会员:: SoLosingIt
Believe it or not, but my husband read the Ozzy book last year... daughter had it with her when she came here from California. We have all the Harry Potter books and DVDs, Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean.. oh...and I read the whole Twilight Saga. LMAO! We are all fans!!! Happy you and the wife are out in the world having fun today!!! Hugs!! 
2011年12月30日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
Hope you had a great time King! Sounds like an adventure. Your very lucky to have the nice train system Europe has. I love trains. I was off the interweb yesterday and working about the house, no weigh in or journaling.  
2011年12月30日 会员:: posterchild66
I vote for a book written by you- i think this journey, journal style is awesome. Easy to read, interesting, and it allows the reader to live in your world, feel your feelings see your progess. Its quite an accomplishment, and you have it all down here to explore. Its amazing! Hope you enjoyed your day - and id love to see photos of your neighbourhood, your surroundings....:) 
2011年12月31日 会员:: NewSarah!





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