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Farrelle 的日记, 2015年11月28日

So Thanksgiving was a little uncomfortable for me. I ate just like everyone else, of course I didn't make a "hungry man" plate, but I thought my plate was pretty normal size. The dinner table conversation of course turned to my weight loss. How much did you lose? You're not losing anymore are you? That's all you're eating (I guess my portions were too small for them), cut a bigger slice of pie... and so on. I was so ready to go or at least somehow turn the attention away from me.

I really don't see the big deal. I loss about 30 pound since I started this journey. Its not a lot, but I guess to them, I don' look right anymore. When I went home, I found myself overthinking when I went to workout or get something to eat. I was also a little mad at my hubby since it seemed like he agreed with them. Eating right and exercising is kind of instilled in me now and I always think before I eat now I'm wondering am I exercising too much, should I have a little more? I hated the way they made me feel and how I'm doubting myself. This is for me and my body, my health and I should be able to take care of it the way I want to. I guess it just would've been nice to hear "you look great or good job". Thanks for letting me vent.

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Im sorry that happened to you. Thirty pounds is a big deal and it took effort and thought to get there. Congratulations. I hope you continue to do what feels right for you. 
2015年11月28日 会员:: alabama yankee
I call my family saboteurs. It always happens. It's because that is how we were taught to show our love . . . big barbecues, lots of sweets, loaded down tables with all the food "I made specially because you like it." Don't let it throw you off your focus. It's their problem, not yours. And did you think, it could be a little jealousy?  
2015年11月28日 会员:: SheaDlady
I get that too, Or "you look good, but you look funny". I guess it's partially because we just look different. Sometimes our loved ones also might think we are starving ourselves, and that makes them concerned. I think another part of it is actually jealousy (hate to use that word). What people don't realize is that after some of start the weight loss journey, it's not all about losing weight anymore. We realize how much better we feel. Whatever their reasons maybe, keep in your mind that it is YOUR life, YOUR body, and YOUR health. You do what feels good to YOU! Congrats on the loss! :) 
2015年11月28日 会员:: BulletProof3
My sister lost A LOT of weight with surgery and never ever looked the same.. we all think she actually looks sick. BUT we wouldn't tell her that b c we dont want to hurt her feelings.. Its hard for people to accept change when they themselves cant or wont change. This is for you, not them so dont even think 2x about it. You DO look GREAT and that all that should matter. I know, kinda selfish but we all have to learn to love ourselves a bit more in my book, or I know I do. Keep on doing what your doing... and dont pay any attention to what others think.. and 30lbs is a ALOT ... so GO YOU!!  
2015年11月28日 会员:: redgirl1974
Say this next time "Unless I'm sitting on your face, my weight is none of your concern." That always shuts people up. :) 
2015年11月28日 会员:: curlycherylann
Your just skinny and we don't like it! Jealousy....;) 
2015年11月28日 会员:: genedougherty
Conversation is hard when everyone is sitting at the table to eat a meal that last longer than 15 minutes. Last year I also was getting a bit touchy with how much did you lose or I got the jaw dropping look OMG I didn't recognize you. My nephew ran into his house and told him mom she had to come out and see me. Take it as it is. If they ask you do you plan on losing any more tell them you will be discussing that with your doctor on your next visit.  
2015年11月28日 会员:: deaby16
Thanks guys you made my day. It was just a little surprising like hey where is all this coming from. Just finished my workout and I'm going to continue to do me. Thanks for the greatly appreciated pep talks! 
2015年11月28日 会员:: Farrelle
It sounds like you are doing just fine - in my family, they all want to be fit and strong and knock off a few pounds - put they don't put in the work like we do! 
2015年11月28日 会员:: HCB
A pounds is a great deal to lose the fact that your weight loss was a topic of conversation should prove that I have been told by nutritionist that even 5% of one's body weight can significantly reduce heart attack and stroke forgive family including husband's For not being supportive enough but remember you're doing this for your personal health and wellbeing 
2015年11月28日 会员:: blkbear
30lbs is a big deal! Way to go!! Don't let other people derail your goals. Don't let their comments or criticism get in the way of your good decisions. :) 
2015年11月28日 会员:: lampish
Sorry you got negative feedback from family. Some folks just don't like change of any kind. I'm sure they love you and didn't realize how they were making you feel. Keep on keeping on! 
2015年11月28日 会员:: rhontique
They have to learn to let you be your own person. Why do family think they should be able to get away with stuff like this? It makes me mad! 
2015年11月28日 会员:: heidij123
And well done, by the way. You are doing great! 
2015年11月28日 会员:: heidij123




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