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airbugs的日记, 2011年12月8日

So after walk/jogging for the past month or so I have come to the conclusion that jogging just isn't for me. I "can" jog but it hurts my shins. Now I want to lose weight so I have stopped doing the jogging thing.

Now I was looking on the web and there is this activity called race walking. It is supposed to burn more calories than running and walking. I am going to try it. I read people start this when they are walking a 10 to 15 minute mile so what the hey. I still am using my GPS pedometer and can track what I do and it appears from today's walk that I can maintain a fast walk speed and even get into a slow jog speed when walking. I did the same 5 miles that I did yesterday and I finished 3 minutes slower. Now that isn't bad.

I have upped my walking speed from 1 mph to 4 mph - 4.5 mph. That is when I try to walk fast so I am going to try and race walk for at least the rest of the weight I have left to lose. The only tutor I have for this is the internet btw.

Today's walk;

7.55 miles





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